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Artists: how do you feel about comments?

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Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 02:27:19

At 10/14/23 07:07 PM, Skoops wrote: When it comes to artists commenting on other artists, I'm of the mind that praise can be given anywhere at any time, but critique needs to be conditional and contextual. Unsolicited feedback is the role of instructors, mentors and peers with whom you've given the go-ahead, either by attending their classes or just saying that feedback is something you welcome. I consider it overstepping a boundary to give critical feedback without meeting that criteria.

This is for a few reasons, but the main one is that art communities should be supportive first and foremost; unsolicited feedback can cause a lot of needless friction. Flaw-finding and constructive criticism are essential for growth, but not everyone is here to grow. Some just want to express something without trying to improve, and although I personally think that's a shame, it's not up to me and it's not my job to change their minds about that. If it's not something you opt-into, communities have a tendency to devolve into contests about who can roast the most hapless amateurs, new members get scared away, and the whole thing tends to die out.

With all that said, I don't expect non-artists to really understand how dismissive or unhelpful their feedback can be, so although it's annoying to get unhelpful negative feedback, I accept it as something that's just gonna happen, and I don't put much stock in it. They don't know any better, their comfort with throwing criticism around comes from a place of not knowing what kind of work goes into the things artists do. What rustles my jimmies a lot more than that is when other artists (who ought to know better) chime in with criticism before it's been welcomed.

A little side note about the flipside to that: if you DO request feedback, it's bad form to get prickly when you get what you asked for. If you're just looking for idle praise, be honest so people don't make the mistake of trying to help you.

This was a very well thought-out and detailed take, thank you for posting it. I didn't really think about it while creating this topic, but you make a good point about the difference between commentary and critique. Personally, I wouldn't mind getting a true critique "out of the blue". But, as your post made me realize, not everyone might feel the same way. Different strokes for different folks, which is why I think that the "opt-into" model as you put is a good rule of thumb to follow on this site, whether you wish to give or receive critiques.

(I also recognize that writing actual critique is something that takes time, and most artists don't want to dedicate that time giving you detailed unsolicited feedback just so you could improve when they have work of their own to be done - nor should you expect them too. This just makes another convincing case for the "opt-into" model.)

Also completely agree on your final point. When I ask people in my art thread to give me feedback on my stuff, I want to hear what they actually think about it, not get a congratulatory pat on the back. Making art is a very personal process and most of the time I'm living with it inside my head, so getting feedback gives me an outside perspective and shows me if my own opinions of my works allign with those of my peers. If they do - great, I can keep doing [thing] this way for now. If they don't, also great - back to the drawing board for me.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 02:56:19

At 10/13/23 08:41 AM, vlsrb wrote: Spending time on Newgrounds took me back to a thread I read a long time ago on another forum (I can't even remember which one), and I've been thinking about it for the past few days. The question was basically: "How do you feel about reviews and comments posted in response to your art?"

Part of the reason why I started thinking about this was my own attitude towards reviews and comments (i.e. in art threads on the forum). Personally, I love when people comment on my work and give some kind of feedback. It doesn't even have to be positive feedback - I just feel really content knowing that something I made compelled someone to react to it and write something, even if it's just a few words. Because I think this way, I tend to extend this approach to the comments and reviews I give to other people. If I see something I like, I make sure to write something about it and let the author know what I liked. Often I think about how pleased I feel when someone comments on my own work, and this motivates me to do the same for others, so they can have the same feeling.

This, however, implies that other creators feel the same way about comments/reviews as I do, which may not be the case. To give a specific example, it often happens that an artist I follow puts out a new piece which I comment on, then puts out another one a few days later which I also comment on. And, when I do this, sometimes I hear a little voice in my head saying "OK, that's enough, you don't need to comment on everything you like, people will get annoyed if they see your name pop up again and again in their notifications". There is a risk of coming across as irritating, overly enthusiastic, or even slightly stalker-y when repeatedly commenting on an artist's work, even if it comes from a genuine appreciation of it.

