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What media do you think your art style gets inspiration from?

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For me the answer is a little weird because if I'm drawing fanart I try to make the art match more with the artstyle with the original media (most of the time). But for personal art I think my artstyle is if Soddiken and marvel comics had an incomprehensible horror baby.

Wbu guys?

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That's an interesting question, and I'm not entirely sure if I can answer it definitively.

I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, but even when drawing characters from whatever it was that I liked at the time (Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, X-Men etc.) I never really tried to copy the style of the media. I would just try to draw it to the best of my ability at the time.

There was a period around 2008 when I had just gotten into Naruto where I consciously tried to emulate the typical anime art style. This is when my original characters all got huge anime eyes and it did not look good. Since then I've been trying to make my art style more realistic, and it's a work in progress. And while I would definitely say some of it is indebted to manga in general (linework specifically), it very much feels like its own thing. When I posted a comic of mine on Reddit, someone commented that they couldn't really place my art style into any basket, since it doesn't neatly slot into any "school" of comic drawing. No idea if that's a good thing or a bad thing but there you go.

Thinking back, off in the distance, the future shone everywhere we looked

Underneath the beautiful blue sky

We were just a little bit afraid

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When I was in high school in the 90's I was heavily influenced by anime, as that was the edgy new thing at the time. Then when I went to animation college, I was taught using Disney Renaissance films as a foundation. As a result, my drawing style evolved into a disney/anime hybrid.

Hmmm~ if I were to state what my biggest influences are they would be: Mischief Makers, Jojo, older High Fantasy both Western and Eastern, Braves Series, 80's and 90's cartoons.

Mostly things I grew up with I suppose.

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My artstyle is a lot like my personality - an amalgamation, and mimic, of everything around me. I'm able to replicate a lot of artstyles super well so a lot of the time, my style is just... being a chameleon!

But when I'm just doing my own thing, I'd say my style is a mix of the following: Eddsworld, Adventure Time, Classic NG, Homestuck, Classic Archie Sonic comics (issues 160 - 247), classic 1920s - 30s disney cartoons, danganronpa, maaybe a little bit of invader zim, and most recently, Lonely Man's Lazarus.

But at the end of the day, creating something new IS stealing a bunch of other people's ideas you love, remixing them, and smashing them together. And guess what? It works!

Flash media and South Park for sure.

Cartoons, anime and Sonic Adventure renders have been an inspiration. I usually just draw my style without any kind of guides but for posing I use anime and SA renders as a reference of some kind.

Look at him spin

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At 10/3/23 07:51 AM, LocalLemon wrote: For me the answer is a little weird because if I'm drawing fanart I try to make the art match more with the artstyle with the original media (most of the time). But for personal art I think my artstyle is if Soddiken and marvel comics had an incomprehensible horror baby.
Wbu guys?

I think for me it's a mix of various things. Definitely a sprinkle of Steven Universe in there, but I see more Adventure Time in it since those were shows I had growing up. Over the last year Tatsuki Fujimotos style has rained down into my art mostly, but I'm not complaining

League of legends. I play this game so why not

I binged the marvelous misaventures of flapjack on hulu a few hundred years ago and i decided "wow that looks cool i want to do that"

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I think when it comes to mind, It will probably be Animal Crossing. I found some of the designs so uniquely cute that made me wanna get more into drawing. And when it comes to the interpretation of my art style, I thought make it cool, that's probably because of Sonic. So I blended the cool/cute, and that make it like Animal Crossing but cool. I think my recent drawing could be very close to my vision.

My art style seems to be a mix of PlayFullySilly and Friday Night Funkin'

Not working on Nightmare Cops.

Also last post.

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Definitely anime and other artists, but I also take a lot of inspiration from different media like fashion, music, or movies.

90s and early 00s comics & cartoons. Grungy Dark Horse comics and MTV cartoons with minimal or binary shading.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

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I take inspiration from a variety of things that include:

2000s vector art, 60s psychedelic aesthetic and 90s video game box art. I try to combine all these different styles from different eras into my art.

Wacky characters and groovy patterns

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I'm pretty sure my artstyle comes from a great mix of artists/animators on the internet, who they themselves got their inspiration from animated shows/anime/etc.

So I guess my answer is gestures wildly everything.

Well, honestly i have 0 idea how would i descrive it. In my earty drawing years i tried so badly to have Yuji Uekawa artsyle. But i think at this point it's his own thing, like a mix of his artstyle, Naoto Oshima, official Mario 2D art and other ones lmao-


Cool, wild and Groovy beat.

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So far, it's just a mishmash of satisfying things I have learned to draw since childhood, which is presumably why my characters change and look different every time I draw them, their designs aren't chosen, and my choice of style for my art improves, but is realistically directionless, and doesn't mesh well...

