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Worldbuilding time: Elves vs Robots

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I had an idea for a world in which Elves, distant ancestors of humanity and masters of magic, reawaken, to find that Humans had been slaughtered by robots, and considering Elves look like Humans, well....

This is based of the movie "Wizards" , Inn0cence: Lost Future by /tg/. and my dreams.

Faction 1: The Elven Empires

There are about eight nations, each with their own culture, traditions, views, and most importantly, attitude towards the Soulless and Technology.

  1. The Marblum Empire: High Elves. Proud, Arrogant, snobbish, and very talented at Magic. They like build tall, awe inspiring cities out of marble, in a gothic style, displaying their achievments at great lengths. Obviously don't like the Soulless, or the "Limbering Unsightly Brutes", as they call them. Of course, if a particulary eye-catching specimen is found, they will be immediately taken back as a trophy, Alive if preferable. Their outlook on technology is peculiar. They have a strict moratorium on using human technology, because "Anything they do, we can do better" philosophy. That being said, they have a leadership group known as the "Ivory Circle". it is composed of the finest Wizards, Artificers and Inventors. They not only run the empire, but also invent new Technologies (often reverse-engineering human tech, but they are very rather hush-hush about that.) and Spells.
  2. The Wood Elves. Intensely militant hippies. Use only tribal tech, such as bows, spears and rock traps. Doesn't stop them from beating up any sorry Soulless that come on their turf. Also, don't even think about burning their forests. Their dryads are second to none.
  3. Free League. A mostly peaceful empire, tend to accept soulseekers into their midst. Think your generic D&D nation, with the occasional robot or two and Bits of salvaged technology here and there.
  4. Drow: Mix the drow from Drowtales and the Dark Eldar from WH40k, and roll back their technology to about Industrial tier, and keep their penchant for living in the daaark and taking slaves, unharmed. Shoot on Sight.
  5. The Blazefolk: Mali empire on one end, Fremen on the other, and traders, surfers, and shamans in the middle. Like to live in hot, temperate climates or near volcanoes, and also like to surf on anything that's vawy. Make up most of the modern economy, and their most strongest tribes typically have some pretty powerful technology up their sleeves. Their society is based having the most radical reputation possible, from raiding ancient human ruins, riding bigger Souless borers than the last guy, and growing harems of the most exotic opposite gender.
  6. The Skyfolk: Live in giant sky cities. Think Columbia from Bioshock Infinite.... and yeah, that's about it.
  7. -got nothing-
  8. -got nothing-

Faction 2. : The Soulless

Ancient robots created by humanity, once served them faithfully, then rebelled, and finally, exterminated them all. Now they are lead by the gods, super AIs that are in control of the massive network of hiveminded robots.

  1. Poseidon, the Vigilant. A manic AI, who prefers to watch over his personal creations on his private island
  2. Amaterasu, the Light
  3. Zeus, the mighty

Faction 3. : The Soulseekers

Sometimes, a soulless might find itself disconnected. Whether it's bishop died, got abandoned or something else happened, it now has something called self-awareness, and now has to deal with the elves who want to see it destroyed or it's own kin who want to bring it back to the fold.

Feedback and suggestions would be appreciated. It's 2330 from where i live and i need to get some sleep.

Syber Realty Suggest:

The Birth of Shadow Runners. The discovery of the Matrix Cross a complex Electrolyte Lost Art that was found Leanardo Da Vinci's Root Big'ning... we understand Keana the Prophecy Was False, everything we know about the matrix is false. Including the Movie The Sound Track And I am willing to put my money on watchovea as the culpret of 911 when they realize Gerber is wupposed to be spelled JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGER

as in






that's a free bee by jbklyde.....

In Case of Emergency Before 911 Pray 611 and Afterword Sing a Revolutionary 9611.

Genesis 9 Hebrews 11.Matthew 6 Luke 11.Psalm 96 Revolution 11 {Witness The Music}

Response to Worldbuilding time: Elves vs Robots 2020-02-26 03:35:54

At 2/25/20 10:27 PM, MichaelJason1 wrote: Syber Realty Suggest:
The Birth of Shadow Runners. The discovery of the Matrix Cross a complex Electrolyte Lost Art that was found Leanardo Da Vinci's Root Big'ning... we understand Keana the Prophecy Was False, everything we know about the matrix is false. Including the Movie The Sound Track And I am willing to put my money on watchovea as the culpret of 911 when they realize Gerber is wupposed to be spelled JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGER

as in


that's a free bee by jbklyde.....
