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Pico Day 2019 Winners!

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Saturday was Pico Day, a celebration of all things Newgrounds! The theme this year was NG fanart and we offered cash prizes for our favorites. Here are the winners!

Top Five Art ($200, $150, $100, $100, $100)

Thank you @IvanAlmighty for judging assistance! Be sure to check out the other art entries. There were also a good number of movie entries and a cool song by @Quarl!

@Comick hosted a Skitzo the 1920s Killer Bear Art Contest in conjunction with Pico Day and has now announced the winners, if you follow that link.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Pico Day, as well those of you who made the trip to Philly for our party! We’re motivated to give the party another go in 2020; probably something bigger than the 100+ people this year but not as big and messy as 2016, as epic as that was. Not to mention 2020 is the 25 year anniversary of NG!

The Pico Day party this year was made possible by @IvanAlmighty, who went above and beyond to create a cool event for everyone at the PhilaMOCA. I’d also like to thank @Bob, who got his Honda Element fixed just to help move equipment and coolers downtown and back. Thank you to @Luis for herding everyone to the Spruce Street Harbor Park on Friday night. Thank you @moawling for bringing disposable cameras and @PhantomArcade for the kickass Blue Omen trailer and additional help! Thank you Bill Z for taking a lot of great pictures. Thank you everyone who helped set up and tidy up. Everyone was super kind and courteous throughout the whole weekend, affirming once again that Newgrounds is the best community on the Internet.


Photo by Bill Z.

Wick Jam

On Friday we’ll be announcing the theme of our Wick Editor Jam. Everyone will have from Friday until June 30th to make a game with Wick Editor, a free, open-source, web-based tool that is very similar to Flash!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 14:32:55

very cool, congrats to winners!

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 14:47:16

Congrats to the winners. I reviewed some of the stuff as it came in including this one.


Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 14:48:59

So which one of you goonies wants to make NG Battle Arena into a real thing

Click the Squid -> 🦑

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 14:55:50 (edited 2019-05-15 14:57:17)

Ayy my favourite piece from Pico Day got top pick, glad to see it! Congrats, everyone!

Also can't wait for the Wick jam, really looking forward to that!

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 15:01:19 (edited 2019-05-15 15:01:35)

Congratz to the winners they deserve it, hope I can make it to the top 5 next year :D

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 15:45:29

Pico day had some awesome art and animation come out of it this year. Congrats to all the winners!

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 16:06:41

Congrats to all the winners! Solid Pico Day this year!

Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 16:10:49

Godammit Magotrap, you could have got atleast a honorable mention, but you wasted all your time on modded Borderlands 2.

Anyways, good job, all of you.

I secretly wait for the day Pico Day Party becomes too big for it's britches and evolves to NGcon.

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 17:47:33

Amazing content as always! Good job peeps, you all get belly rubs.

Also, thanks for the plug Mr. Tom Falp. Senpai noticed me.

I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him...

quarl BandCamp

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-15 21:56:48

yo oh my GOD there i am

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 09:45:10

i will be there next year

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 13:02:43

It was really fun drawing, so I'll say this, I'm more inspired to draw now!

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 14:13:11

At 5/16/19 01:07 PM, willg8686 wrote: Kinda feels rigged sorry :/

Oh yeah? Why is that?

What do you think should have won?

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 15:33:12

I have an idea for next year's Pico Day,plus it's something I've wanted to ask for quite a while;NewGrounds should use the old site layout for the day.You know,really get into the holiday spirit with a blast from the past showing just how far this place has come.

Also,with most websites offering their users a "dark-mode" option as a site update;I think NG should do the same.Not with a dark-mode of course,because NG has always been dark.(Just goes to show how ahead of the times this place has been) No,I'm talking about choosing old site layouts instead.I'll be honest,I hate this current "mobile" layout,it looks so boring and bland;plus I don't use mobile-and probably never will-I'm a desktop user.So I don't wish to be forced to use an ugly layout that's not even designed for the device I'm using.So why not give NewGrounders the option to kick it old school?We could choose between the first layout NG debuted with,to the mid 2000's one,all the way up to the recent one before this one.This feature would be completely optional of course,something the individual could change in their account settings.

I really miss the old black n' yellow,and if I could have the option to decorate my monitor with its glorious presence,then that would make my NG experience that much more enjoyable! Maybe something for the crew to work on this year?

P.S.What happened to the first Tankmen episode?It's been gone for quite a while.How can NG's most iconic mascot be missing his very first debut in his own animated series on his own website?!This is heresy!


Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 16:16:55

Congrats the winners!

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 19:12:18 (edited 2019-05-16 19:19:51)

Congrats to the winners, awesome work! The picoday stream was pretty cool this year, I had a lot of fun watching it. 

At 5/16/19 03:33 PM, samus24 wrote: I have an idea for next year's Pico Day

Oh man, changing the skin to represent a 2001 version of Newgrounds and to reflect back and celebrate the occasion is one thing. Being able to switch back to former skins however? That's the equivalent of asking a 40-year-old to put on children's clothing. It's not going to work. And if it does, it's only because of heavy modding. As nostalgic as it all makes us, nobody is willing to go through that effort.

P.S.What happened to the first Tankmen episode?It's been gone for quite a while.How can NG's most iconic mascot be missing his very first debut in his own animated series on his own website?!This is heresy!

I noticed that too. I'm thinking Jeff took it offline, he made it clear he really isn't too proud of that cartoon.

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 21:12:40

Very awesome to see Pico Day become a thing again!!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with complaining

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-16 23:48:47

Congrats to all the winners.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Pico Day 2019 Winners! 2019-05-17 14:18:43

At 5/16/19 01:07 PM, willg8686 wrote: Kinda feels rigged sorry :/

watcha mean?