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NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round

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Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 13:45:11


Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 18:54:09


BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 20:43:31

At 8/15/23 03:00 AM, xetto wrote:
i got put in the "professional amateurs" group, which makes sense, because i had 38 fans earlier, but now i have 39. does this mean that in the next round, i'll be judged in the "above average joes" group, or will i stay where i am?

You'll stay where you are. Otherwise, the group totals would get very uneven after a while. Also, constantly keeping track of all 200+ competitors' fan totals is a little more administrative work than I signed up for. :)

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

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Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 20:44:46

Had fun with this one! good ole 5/4... dont know why im saying that ive never written in 5/4 before... but i have now! Hope yall like it!

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 21:22:30

I did NOT expect to make it in. Ah well, I’m not getting past KO Round, ggs

you guys like my tunes?

BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 22:22:15

What’s a Knock-out Round?
The next stage of this 3-stage competition! Half of the original competitors from each group were accepted into the Knock-out Round, rounded up according to group membership and then rounded up again if there were ties. The new group membership totals may be unequal as a result of ties, rounding, and disqualifications.

i faced some timing issues with vacation, so i had to rush this out in 3 days. nevertheless, those were a brutal 3 days, and I hope you all enjoy

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-15 23:32:51

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 01:08:39

i expected this but it still sad :(

I thought I wouldn't be able to make something but I did it anyways.. 😂 I'm not that happy with the outcome, I just forced myself into making one 😂

I'm not sure if I will pass this round but here it is..

Hope you guys like it 🙂

Odyssey of Echoes - MissFluent

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 14:17:19

I made sure my submission wasnt too quiet this time (Looking at you, logic) o:

BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 18:13:07

At 8/16/23 02:17 PM, Interloping wrote: I made sure my submission wasnt too quiet this time (Looking at you, logic) o:

Hahahaha i feel you there! Some things I suggest that have helped me as ive had this exact issue-

  1. Adaptive Limiter: apply this to the master track, choose preset “soft limiter,” that should help
  2. Make sure your mix never goes above 0 dBs. If it does, it will peak
  3. When you export, do NOT normalize the track. That is what typically makes it quiet. Im not quite sure why that is? But that’s what does it.

Hope this helps with that in the future!

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 18:29:09



this took about 4-5 hours to make. I had a ton of fun making this track, and i think i even learned a few things during production :o

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 18:35:56

At 8/16/23 06:13 PM, Fox4567 wrote:
At 8/16/23 02:17 PM, Interloping wrote: I made sure my submission wasnt too quiet this time (Looking at you, logic) o:
Hahahaha i feel you there! Some things I suggest that have helped me as ive had this exact issue-

Hope this helps with that in the future!

BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 18:36:58

Thank you for the input, I'm really new to FL studio so any mixing tips I can get, I'll gladly take. I'm glad to see this community is willing to help out the new guys like myself 😀

BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 18:53:46

At 8/16/23 06:36 PM, Interloping wrote: Thank you for the input, I'm really new to FL studio so any mixing tips I can get, I'll gladly take. I'm glad to see this community is willing to help out the new guys like myself 😀

Oh, i thought you said you used logic 😭

yeah, my tips generally apply to logic pro mixing but I hope they still help !!

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 20:20:20

Here is my submission for the next round

A song about a boy who falls in love with the sun.

Later on in life he becomes an astronaut and flies a rocket straight into it, killing himself immediately.

Enjoy :)

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 21:18:59

At 8/16/23 06:49 PM, NotThePoppyArizona wrote:
https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1232289 Alright then. Here is the next submission

Actually, you're expected to make a brand new track from scratch for this round of the competition. You couldn't have started working on it before August 13, as per the rules. Thanks!

Also, @Fox4567 Haha I think @Interloping was referring to me when he said "looking at you, logic," not the DAW. I commented on the loudness of his mix in my review this past round. :)

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature

gave it my all

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 22:09:12

At 8/16/23 09:18 PM, TaintedLogic wrote:
At 8/16/23 06:49 PM, NotThePoppyArizona wrote:
https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1232289 Alright then. Here is the next submission
Actually, you're expected to make a brand new track from scratch for this round of the competition. You couldn't have started working on it before August 13, as per the rules. Thanks!