I do enjoy the art style of Rayman 3, Spore Hero, ps2 era games like Ratchet and Psychonauts, and various ways Disney (including inspired) characters are drawn.

And I have been gradually trying to adapt better be like a fusion of all of the above.

-Zany and gross, but fairytale like character design (think of a dragon that's somewhat uncanny, but goofy looking)

-Paint like shading and lighting

-Simple builds, with minor details like varied bodies, arms and what not (not simple shapes)

-Spirals in places like joints, knees elbows ect, and orifices, belly button, nostrils, and including in objects and character's color scheme.

If I had as much motivation as most artists do, I could easily show you this vision.

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

BBS Signature

A lot of 90s cartoon inspiration for sure. Helps that I grew up during then.

sailor moon + beavis and butthead

At 10/3/23 07:51 AM, LocalLemon wrote: For me the answer is a little weird because if I'm drawing fanart I try to make the art match more with the artstyle with the original media (most of the time). But for personal art I think my artstyle is if Soddiken and marvel comics had an incomprehensible horror baby.
Wbu guys?

Ig if you want an answer my style is basically Bacun, but only if he stepped out of his "cute anime girl" box


I usually try to mimic the source material in fanart. (Or interpret it in a cartoony style.)

With original art it's a combination of Pokémon and various cartoons. Also depends what type of feeling/look I'm going for.

In terms of the human characters, it's a mixture of so many sources, it's really hard to track down what piece of media influenced what aspect of my art style.

However, for furry characters, it's mostly movies like Once Upon a Forest, All Dogs Go to Heaven et al.:


Indie online artists too, such as:



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I don't really have an art "style" yet, but if I were to ever develop one I would want it to resemble the styles of Bryan Lee O'Malley (Scott Pilgrim) and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

I would go outside and touch grass, but unfortunately there's an obstacle known as

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At 10/3/23 07:51 AM, GhostedGary wrote: For me the answer is a little weird because if I'm drawing fanart I try to make the art match more with the artstyle with the original media (most of the time). But for personal art I think my artstyle is if Soddiken and marvel comics had an incomprehensible horror baby.
Wbu guys?

For my new Canon art a mix between Panty and Stocking or Astro Boy. I just really love the kind of style where the limbs get larger downwards almost like a doll

well this one's easy. my art style is mostly inspired by the art styles of Ruby Gloom, Emily The Strange, Invader Zim and Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, and Tim Burton's animated movies. in general its very inspired by 2000's goth art styles. the type of stuff emo kids would post on deviantart back when that subculture was at its peak :3

Oooh I’ve actually thought about and discussed this topic a few times in the past!  I’ve already got a pretty good idea of my answer.  :D

So, I think it started with old cartoons like Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, and Disney when I was a kid and I first started taking art more seriously.  I drew a lot of anthropomorphic cats in that classic cartoon art style (I didn’t even know what a furry was, I was just drawing what I was inspired by on TV, lol).

Then, a little while later, I started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and quickly fell in love with it, and I think that’s actually where most of my art style influence came from, because drawing those ponies taught me a lot about how to draw “feral” animal bodies, and caused me to start drawing big eyes and small noses/mouths, and a lot of that still shows in my art today.

Then I found the furry fandom, and started trying to copy aspects of the art styles I saw within it that inspired me most.  The biggest examples most likely being teranen, comfortpuppy, and ufohouse, and probably aspects from random sources within the fandom.

So, in conclusion, I think all of this shows as my art being a mishmash of old cartoons, My Little Pony, and popular furry art styles.  I’d say I’m also partially influenced by Littlest Pet Shop, Animal Crossing, and anime, but probably less so?  Generally, when I asked family and friends in the past what my art style reminds them of, the most common answer was “My Little Pony”.

Of course, this is all just a theory and I don’t know for sure, but if anyone were to have a second opinion, I’d really love to hear it because this topic has fascinated me for a long time.  :]

Fuck the cynicism, let the colors fly!

Don’t care you think it’s cringe, because it’s not your life!

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At 2/10/24 04:38 PM, maniczombiedreamgirl wrote: well this one's easy. my art style is mostly inspired by the art styles of Ruby Gloom, Emily The Strange, Invader Zim and Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, and Tim Burton's animated movies. in general its very inspired by 2000's goth art styles. the type of stuff emo kids would post on deviantart back when that subculture was at its peak :3

Oh my gosh I love both your art and your inspirations!!! So cool. ;; <3

Fuck the cynicism, let the colors fly!

Don’t care you think it’s cringe, because it’s not your life!

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For me it's starting to turn into a weird mix of old cartoons, fnf, and anime. I don't really watch anime but whenever I do see it the quality of the art sometimes blows me away and I guess my brain is taking notes

One artist I will not speak of and AfroNinja360

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