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What was the early 00's like for you?

1,336 Views | 84 Replies

My mother was murdered by our neighbor in '02.

I killed my grandmother in '03 by failing to catch one of her dogs from leaping on her lap, rupturing her intestines and forcing her to die from sepsis because her cancer had weakened her to the point where they couldn't do corrective surgery.

And in '04, I drove my grandfather to the emergency room where he had emergency surgery done that put him into a coma we couldn't pull him out of and so we pulled his life support.

After graduating college, I worked at an christian game company called Digital Praise animating for three edutainment products for a year before they laid me off. It was the most fulfilling job I ever had and after that I just...stopped. Been spending the rest of my life being very very tired.


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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 01:57:04

playing a lot of wii.

a lot of waggalin.

professional meat beater

Not much because my brain was still developing.

I just have a few blurry memories about my mom's old laptop and playing shockwave flash games like this.

[1] - [2]

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 02:46:29

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

2006 was pretty cool considering I was born in 2006

Love you guys <3

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 06:08:29

what was the point of those little tiny cassette things with nsync and brittney spears on it? the thingy mcdonalds gave out with the mighty kids meals, in the shitty ass play place with the sticky missing analog stick n64 controller and barely working gamecube area

| Steam | NoN bbs | formerly steelchair

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 06:27:02

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

Difficult, my father died in 2001, I was living with friends most of the time, either that or outside and just starting to develope my writing and music with REALLY crappy theatre plays that I even sent to a playwright (still have those, and they are not just terrible in story, they are in the worst english you can imagine lmao), I played the keyboard back then, not that poorly though. During those years I still smoked, drank, did weed and hasjies, had a gf who I never even kissed with for about 3 years lol, and though most girls in my area wanted to date me, I only wanted that particular girl..

After that period I got my first house and made a trainwreck/junkjard out of it, never cleaned, only sat behind a pc playing Ultima online and watching porn. :/ Don't know how typical that is for a teen, probably is.

I got fat and depressed so around 2009/2010 started working out more and studying health sciences.

But thats a very long time ago now..

Original, classical and retro videogame music composer. (No longer take project clients from newgrounds but if you need a track or two from what ive got pm me.)

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 06:30:43

Mostly just playing Pokemon and watching cartoons up until I discovered Newgrounds then my life began to shift focus to amateur/indie content over whatever crap airs on cable.

Jokes were a little edgier/meaner in the early 00s. Even though comedians would genuinely make fun of everyone, not just the easy targets, people would still call out a comedian if it seems like he's saying any dumb shit that he thinks might shock people. I think it was also an issue in the 90s too wherein everyone wanted to make a South Park -esque edgy comedy. I watch stuff from the 00s and find myself groaning at jokes I probably laughed at 15 years ago.

We didn't have high speed internet for years so flash content that was only 1MB or lower would often take an eternity to load. I remember discovering rom sites and I would sometimes get up early in the morning to start the download for a promising-sounding PS1 RPG then by the time I get home from school I have a sick new game to play. Playing roms while some horribly edited movie on Comedy Central is playing in the background is still one of my favorite ways to chill.

Since I was 5 or 6 during 9/11 I can't say I remember how it affected people in my area, for all you Mr. Enter stans out there.

Fuck you give me money!

(thanks for the years of Lulu/Payne r34 my loyal dealers)

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 06:31:54

When I was Born? Capital letter B

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 06:43:06

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

Those were my peak years man. lol I was in highschool-college those years, living life! Didn't even know how bad it could get yet haha

My Music

Sound Cloud

Always open for collab and VA work! PM me anytime

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 07:46:45

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

It Was Pop Music Every Where Averil Ligene Skater Boy

Do Whatcha Say

King Of Leons Use Somebody

Then In Two Thousand And Nine Rock Starting Getting Popular Again

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 07:49:03

At 5/9/22 07:08 PM, Madeuret wrote: call me when you ask what the early 10's were like

There Were Mostly Horses There Were Very Early Powered Vehicles There Was All Most No Music Ohhh You Mean Twenty Ten Music Yeah All Most The Same

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 12:48:14

At 5/14/22 10:16 PM, Invincible18 wrote:
At 5/10/22 05:24 PM, RaccoonJefferson wrote: I was born in 2006 so I don't know much.... I'm more of a 2010s kid.
Also wow you guys really like talking about the early 2000s.
What's high school like nowadways? I've been out for like 5 yrs. Did virtual classes mess your grades up bad or were you too smart for that?

Yeah, virtual classes fucked me big time, but i've been taking physical classes now since 8th grade.

High school is fine I guess, I've made a few friends nothing really notable, though people nowadays dress up like fucking clowns sometimes, I've seen 2 people wear maid dresses there, It's embarrasing.

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 13:57:30

i was a sperm back in 2006 and my memories afterwards are practically non-existant so there's that.

Jesus Christ is awesome B) and so are you (as long as you love your neighbors as you love yourself <3)

This website is my favorite place on the Internet lol

BBS Signature

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 18:33:26

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

Spent a lot of my childhood screeching

Video games occupied me quite a lot

Family shit happened so my parents and I had to move from the town I was born in to a completely new town

Been in this town since I was about 6

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 18:58:53


goo goo gaga -Me

Wario is watching

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 18:59:12

At 5/10/22 01:44 AM, Piss wrote:
At 5/10/22 12:08 AM, Phobotech wrote: At the beginning of the 2000's, I was transitioning between primary school to Middle school. Got into a lot of fights, was disruptive in class, and argued with teachers a lot. Got fat as a kid around this time. Puberty hit, and I got bullied a lot for my weight, so I was pressurized to be funny and make friends fast.