I would be very interested to hear how others feel about this. Do you enjoy receiving reviews and comments from other users telling you what they thought of your work? (Here I'm generally thinking of constructive feedback, reviews and comments that are negative for the sake of being negative are a whole other can of worms.) Do you find it annoying if the same person keeps commenting on every new piece you post? Do you have any other takes that I haven't mentioned above?


sylfia11 was here

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 05:41:06

As long as it's not just calling my creations shit without reasoning I like comments. When it's a good constructive comment on what I did good and what I could do better it's really nice.

Look at him spin

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 08:51:02

I like getting comments for pretty much the same reasons everyone else has already given. It's always neat when something you've done gets such an engagement.

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the centre of everywhere.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 09:05:34

i like when people like my art and comment how they like it or sending me some feedback to improve , personally i dont get bothered about coments, but some comment i receive wich was the bad one like "ur art sucks" or "is bad" i ignored it (i got my reasons)

1- ok, is bad, so, what i need to do to improve? -no response

2- you just randomly say that dont like my art but you cant say what's wrong in the drawing to improve? , get off

but it was in weird occasion, i dont receive that comment to often (like 1 or 2 comments like that per 6 months or 1 year)

still trying my best with art and being proud when people comment how they like my art and sometimes send me feedback

infrawash, the person lazy but is not lazy

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 10:53:00

i absolutely adore them. i gobble them up. i love getting feedback on my brain mush

art thread!! :D

art nerd who has nothing to talk about, other than art or extremely specific fandom stuff

BBS Signature

It feels good to be noticed for my creative works and to see what people think about it. I don't get tired of it.

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Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 17:31:51

i'm a fairly small artist so i don't get too many comments, but when i do i always super appreciate it because it makes me know that people have noticed my art

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 17:42:27

Feedback is important in general regardless of what it is, and nothing is more discouraging than silent indifference. So yeah, I really appreciate it when people take some time out of their day to voice their opinion on my stuff. I post things online to leave an impression and see people react to it after all, if I didn't care about this stuff then I would not be posting anything in the first place.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 17:56:00

Well, most people give me a great critique. Others just watch it without voting it or even commenting on my craft.

I basically give up on the expectation of getting anything good or bad in the comments.

Since little amount of people reallly noticed my work in the progression I have made.

But I embrace the lack of having any spotlight.

It gives me peace, and I have no sentiment of emergency in that.

Sometimes I just think it's better that way.


Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 19:46:27

There is a risk of coming across as irritating, overly enthusiastic, or even slightly stalker-y when repeatedly commenting on an artist's work, even if it comes from a genuine appreciation of it.

That's definitely true, and I've been on both sides of it at least once before. I think in any case, good intentions are a safe thing to bet on. Too often these days people feel more comfortable being malicious than friendly online, anonymous or not. If you have something nice to say, say it. You never know who needs to hear it.

I personally love comments. I like meeting people with similar interests, especially if they're also an artist. However, since I stopped doing commissions and started drawing for myself, most of the comments I receive are straight up negative. I've been told to stop drawing altogether multiple times now. I used to get excited to see comment notifications online, but these days not so much. I usually just keep to my small corner of art-buddies as a result. I've become hesitant to reach out and meet new people as a result. I'm not even sure if I sure post this, that's weird.

I actually have a goofy little meme board of the "best" comments I've gotten pinned on my Twitter. It keeps me going.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 20:57:22

I don't find recurring reviewers irritating at all, I've had some in the past and I thought it was really cool to see I had recurring fans.

I am the original GetterRocka

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 21:29:11

Uh i do not have any problem with same people commenting or chatting. Especially when the person is a fan of same thing as I am and we delve into chatting this and that.

I sometimes even post weekly comments on my blog. I like comments that make me laugh and are humorous, so i often copy and share them in the 'main social' of mine which is Tumblr (all rest are just sorry copies of that)

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 23:01:29

most of the time i open newgrounds is just to see if theres any new notification, i LOVE seeing the same guy (specially if its something related to what i do) commenting on my stuff

and about the stalker thing, yeah i get that, sometimes i think about that, its like uhhhhh ''man this guy got some cool art uhhh hey look at this one so cool lemme uhhhh comment on it, oh oh!! another yeah what if i comment on it too!!.. no no it may be weird ermmmm uhhhhhhhhhhh'' y'know?

