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Favorite FL Studio plugins?

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Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 02:35:35

This question has undoubtedly been asked before, but I just need to know. I’ve been experimenting with FL Studio for a while without any decent songs coming out of it yet.

That said, what plug-in do you musicians like the most in FL Studio?

For me personally, there are a few contenders. It always used to be GMS (Groove Modulation Synth), but after getting familiar with Harmor, I just grew to love that one the most. The sounds from that plug-in are just so fucking sick. With a good headset, it’s like dipping your head in a lukewarm, cushiony fluid that fills your fucking ears and surrounds you with a warm and immersive feeling, and I just fucking love the sound of it. I even made some of my own personal custom presets with it, and honestly, even though I was firstly overwhelmed by all the buttons and knobs and graph editors, if you get used to everything, it is easily the greatest native plug-in FL Studio has to offer.

Due to its incredible audio, it warrants using high sampling rates. Definitely gonna stick around with this fucking thing. Honorable mentions go to its smaller brother Harmless, Toxic Biohazard, GMS, Sytrus, and Sakura. Some incredible sounds are to be found all over those plugins.

Props to whoever made them. 👌🏻

My favorite FL Studio plugins are some effect plugins like Fruity Reeverb, Delay 2 and Vocodex but I also like 3xOsc because of its simplicity and its function to create basic wave forms such as sine waves, square waves and noise.

Another cool plugin is Slicex because it has many useful functions for chopping up drumkits and loops but there are other plugins like FL Keys, DX10 and Poizone which also have a nice sound in my opinion. Moreover I'd say the Peak Controller is really useful for Sidechaining and I like the distortion effect of Fruity Fast Dist.

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 05:37:38

I use Sampler, 3xOsc and Slicex in pretty much every project. As for FX, I can't live without Fruity Parametric EQ2.

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 05:50:03

The only FL plugin I use anymore is Edison. Everything else I use are all by different vendors.

My projects are so resource-heavy (as it multiple-hundreds of plugin instances, 120GB+ RAM use, maxxed out CPU-usage etc.), that it starts to actively break functions in FL to the point that certain things like the regular exporter and even the ability to use my MIDI keyboard outright breaks (but at least I can still run the projects, unlike when I've experimented with similar-sized chains in Cubase, REAPER and Bitwig and get hard-crashes instantly). Edison is a life-saver, as I can just put it straight at the end of the Master-Channel chain, and record the entire project from start-to-finish into WAV format to save straight away from live playback.

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Response to CzySzy:

I couldn’t agree more on Parametric EQ 2. Only downside is that you can’t adjust bands below 20 Hz and 20 kHz. I use a sample rate of 96 kHz in FL Studio, so there is a limitation to what tones you’re able to monitor.

I understand that mastering above the human hearing threshold is pointless, but as the control freak that I am, I just need to make sure that no excess tones would leak out and cause aliasing in the overall end result.

But further on, it is by far the most beautifully designed graphical equalizer plug-in in FL Studio. I really love the use of a spectrograph to monitor the tones individually with groundbreaking accuracy. It’s still the only EQ plug-in I use despite the aforementioned issue.

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 09:22:21

I totally forgot about Edison. It's an integral part of my workflow. I record all of my vocals and guitars via Edison.

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 12:26:58

Harmor and Patcher

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 12:42:01

frequency splitter for gangster processing chains

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-22 18:18:19

definitely gotta say Sytrus & 3xOsc is a GOATed Builtin Instrument and i have my reason on those 2 but i also love Maximus & Parametric EQ 2

Sytrus is as powerful if not much more powerful then Harmor is even without the graph editior, if you want heavy fm synthesis then Sytrus is perfect for it as it uses 6 Oscilliators in total that you can mess with all of them not only that being it is a hybrid synth it also has Ampiltude and Ring Modulation but i think messing around with the mix of all of the oscilliators making these weird sound is what makes Sytrus truly shine not to say Harmor isn't as Good but i feel like with Sytrus you can do alot more (if your lazy the amount of presets also makes up obviously not all sound great but the amount of presets that are included outshines harmor)

3xOsc is more on the Simplistic Side but with knowing how to use the effects you can make some crazy stuff with it, i mostly use it to make a mean sine sub bass.

then there is Maximus which i can say this now is the big brother of Fruity Limiter but not crap all thanks to it having those 3 bands that you can control to your liking, Maximus can be daunting to look at but unlike OTT (a really poplaur multiband compressor vst) you can use it on your master chain to give it that oomph and like i said before it's like Fruity Limiter but with the addition of a multiband compressor

Finally Parametric EQ 2 is pretty self explainatory, someone already mentioned about it so look back to there reasoning about it

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Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-23 02:46:38

Flex. In a pinch, it has some great sounds that can be mixed and multiband compressed to bring out the best in them.

Parametric EQ 2 — indispensable.

Fruity Multiband Compressor — for similar reasons to Parametric EQ 2.

Fruity Reeverb 2 — Two instances of it on low %, and it makes some magic happen.