Then high school happened, and I spent most of my time in NJROTC. Competitive Airsoft Marskmanship team and Academics.

Graduated a year late though in '07. Moved to a new city with my girlfriend at the time (then got engaged to her, yikes) and worked at a mall at Spencers Gifts. Broke up with her, and moved back home.

Then I started hopping around jobs for a bit. Life after high school only got clumsier as I was finding myself and where I needed to be. Decided to return to school. I attended local community college for Core Classes near the end of the decade.
that's cool. i contracted aids and my dick fell off

sounds about right

Wario is watching

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 18:59:36

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

i was a kid so i wouldnt know

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 19:43:50

I remember some 2009 it's simple I guess

Hi Nice To Meet You I'm Yosos and I do Pixel art.

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 20:35:19

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

The best era, tbh. Fuckin miss those days man. Everything just seemed way simpler and somewhat easier to manage back then [even when they weren't] and I kinda just want those days back for just abit.

Also early 2000s was the best age of the pure, unfiltered punk-ass internet with lil to no censorship shit that we're probs never gonna have back, so that def fuckin blows but eh, gotta keep on, i guess.

Do what ya gotta do, even when you know it's puerile shit.

Also Thighs are everything. Nothin else matters.

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 20:52:45

kinda bad. got conscripted. finished fulltime "service" . then it got worse.

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 20:59:02

At 5/15/22 02:03 AM, Seth wrote: Assy

Assy, is that you?

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 21:19:15

For about half of it I was a wee bab, but once 2005 came by and I started remembering shit it was pretty dope.

I remember my brother got an Xbox 360 for Christmas and we played the shit outta it. Then after he got Fallout 3 he didn't let ANYONE touch it (I did anyway and paid the price lol).

that's when I told em

BBS Signature

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-15 22:03:58

Honestly, a lot of the 2000’s tends to blur together, since I moved around a few times and I pretty much drifted from different subcultures and attitudes without much of a care. About the most consistent things that were in my life during that time was pro wrestling, video games and anime, and I generally found bits and pieces of it on Newgrounds.

In addition, I dabbled with game emulation, particularly with 16-bit and handheld consoles, and if I was lucky enough, I was able to play retro games on my computer with wrestling or anime on a background TV. If nothing else, I found that more fulfilling than just about anything in school, with the next closest thing is being on a school sports team, at least if we’re winning that is.

Just stop worrying, and love the bomb.

BBS Signature

oh I was watching Lucky Star on my shitty CRT and eating Pocky while speaking in 133-

At 5/9/22 10:05 PM, Deity-Donkus wrote: Inb4 younger users lie and use shit like "oh I was watching Lucky Star on my shitty CRT and eating Pocky while speaking in 1337"


... but seriously, I was on a 56kbps connection. I feel like I missed out on a lot of internets things, but it was still fun.



BBS Signature

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-16 03:18:33

It was great and then it suddenly stopped being great and became the worst thing ever a little over half way through

Rustler of Jimmies

My Art Dump

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Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-16 12:34:37

At 5/15/22 09:19 PM, KayEf wrote: For about half of it I was a wee bab, but once 2005 came by and I started remembering shit it was pretty dope.
I remember my brother got an Xbox 360 for Christmas and we played the shit outta it. Then after he got Fallout 3 he didn't let ANYONE touch it (I did anyway and paid the price lol).

you killed your bro?

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-16 12:37:35

At 5/15/22 11:33 PM, Yomuchan wrote: oh I was watching Lucky Star on my shitty CRT and eating Pocky while speaking in 133-

At 5/9/22 10:05 PM, Deity-Donkus wrote: Inb4 younger users lie and use shit like "oh I was watching Lucky Star on my shitty CRT and eating Pocky while speaking in 1337"

... but seriously, I was on a 56kbps connection. I feel like I missed out on a lot of internets things, but it was still fun.

hmmm i don't think my CRT was even working anymore in the 2000s. i only got a 2nd hand CRT in 2010s. i don't even remember when i first got ADSL broadband. maybe it was 2006 or 2008.

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-16 12:38:10

At 5/16/22 12:34 PM, DamnWei wrote:
At 5/15/22 09:19 PM, KayEf wrote: For about half of it I was a wee bab, but once 2005 came by and I started remembering shit it was pretty dope.
I remember my brother got an Xbox 360 for Christmas and we played the shit outta it. Then after he got Fallout 3 he didn't let ANYONE touch it (I did anyway and paid the price lol).
you killed your bro?

Naw, I paid the price for playing on it lol

that's when I told em

BBS Signature

Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-16 12:38:49

At 5/16/22 12:38 PM, KayEf wrote:
At 5/16/22 12:34 PM, DamnWei wrote:
At 5/15/22 09:19 PM, KayEf wrote: For about half of it I was a wee bab, but once 2005 came by and I started remembering shit it was pretty dope.
I remember my brother got an Xbox 360 for Christmas and we played the shit outta it. Then after he got Fallout 3 he didn't let ANYONE touch it (I did anyway and paid the price lol).
you killed your bro?
Naw, I paid the price for playing on it lol


Response to What was the early 00's like for you? 2022-05-16 13:16:39

At 5/9/22 07:02 PM, Wegra wrote: Which is 2000-2009.

What's a 2009?