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-15 23:20:45

To me, I see comments like finding water in the middle of a desert, I rarely get them on my stuff, and when I do it's a glory worth rejoicing over, even if it's something mean. Constructive criticism on the other hand is even more of a rarity, when I post a work in progress it usually gets drowned out by other people's stuff or whatever so for me it's like tweak and build as you go and hope the end result is good.

Musician with a computer older than Julius Caesar and humor drier than desert sand on a sunny day.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-16 02:39:02

At 10/15/23 07:46 PM, xnv69 wrote:
That's definitely true, and I've been on both sides of it at least once before. I think in any case, good intentions are a safe thing to bet on. Too often these days people feel more comfortable being malicious than friendly online, anonymous or not. If you have something nice to say, say it. You never know who needs to hear it.

I personally love comments. I like meeting people with similar interests, especially if they're also an artist. However, since I stopped doing commissions and started drawing for myself, most of the comments I receive are straight up negative. I've been told to stop drawing altogether multiple times now. I used to get excited to see comment notifications online, but these days not so much. I usually just keep to my small corner of art-buddies as a result. I've become hesitant to reach out and meet new people as a result. I'm not even sure if I sure post this, that's weird.

I actually have a goofy little meme board of the "best" comments I've gotten pinned on my Twitter. It keeps me going.

"If you have something nice to say, say it - you never know who needs to hear it" is a perfect distillation of the reasoning for commenting on other people's work I'd say. Some variation of that is what I always come back to when I'm reluctant to post feedback on someone's work.

Sorry to hear about your experience with comments lately. While it's true that any engagement is engagement, negative comments coming out of the blue are guaranteed to leave a bitter taste in your mouth - especially if there is no reasoning given as to why the user doesn't like your art. Having said that, I'm glad that you didn't let your insecurity get the best of you and decided to contribute to this thread.

And yeah, I always remember the good comments my work got on Tapas/Reddit/wherever. I don't keep them in one place, but sometimes when I need a pick-me-up I'll re-read them to remind myself that there are actual people who liked something I made.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-16 07:08:21

Any positive comment I get makes me giggle and kick my feet like a little child

Crazy? I was crazy once.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-16 07:52:50

I like positive comments. I prefer these.

Negative comments fuel my ego, though.

I don't really care for comments either way. If one person comments on my posts often, I really appreciate them because it tells me they're a fan. But if they're one-time commenters, it's just another comment.

I don't like critiques. But I'll consider them if they're related to how I can improve my colouring, assuming I asked for it.

Otherwise, it just seems kinda pointless because I'm just going to ignore it.

𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘

Art ThreadDiscord Server

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Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-16 13:11:05

You mean to tell me that someone took a little time of their day to give me feedback? Heck, I love comments!

I mostly love when people say WHY they liked my piece. I think the most thrill I feel on feedback is when someone says I'm an inspiration for them.

Overall, the work, effort and love put in a piece resulting in someone feeling compelled enough to say they liked it is kind of the circle that closes itself. It feels that I accomplished something.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-10-16 15:00:00

At 10/14/23 03:56 AM, chenjoy wrote:
At 10/13/23 04:15 PM, shadowfals wrote: When no one in a space gives me feedback, I feel that no one there likes my work.

I haven't received any comments or reviews on my art on Newgrounds, so I'm assuming this isn't the place to continue putting it. I've removed some pieces in the past year, but I also refrain from sharing much so I have less to remove later.

Too much from someone who does like what I publish would be better than silence.

Of course, I don't want to hear from people who only want to tell me they dislike what I make. That's a waste of time.
You arent scouted yet, so nobody sees your work. Unless you keep posting and being active, you wont be scouted and few people will see It, and seldom anyone will review. Keep going! :D

In my experience, being scouted (at least in the audio portal) doesn't make much of a difference.

