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N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread

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Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-27 11:47:34

At 8/27/18 12:07 AM, TaintedLogic wrote: @ItzCorkscrew + @Mutty99

You two (three, really) may still submit, but your tracks will be subject to the late penalty as outlined in the rules.

So sad. I really would have liked to see at least one team show up to the final round.

If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.

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Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-28 08:05:54

These... Pieces of music are so incredible. It's actually seriously challenging score at this point.

Never stop creating.



BBS Signature

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 12:09:33

So, a bit of a situation has come up. As we all know, @ADR3-N has extremely sophisticated tastes in wall art, and constantly surrounds herself with an ambush of color. Unfortunately, it seems that some of said art has hallucinogenic properties, rendering @ADR3-N unable to judge. Luckily, @Midimachine has purchased a rather hefty volume of literature that instructs readers on how to break the spell. Midi’s a bit of a slow reader, but in the meantime @Jacob and @Spadezer have tried to keep @ADR3-N responsive. I’ll give you another update soon.

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 14:40:09

At 8/29/18 12:09 PM, TaintedLogic wrote: Unfortunately, it seems that some of said art has hallucinogenic properties, rendering @ADR3-N unable to judge. Luckily, @Midimachine has purchased a rather hefty volume of literature that instructs readers on how to break the spell. Midi’s a bit of a slow reader, but in the meantime @Jacob and @Spadezer have tried to keep @ADR3-N responsive. I’ll give you another update soon.

Woah, woah, woah, I mean, I've been eating some of said art on and off throughout the day, but I finished judging some time around 5 AM this morning -- unless I'm crazy and someone gave me the wrong sheet LOL.

*recedes into partial coma*

Real talk, I have the sheet open. If somehow it hasn't updated with my scores, I can copy the column to you and PM it or something.

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BBS Signature

At 8/29/18 02:40 PM, ADR3-N wrote: I finished judging some time around 5 AM this morning

*momentarily snaps out of character*

Everything Adrean has said is true. Her scores are already in. I would NEVER use the stall stories as a passive-aggressive tool to call out a judge who actually hasn't finished yet. Apologies if my narrative came off the wrong way. That said, we are still waiting for some not-to-be-named judges to finish scoring tracks and, as everyone knows, I have a well-established method of hyping up the thread while we're waiting.

*quickly snaps back*
Well, it's a good sign that Adrean can post in the thread so articulately even in her torpid state. I'll keep you posted, everyone!

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 17:47:43

Okay. @Midimachine has come to the conclusion that, in order for @ADR3-N to snap out of her dazed state, we need to buy a special medallion made by the same company that makes the anti-hypnosis book. It costs about $400, which seems like a rip-off, but luckily we were able to scrape together the funds by borrowing @Frootza’s credit card. Anyway, @Bosa and @Kwing are going to a VERY sketchy dark arts hobby shop, located near a lot of dark alleys and stuff, to purchase the medallion. What could possibly go wrong?

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 17:55:53

At 8/29/18 05:47 PM, TaintedLogic wrote: What could possibly go wrong?

find out on the next episode of dragonball z

p.s. i am gay

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 21:36:31

At 8/29/18 06:37 PM, LuminX wrote: wow this plot goes deep I want more

It seems that purchasing the medallion is not simply a matter of money. You see, before claiming ownership of such a powerful and cursed object, @Bosa and @Kwing must prove their worth by battling the wizard responsible for the medallion’s creation. Donning their billowing cloaks, gnarled wands, and crooked, pointy hats, @Bosa and @Kwing are soon to enter the ring against ancient Wizard Argentum. Luckily, the ever-resourceful @EndKashika bought us all tickets to the battle! Popcorn’s on me, guys.

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 23:14:02

As it turns out, Wizard Argentum kicks some serious ass, and @Bosa and @Kwing are now lying ringside, helpless in a heap of flesh, blood, and Party City props. @LunacyEcho and @SleepFacingWest are doing their best to patch up the wounds. Luckily for us, that was kind of the point. You see, we’re only allowed to purchase the medallion if we LOSE the battle. The dark arts retailers just want to make sure none of us are strong enough to corrupt the wizarding world with our newfound power. Even with the medallion now in hand, I don’t think @Bosa and @Kwing can quite measure up to the ancient Forces of the Dark. Anyway, the medallion worked like a charm, and @ADR3-N is now cured. Results will be out shortly!

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature

Response to N G U A C 2018 Final Round Thread 2018-08-29 23:16:50

"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog

BBS Signature