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Thoughts? (Voice acting sample)

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It took me about 2 hours of prodding various programs to record my first voice sample. Looking for input, any thoughts?

Antigonus Voice Sample

Read more madness!Vicero, the mad writer

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At 9/12/22 08:54 PM, hopeless87 wrote: It took me about 2 hours of prodding various programs to record my first voice sample. Looking for input, any thoughts?

Antigonus Voice Sample

Hey man, good of you to share some stuff to get feedback on, and I'll happily oblige.

But before having listened to a single word you say, the first problem is immediately obvious:


The volume of your recording is way, way too low. I have to really crank up the volume to hear you. And if that in itself is not bad enough: the lower you record at, the higher your "signal-to-noise" ratio is, so by cranking it up I'm also listening to a lot of noise you don't want to have in your recording.

When recording, increase your input gain until the meter sits comfortably in the yellow with each syllable (This gets more complicated when you want to whisper and scream in the same recording session too, but let's keep things simple for now). Run a couple of test lines to see it doesn't clip, and if not, you're good to go. After recording, you can boost the volume a little further using various ways, but key is getting the input right - in audio recording 'garbage in = garbage out' generally holds true.

Next, from a technical perspective: at this volume it's hard to really judge the quality of your mic, but it sounds decent enough at least. The quality of your room though is something you'll want to look at too: you can clearly hear your voice's reflections from the walls around you in your recording, and that's something you want to minimize. There's a lot of ways to help here: move into a walk-in closet, preferably one with lots of clothes in it to dampen reflections, drape a blanket over your head and the mic, treat the walls, etc. Some very low cost approaches can yield incredible results in this respect.

From an acting point of view: you're talking pretty fast, but your inflection is good and your pronunciation clear, and it fits the lines you selected to work with. No reason why you wouldn't be able to land some very good roles further down the line.

Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, lemme know.

Response to Thoughts? (Voice acting sample) 2022-09-13 10:39:39

At 9/13/22 12:48 AM, LuckyDee wrote:
At 9/12/22 08:54 PM, hopeless87 wrote: It took me about 2 hours of prodding various programs to record my first voice sample. Looking for input, any thoughts?

Antigonus Voice Sample
Hey man, good of you to share some stuff to get feedback on, and I'll happily oblige.

Awesome, thanks for the feedback! I have no production experience at all so it's no surprise I need to figure things out technically and hearing about what comes through on your end will really help with that.

I'm looking forward to putting my voice to work for me. I'm having a difficult time imagining the kinds of characters I would voice because to me it seems urban and mature but also lacks a particular accent and has an awkward youth to it. I'm looking forward to putting my voice to work for me but I'm still not sure as to where.

Read more madness!Vicero, the mad writer

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Response to Thoughts? (Voice acting sample) 2022-09-13 11:28:01

At 9/13/22 10:39 AM, hopeless87 wrote:
I'm looking forward to putting my voice to work for me. I'm having a difficult time imagining the kinds of characters I would voice because to me it seems urban and mature but also lacks a particular accent and has an awkward youth to it. I'm looking forward to putting my voice to work for me but I'm still not sure as to where.

Give it time and practice. You'll get the hang of it more and more, and develop a feeling for which parts to chase up and how to approach them. Experimenting both with acting as well as your production software will help you a lot.