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Artists: how do you feel about comments?

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Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-31 11:36:49

Comments are weird for me, since before posting to NG i really didnt get any. So throughout my art journey i really just focused on internal goals and what i wanted to see from my art, not worrying about external validation or attention. Actually when i really started to get into art, it was because i wasnt getting validation or attention IRL so id just pop open a sketch book and start doodling.

Art is an escape for me and its like an island, and getting comments is like having tourists. Its great to have them and they can really brighten your day, but that island is gunna exist regardless of what people say or do while they're visiting. Its why when people start complaining loudly that they aren't getting attention and constantly comparing themselves to other people rubs me the wrong way. I know they cant help themselves if what motivates them is that external force but i think a balance is required for an artist to be successful.

Not that i would know lol, I def still feel stuck on my island alot of the time, and however much i like that island its certainly lonely out here sometimes... Im thinking of making my own art thread as a kind of "bridge" to my island but i have alot of confidence hang-ups that make me FEEL like im inconveniencing people just by asking for even a smidgen of attention, so when people comment on my art i get a little uncomfortable, but in a good way.

No fear. No pain.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-31 13:39:01

i really love to receive comments, one problem is that it's difficult to answer when i get a lot of them, and i end up leaving some unanswered, and then feel bad about it :D

i have some regular people who comment on my every post and i have such tremendous respect for them and am genuinely so grateful and happy that they love it all enough to comment every time (╥﹏╥)

I really like it if someone comments on my work, but this happens very rarely, 
since no one knows me and it is almost impossible to gain followers on social networks. 
That’s why I’m glad if someone comments, because it means that my art somehow attracted attention

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-03 12:15:29

Feeling great about comments. In fact, I need them.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-03 12:18:35

Well, since this thread got re-bumped to page 1 of the Art forum, I just have to say I think @Awd91 really hit the nail on the head with this:

Art is an escape for me and its like an island, and getting comments is like having tourists. Its great to have them and they can really brighten your day, but that island is gunna exist regardless of what people say or do while they're visiting.

That is such a good analogy whatever way you slice it, perfectly capturing the relationship between artist and audience while affirming that, at its core, art is something we do for ourselves.

And, since I'm keeping the thread on the first page by posting this, I might as well contribute to it in a more substantial way.

Honestly, things are very different now compared to how they were when I posted this topic. Back in October I was still the new kid in awe of everything Newgrounds provided, and like an overly-enthusiastic new student I made sure to leave a comment on everything I rated. And then... well, life happened. I really had to have a sit-down with myself and re-organize my priorities, which is why the time I spend on NG these days is a tiny fraction of the time I spent here in October. And these days, leaving comments can feel like a chore a lot of the times, if that makes sense. Writing something about someone's work involves zooming in on what left the biggest impression on you, describing it in an adequate way, sometimes being witty... It's much easier just leaving a rating. Doesn't mean I like the art I rate any less than the art I rate and comment - just that I'm often too tired to come up with something meaningful to say. Now I mostly reserve comments for stuff that really resonates with me on a personal level, or is funny/interesting enough to comment on.

That said, when it comes to receiving comments, I'd say I still value both kinds. The ones that are a single word of praise, and the ones where folks go into detail about what they liked and why they liked it. From my own example, I know the latter takes more time and effort to do, which is why I appreciate it even more when I see it.

Happy to see that people are still posting this thread, every time I get a notification I make sure to read the reply.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-03 13:36:45

I am a simple creature, I appreciate the hell out of getting comments bc that means that someone liked my art enough to take time out of their day to write a comment on it, but I'm not someone who needs them to keep going. I'll sit and smile like a dumbass when I get likes/favorites/retweets or whatever system any given site has. If someone likes my art enough to add it to their favorites or retweet it, that's a win for me. Comments are just the cherry on top.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-04 10:02:11

The handful of comments I've received always bring a rush of excitement, knowing I've made a connection, like you say, positive or negative, it feels good to be acknowledged.

I admittedly don't comment on many things, though I'd like to change that this year. I think a nice thing about the old internet was people would generally comment on anything they found interesting, so I'd like to do my part in bringing that tradition back.