They're like crack to me. The fact that somebody would take the time out of their day to not only look at my art but also comment on it is an instant dopamine hit. Can't get enough of em, definitely not annoying, especially if the commenter goes further than "cool art!" and actually says what they like about that specific piece. Even if the comment is critical, if it's constructive criticism I see it as an act of generosity on the commenter's part. Hell, even outright negative are better than none. Any attention is better than being ignored. (Hmm, I wonder what that says about me?) ;p

...That said, unless someone explicitly says they're asking for critique/want help troubleshooting a piece, I myself tend to avoid critiquing. Art can be a really personal thing, and being unprepared for someone to point out the flaws in what might be a vulnerable act of self expression can feel really bad.

Positive comments, though? I try to be generous with, for the same reason you do--I know how good it feels. I never say things which I don't believe, and if I don't like an artwork I won't give it any false praise. I like to think that the people commenting on my stuff also take a similarly truthful approach.

I think the only time a large number of comments could begin to grate me is if they were all extremely generic, stuff like "cool art!" which anybody could comment on anything. But only because in that case they could start to feel hollow after a while, like the commenter was doing it for attention rather than actually enjoying anything about my art. I'd take one in-depth comment over a dozen generic ones, you feel me? But it's not like I've ever had that problem lol. They're all still good--even the generic comments have a positive effect on me.

I say comment as much as you want. Generally speaking, I think artists all have at least a little bit of a thirst for attention and engagement, otherwise we wouldn't be posting this stuff in the first place ;)

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2023-11-27 18:57:31

I only really care about them when they are tips or advice on how to improve.

Check out my stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-28 14:33:47

At 10/14/23 05:37 PM, dogmuth-behedog wrote: Comments are a great part for the artist-fan connection, is very important i guess.
I like the comments of my works by Ovimaniac, Marc-ant and Bastian const.

Hey, thanks for the compliment!

OviVixen Master Demo (18+)

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-28 17:31:50

comments always make me happy. i constantly think about the comments i get, even the really simple ones, they genuinely just make my day :3!

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-29 00:42:29

At 3/28/24 02:33 PM, OviManic wrote:
At 10/14/23 05:37 PM, dogmuth-behedog wrote: Comments are a great part for the artist-fan connection, is very important i guess.
I like the comments of my works by Ovimaniac, Marc-ant and Bastian const.
Hey, thanks for the compliment!

Thanks for commenting my works. :D


The twofaced behemoth

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-29 05:40:37

I really don't value online comments all that much. I'd still make things even if there wasn't a comment section and I don't think it would impede me much if comments vanished overnight.

I understand the value of comments, but personally I don't need or value them very much.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-29 07:00:37

I love receiving comments ! Either memes, constructive criticism, or just people writing their thoughts about my art, it's always fun. I mostly look forward interacting with people who share similar interests as mine or meeting cool strangers online when I post here.

I don't think I would ever be annoyed by someone frequently commenting on my art. This is a way to build a community & to meet new friends. Plus it would remind me that people do see my stuff ( even though I'm not always proud of it, lol ).

However, I'm sort of neutral when it comes to negative comments wrote for the sake of shitting on my efforts. I mostly laugh at them & turn them into a joke, or just ignore them. I tend to avoid being online when I feel down, I'm mostly here for being meme-y & troll-y. I wouldn't want hate to affect my mood & to send all of my hatred to someone who is outside of it in the swing of anger ( it would be negative for both parties ).

Always remember to have fun online, everyone. You're here to avoid negativity & to spend a fun moment, so make sure to enjoy it & not to let negativity impact your mood.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-30 14:37:29

Oh yea i absolutely enjoy comments!

Just positive comments are quite nice and the bestest ones are the ones that go in-depth and give feedback/critique/advice on what ive made, absolutely starving for those.

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-30 14:44:47

I like comments! If you don't comment, how would I know what you think about my art?

Not working on Nightmare Cops.

Also last post.

BBS Signature

Response to Artists: how do you feel about comments? 2024-03-30 18:14:11

I absolutely love getting comments/replies on my art, it's a great feeling when you know that people are interested enough in your work to take the time to say something nice or otherwise engage with the post

I don't mind when someone consistently replies, it just means they really like my work. I don't think it's stalker-y at all