Also, @Fox4567 Haha I think @Interloping was referring to me when he said "looking at you, logic," not the DAW. I commented on the loudness of his mix in my review this past round. :)

Oh thats really funny! Im sorry, ive just been ON logic pro for the past like 2 days working on MY submission and i thought i may be able to help him!! 😭😭😭

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-16 22:52:53

OK, I'm still here :) I'M TIRED

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 05:37:43

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 08:17:34

tysm for having me for this round!

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 12:14:14

aw fuck aw gee okay

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 12:35:57

Here's my submission:

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 14:30:30

Haha I think @Interloping was referring to me when he said "looking at you, logic," not the DAW. I commented on the loudness of his mix in my review this past round. :)


BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 15:01:40

At 8/13/23 12:05 PM, TaintedLogic wrote: For absolute clarity, the following users are moving on to the Knock-out Round. Congratulations and good luck, everyone!

@MetaHumanBoi @WakerLink @Venomite @RocketStart @DustyOfficial @Manvineo @EldritchAutopsy @ArtCowles @ALGOfficial @entropicvoxels @retrize @Vanhelyx @Aterr @JobrekthoMusic @Staintocton @Xehao @TheUnnamedPlayer @DarkGod666 @Ramn0 @GrowlbittzOfficial @ChrisisD @TheSpacePunk @Fox4567 @TheNewAge @OrangeKeyboard @Arevin @SomeGuyMusic @Mockany @TsukiStuffs @IvySnyder @rat9352 @Kiiri @TheGoldenProof @PaddyDavis @PRGX @icantpronouncethis @GlowBoyMusic @AvapXia @Ivki @gamerjaym @xxxZigZagxxx @Qvarcos @Kassich @iSrg33 @CompXsco @recme @FuzionTech @drdrwal @Dim-J @VIVID91 @BAOWZ-Tobass @CommanderFrost @MiniMusicPieces @314leafcutterant @Artackni @LexyFire @Cavernsparten @OkaThanSongs @tarutrit @Interloping @Kimasura @cyaneko @N0B4nn @Geekum @FUZZYFREAK @BarbierDoesMusic @Deathincan @amishpimp @CheesyChan @TheGrassGuy @Zeddius @wheremakingthishapen @DJSupaMonkey @bow1255 @MusicSashik @Ellietonin @1Hanzo @ELDIOS2333 @TentoTheC @AndrewCr @SoFtBOILeD @mushi11 @Tsunami990 @X2scepten @Geewd @Qwerzer @bottledf0x @djadj50 @Sirbru @CelestialChaos @music69012 @Nisker121 @MarkRuff21 @HellbentCreations @LHPixel8 @Rici-Ellipsis @DIXLOX @emersonkid @DonDonPan @DeforkliftRoachNef @dekiruGD @SaturneKx @NotThePoppyArizona @BigBlueBazooka @Jekoer @JuanPlaza @Omson @Walpang @FourTHat3 @Ackee39 @Introverse @Mauxus @RyuiY @Embyeee @ax1tl @cotnp @Cresince @JustTop @MRLinkins49 @cadecomposer @traftay @chatteyy @debashir @JoeStasi @Monumia @NativeNiles @Rilo15 @TheTrester @Enysmo @GDRyuHayabusa1988 @MsFluent @OneBigParadox @SlyFrost @Crysstal712 @Ukatz @blankfacedj @BottomKek @Dag0 @DWAAAN @Farmobus @Lassiel @SPIRALi @xkatttt @GeminiGemini @JA4Y @QWAZDYN @SirSandman0 @3manonMusic @TimeTravelleR54 @Aweror @D4W1LL13 @JarJarZoinks @Paint2Acetone @Ultimatepalmtree3 @xetto @Dawphin @DenPelm @ColBreakz @TeffyD @Veryfakeguest @paradiddlesjosh + @pixelseph @ZaneLittle @Mischa-head @Casper @Cattyx @CloudNinja @MaxRena @Bassclefff @GalaxyTones @Qshunt @Everratic @Inunoshiri @LordAndiso @LeruoME @MassiveMarioLuigi700 @KayozKun @Morpherence @Ritz190 @IVELISCHPFULI @TenodiBoris @Precipitation24 @RealGares @FJOB @PsiStarOfficial @ClitBait @SUNSCREECH @X-ManOfficial @X3LL3N @CDJeremy @TheVodouQueen @iWTBAT @Aster @FarFromSundown @Synncloud @underscore8298 @AkioDaku @DJSpyroof @littlbox @Nerostratos @Rougetoad49 @CommanderJersey @Hairmilked @TuneDown @Yoshiii343

https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1238808 Here's my entry. Good luck to everyone!