I can't imagine it's too annoying if you've got something nice to say! I think everyone, especially smaller artists are always looking to be appreciated, seeing the same person pop up, barring they're not attention-seeking, I can imagine would be welcomed by most.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-04 10:35:17

I personally get really excited as this website is HUGE and someone looked at my art and said "I wanna express how i like it?" Radical! Awesome!

It feels nice. its a high.

Don't take me seriously :33

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-04 12:07:54

I like it when people comment on my art, it's nice. The best part of all this is that they say what I should improve for the next art.

A member of Thumbnail Crew!, you should help as well!

AKA fe3l1ngsk1lled and Skilled!

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-04 14:10:45

the dopamine hit is great for about 5 seconds

this signature belongs to an idiot who doesn’t even know how much of an idiot he is, i’m surprised he’s even capable of turning on a computer...what an absolute buffoon

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-04 14:34:27

I kinda' wish people would leave more reviews/comments on my stuff. Positive, negative, or inbetween, I'd appreciate the feedback and knowing Newgrounds isn't completely lonely.

[1] - [2]

At 10/13/23 09:45 AM, EpiqueCrimson wrote: I absolutely love when people comment on my stuff, for pretty much the same reasons you mentioned
The idea that someone cared enough about what i put out to take the time out of their day to post a reaction to it is awesome
I personally don't think i'd get annoyed if the same person kept commenting on my stuff, i think it would only be annoying if it got really spammy and something is posted on literally everything i do but commenting on lets say 3 pieces every now and then is no issue for me. I still really appreciate it!
I also don't think i would mind constructive feedback as long as it's fitting to what i put out (For example: If i put out a serious piece, ofcourse i appreciate feedback! But if i post something meme-y that obviously wasn't intended to be really good, i'd care less for feedback on it)

there are some sort of users, who comments almost every post on newgrounds ).


BBS Signature

I appreciate it, but I dont like it.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-04-08 15:54:45

At 10/13/23 08:41 AM, vlsrb wrote: Spending time on Newgrounds took me back to a thread I read a long time ago on another forum (I can't even remember which one), and I've been thinking about it for the past few days. The question was basically: "How do you feel about reviews and comments posted in response to your art?"

Part of the reason why I started thinking about this was my own attitude towards reviews and comments (i.e. in art threads on the forum). Personally, I love when people comment on my work and give some kind of feedback. It doesn't even have to be positive feedback - I just feel really content knowing that something I made compelled someone to react to it and write something, even if it's just a few words. Because I think this way, I tend to extend this approach to the comments and reviews I give to other people. If I see something I like, I make sure to write something about it and let the author know what I liked. Often I think about how pleased I feel when someone comments on my own work, and this motivates me to do the same for others, so they can have the same feeling.

This, however, implies that other creators feel the same way about comments/reviews as I do, which may not be the case. To give a specific example, it often happens that an artist I follow puts out a new piece which I comment on, then puts out another one a few days later which I also comment on. And, when I do this, sometimes I hear a little voice in my head saying "OK, that's enough, you don't need to comment on everything you like, people will get annoyed if they see your name pop up again and again in their notifications". There is a risk of coming across as irritating, overly enthusiastic, or even slightly stalker-y when repeatedly commenting on an artist's work, even if it comes from a genuine appreciation of it.

I would be very interested to hear how others feel about this. Do you enjoy receiving reviews and comments from other users telling you what they thought of your work? (Here I'm generally thinking of constructive feedback, reviews and comments that are negative for the sake of being negative are a whole other can of worms.) Do you find it annoying if the same person keeps commenting on every new piece you post? Do you have any other takes that I haven't mentioned above?

It's a good question. On one hand I love getting comments, even negative ones, I used them in 4chan as ammo for thread comics, on the other I often ponder way deeper than intended on my skills and talents (and lack thereof) I do get nice comments from friends but sometimes when I'm depressed over the quality of my art I sometimes flip off those close to me knowing they're just trying to cheer me up with false praises.

All the problems, make me wanna go, like a bad girl, straight to video, little darling, welcome to the show, I'M a failure played in stereo...

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