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-23 04:44:19

Gross Beat, FL KEYS, AUTOGUN basically any instrument or plugin go wild with it.

Like LD-W. I barely use any of the stock

plugins. But the few that I do are:

SliceX: Quick and dirty. But if I plan to reuse a lot, I'll build a Kontakt instrument.

Fruity Filter: Use it all the time to control synth high cut.

Effector: good at mangling to make things feel more...synthetic.

Balance: Pan, vol, easy gain staging.

Flex: some awesome sounds in there, great that it deals with midi files too, I don't really like the rest of the synths.

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-25 05:10:33

Response to Liftek:

I'm personally not a big fan of DX10, because most of it's sounds are monophonic, and need a plugin in the mixer (like Chorus, Flanger, or Stereo Enhancer) to sound better. Personally, I'm not a big fan of having to force too much chorus on a monophonic audio track, especially as I'm aiming to get a wider sound on the music I'm making in FL Studio.

3xOsc is great for creating sub-bass with the sine waves, especially if you slightly detune them a bit to create a stereo effect.

PoiZone has a lot of cool classic synths, though I tend to aim for the more clean sounding plugins, such as, indeed, Harmor, Sytrus, and Sakura, the latter has an especially sick library of really ominous droning sounds like this one.

Further on, Reverb 2, Parametric EQ 2, Vocodex, Slicer/SliceX, Stereo Enhancer are all worth a mention.

I'm personally not a big fan of DX10, because most of it's sounds are monophonic, and need a plugin in the mixer (like Chorus, Flanger, or Stereo Enhancer) to sound better. Personally, I'm not a big fan of having to force too much chorus on a monophonic audio track, especially as I'm aiming to get a wider sound on the music I'm making in FL Studio.

Monophonic sounds aren't bothering me, I even love to play around with a combination of chorus and reverb on monophonic sounds, what I'm estimating are plugins which don't require large amounts of power consumption.

3xOsc is great for creating sub-bass with the sine waves, especially if you slightly detune them a bit to create a stereo effect.

Yeah, this is the main purpose for me as well.

PoiZone has a lot of cool classic synths, though I tend to aim for the more clean sounding plugins, such as, indeed, Harmor, Sytrus, and Sakura, the latter has an especially sick library of really ominous droning sounds like this one.

I'm not sure what you mean with a more clean sound, for me it comes up with a very pleasant sound but it's probably a matter of taste, the only reason I'm not using it in every project is because in my eyes there is limited scope for the enhancement of unique synths.

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-25 18:05:47


in all seriousness, para eq 2 and newtone.

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-06-30 22:01:39

Gotta be the fruity parametric eq2 and soft clipper.

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They were* the venerable Wasp and Simsynth. Ahhhh simsynth your cheesiness will never be forgotten. <3

I was quite fond of lovephilter too.


*i've long abandonned Fruityloops since.


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Flex and Sytrus my belovèd 🥺

But seriously, these two, Fruity Parametric EQ, two instances of Fruity Reeverb 2 (one on send and one on mixer track at lower %), Fruity Multiband Compressor, and Maximus are my absolute go-tos. I've made entire pieces with this exact set of plugins that I've been very proud of.

EDIT: Realised I'd already posted here once but the above still applies ^

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-07-04 16:20:01

Blood Overdrive, for some reason has the perfect distortion tone I look for in synth basses, drums basically anything i'll just pop that sucker on >:)

in a beautiful place out in the country...

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Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-07-04 21:32:45

Used to be Gross Beat back in the time when I used FL :D

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-07-09 13:50:58

Soundgoodizer's cool, and of course Parametric EQ 2. I also like Gross Beat, in one of my songs I used it to chop up an amen break sample. Personally I don't really use the generators - they're not great for dubstep.

Casporb - Dubstep delivered to your door!

im just tryin 2 get clue how 2 post song in threads

ok, how do i delete it now?

BBS Signature

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-07-11 11:21:19

Back when I used FL Studio as my primary DAW (I still use it from time to time because, well, I paid for it and I still like the piano roll in case I have a particular idea in mind, so there's no need to stop using it entirely), I loved using Fruity Luv Philter, SliceX, Gross Beat, and Vocodex. Today I continue to use Newtone for editing vocals and Maximus when I do my mastering!

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-07-12 01:38:25

I think I can also add Soundgoodizer (the right chosen preset can make your song sound a lot more impactful), SliceX (cutting up samples BT style is just awesome, admit it), Gross Beat (for the gating effect and scratching), Spectroman (useful for monitoring frequencies), Edison (this one’s pretty self-explanatory), and Video Player (great for scoring) to the list of favorites.

Response to Favorite FL Studio plugins? 2023-07-14 02:29:28

apparently xtrullor uses harmor to make his basses

I already had my suspicions. It sounded so familiar. I mainly like using the Noise resonance preset, because it adds these really beautiful dreamy water trickling effects (depending on how far you turned the “resonance width” knob).

I currently have a new track in the making that I use it in.