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Seeking transfemme amateur voice actress for serial fiction podcast

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We are seeking a transfemme (trans woman or transfeminine nonbinary person) voice actress to play the protagonist in a queer SF mystery podcast.

The show is set centuries in the future, on a space station populated with a mix of humans, aliens, robots, and artificial intelligences, positioned near an interstellar gate that transports ships across the galaxy. One of the two central characters is Clarity, an ancient alien entity with incredible cognitive ability, a near-photographic memory, and a physically genderfluid "human" body. Clarity doesn't care about being nice, accepted, law-abiding, or polite, but they do have a deep moral sense (though it's sometimes hard to see) and enjoy getting involved in messy problems.

The other central character, who will also be narrating the show, is Lana Quel, a dogged, reliable, highly moral trans woman who badgers Clarity into helping find her sister, who has been aducted by a powerful alien cabal. This is the part we're looking to fill.

We are not taking advertising or otherwise trying to monetize the show in the foreseeable future, so I'm afraid no payment is involved.

The show's writer, Quinn Reid, is a Writers of the Future winner whose work has appeared in venues like Daily Science Fiction, Escape Pod, Nature, Strange Horizons, Clarkesworld and The Writer, among others. They are nonbinary and bi-gender and focus their writing on character, big questions, compelling storylines, and humor. They're also the host of a small-time gender identity podcast called All the Genders. Published examples of their writing can be provided on request.

We expect to record four or five episodes every month or so, over Zoom, though we may change that if a different approach works better for the cast. In addition, the actress playing Lana would be welcome but not required to engage in story planning sessions and other show-improving activities.

Experience is a plus, but not essential. Actresses of color are very welcome. The initial audition consists of recording yourself performing a short monologue we'll send you as Lana plus an additional short monologue of your choice from any source.

Please get in touch through this contact form if you're interested in auditioning or if there are any questions we can answer: https://allthegenders.com/?page_id=21 .

Hey, I’m currently having @Bleak-Creep VA a transfem character for me, maybe she could help!

Someone please help me revive my clubs

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At 8/17/22 10:06 AM, Thetageist wrote: Hey, I’m currently having @Bleak-Creep VA a transfem character for me, maybe she could help!

Thanks, @Thetageist !

An update: we have now cast the part. Thanks to everyone who got in touch.