A wise man once said, "Look for the gummy bear album in stores on November 13th."

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-17 15:28:45

https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1238389 I still have a lot of time to polish it but this is basically it XD

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-18 05:22:38

At 8/13/23 12:05 PM, TaintedLogic wrote: For absolute clarity, the following users were not accepted into the Knock-out Round. Better luck next time, everyone!
@death2go @Svenzo @Desmae @Pheanir @MangleDarkGames @WildTheory @SoulSecure @Casporb @gdfoxy0021 @Eptheus @Jotrocken @Viraxor @Mikaiah @Biakuu @DelitescentAria @Flamadour @RetroCarrot @ScottJacob @RedMurder7 @CaliberKat @LerzyThings @MorphingThruTime @Basiator @Quippic8 @MusicianNrd @GDjkhp @Aistis @BigTWONeli @Positron832 @GlaceonDash @LtFS @50Steaks @FLAVOUR-STAR @FOUNDDEADINLA @Chris-marcell @Veenomn @arbelamram @DistortedVortex @Asserter @Skymine123official @EarlyAccess @lokimiah1 @SanswichNG @Iog-in @flashmakeit @CALDM2001 @carbonlad @JAM-POWER @YingYong215 @Snoot-Doot @MyrtleMist @toad-shroom @PixxlMan @VoltranixMusic @Jokyles @insertNameHere0 @RevenantMusic @BroHighVlady @Dzeevn @GrenRachMusic @DJKolbasa @florianscreek @nk87 @SkullyHop @AstralJam @SpecialGuacs @dogsinmrimachines @orelbeatzrealone @I0-00I @7a9s7 @jeffbeard @WolFoxBeats @KEZOR @EDRZ @theDominus @MusicBySpektral @deepfriedfiend @Colin8tor @VanillaSnope @DARKMAJIK @NightPredator @WoogLord @GMDTurbo @Exdrumi @Quinnfinity9 @C-Lehman @Octusic @JustSomeBread @OANSHY @DJ-Minix @1Tap @EasyProjekt @GwennyLOL @NewGameExplorers @MacaroniAndGames @Peshay @Jok3004 @HumanCenterpiece @AdmiralEnsin @LpixXxel @Scrubyboat @Goose721 @Magicnumber69420 @McSpeedster2000 @AlphezGD @ForTheLeft @KarlYeah23 @SkyDeezs @xanxoepico @BonfireRMX @DJWITHERHEADgd @Partialism @verjamon @VictorLincolnPine @Aardvark04 @BlighterProductions @d514 @JanetKWallace @NnolokK @xxUltimaWeapon @BrandonTurner @Dadlur @jebuscrust9 @Michamadman @Nerospace @shikoshib @vater-roboter @ZRKA @ButterBees @Dennydo1 @SlimeyDev @KaijuMusic @NolamiAmada @CielOuvert @YgemKaaYT @Bansheebutt @DaxCamdaxian @FirechompGD @HG-HL @SpaceTrekMusic @DJDUBMUSIC @AshuraTheHedgehog242 @BALDORF @TRIACE-Unity @AnnieHer @AthosBR64 @BOSEBY @geonb @AVKid4 @cookie-group @ThePhoenix25 @KrachKrachh @Mesage @Clbuuu @EverythingYouWish @Stargame @8bitJackie @EVLanche @SpeedoRH @Lucasberry @Vertlain @SroSocial @Synfang @TebyTheCat @vidu3k333 @DiosselMusic @FahadLami-NG @g2961 @CorruptModule @ChordsInMotion @Theepicosity @ImSoAlive @EdKempeper @Kysertron @JPiXeLAnimations @Midbooze @TrandafirTeodora @StarDustJarr @gatekid3 @Noobliss120 @Psilenth @SodaMindReader @JizzyJazz @MettaSeven @CIEIRMusic @X-500 @cyan11 @BusanBlack @Winkwing @BBaNK @xxcatgore @Aalasteir @ZeroDigitZ @Mabelma @NikoN1nja @BeepBoxClock + @Anonymous-Frog @SkittleWaffle @ShortCakeCafe @GabeMalk @elweyquecomenta @Diamondmanpixel76

BBS Signature

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-18 05:25:32

Good luck everyone!

Response to NGUAC 2023 Knockout Round 2023-08-18 13:36:42

Here it is!