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Sequels you actually prefer.

898 Views | 23 Replies

For me these sequels actually were better than the first. What and why are any sequels are better to you?

Aliens(2) - More action, more aliens, space marines, good build up.
Scary Movie 2 - More edgy Humor than 1 and 3. Haven't seen 4 though.
Rambo First blood 2 - He goes back to Vietnam which is more interesting to me.
Final Destination 2 - more grit in the gore, and more intense than the third or first.
Star Wars Return of the Jedi - the dialog with Darth Vader and his son have more heart in it because they know they are father and son. And Vader finally turns good, sacrificing himself to save his son.
Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom - I became tired of Nazi shit and this was a fresh change.

What about you?

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 16:33:01

I can only think of the Binding of Isaac, if you want to count that (I would)

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 16:52:40

Captain America: The Winter Soldier was far superior to the first movie; there's no comparison there.

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 16:55:51

The only ones I can remember right now are:

Terminator 2
Chronicles of Riddick
Portal 2

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 17:03:11

At 2/17/17 04:34 PM, skippuh wrote:

Evil Dead 2

It's not a sequel but I concur.

From Russia With Love, or For a Few Dollars More.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 17:10:37

At 2/17/17 04:34 PM, skippuh wrote:
What about you?
Shock Treatment (sequel to The Rocky Horror Picture Show) - Yes, I'm serious.

I've always wanted to watch The Rocky Horror Picture show when I was about 10. Only because it showed every night at the theater at 12:00 pm. I just saw some of it on YouTube today and it seems funny and interesting. I could never find it in stores though.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 17:17:25

At 2/17/17 05:12 PM, skippuh wrote:
At 2/17/17 05:03 PM, MuramasasEdge wrote:
At 2/17/17 04:34 PM, skippuh wrote:

Evil Dead 2
It's not a sequel but I concur.
It is a sequel my dude. There's a two behind it, and it is the 2nd movie in the Evil Dead series.

It's not a sequel.
The following movie "Army of Darkness" is a sequel.
Evil Dead 2 isn't a sequel.
Not until they make the latest Evil Dead a part 2.
Than it can be a sequel, my dood.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 17:44:47

At 2/17/17 05:22 PM, skippuh wrote:
I'm talking about Evil Dead 2, not the 2013 reboot of Evil Dead


Does it make a difference?
Both are just reboots.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 18:14:08

All the LOTR movies are great but if I had to compare I would say they escalate in quality. The two Towers tells a lot of story with the exposition handled in the first movie and return of the king is just pure badassery.

And this might be unpopular but I liked clerks two more than the original. It was very autobiographical in that much like the characters the filmmaker was an older and (slightly) more polished version of what he did in the first.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 18:26:51

At 2/17/17 06:14 PM, stafffighter wrote: All the LOTR movies are great but if I had to compare I would say they escalate in quality. The two Towers tells a lot of story with the exposition handled in the first movie and return of the king is just pure badassery.

And this might be unpopular but I liked clerks two more than the original. It was very autobiographical in that much like the characters the filmmaker was an older and (slightly) more polished version of what he did in the first.

I have Clerks 1 and 2. I can't say which is better. I haven't seen all of the second. Seems good from what I've seen. I just happen to become distracted and not finish the movie. I do that a lot.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 18:40:51

I'm currently stuck on the 2012 DREDD movie, I'm a big cyberpunk fan but I prefer the gritty underworld of cyberpunk not the illustrious and flashy tech. Which is why I enjoy it alot more than the original Judge Dredd with Stalone.

Mad Max Fury Road. Holy fucking shit.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-17 23:39:22

At 2/17/17 11:18 PM, Sekhem wrote:
At 2/17/17 06:14 PM, stafffighter wrote: It was very autobiographical in that much like the characters the filmmaker was an older and (slightly) more polished version of what he did in the first.
or a pathetic attempt to capture the lighting in a bottle nature of clerks

every beat is redone, but worse (which of the two girls is best for dante?, long-winded pop culture arguments, randal doing outrageous shit to customers etc)

They are very simular yes but I like it. Maybe it makes me a bad film viewer to prefer the version with some more polished and a jaunty dance number

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 00:33:51

At 2/17/17 02:50 PM, RightTime wrote: The Dark Knight immediately comes to mind.

I would agree with this.

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 01:03:30

At 2/17/17 11:45 PM, Sekhem wrote:
At 2/17/17 11:39 PM, stafffighter wrote:
i enjoyed clerks 2, but clerks is one of those films i watched like 50 times as a kid and nothing could ever live up to it for me

also necrophilia in a bathroom > donkey show, in terms of the outrageous sex act beat

Is it really a contest?

My taste in Kevin Smith films has always been off. For instance, I loved Jersey Girl. I thought it was a very good telling of the love between a father and daughter. About how they both had issues revolving around the loss of her mother and the inherent gap in the family unit.

The stuff he's done lately, it's just edgy for the sake of edgy. I read in his book about how in writing red state he would change anything that seemed predictable. But what if he made sense for the scene progression? Fuck that! He loves the vision of himself as an indy figure more than he does entertaining people.

That's why I hope he never makes clerks three. He's lost the everyman voice those characters were made for.
Infact, I'll tell you how clerks three would go. Dante wants to do something risky and people don't support him. But he follows his heart and is shown to be right. Cue a song 12 year old me skipped when it came on mtv.

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 01:22:37

Even though it's technically not a sequel, I do prefer the remake of Judge Dredd over the old version.

Art Thread, Animation Thread


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Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Pokemon 2000
Terminator 2
Zenon: The Zequel
The Fisherman's Wife II: The Retentacling

Happily ETS'd.

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 03:28:39

Terminator 2 and Scary Movie 2 come to mind. SM2 was the last one that was actually funnny because of the Waynes Bros, once they left it wasn't the same

Are you not Entertained ?!?

BBS Signature

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 03:31:09

At 2/17/17 06:14 PM, stafffighter wrote: All the LOTR movies are great but if I had to compare I would say they escalate in quality. The two Towers tells a lot of story with the exposition handled in the first movie and return of the king is just pure badassery.

And this might be unpopular but I liked clerks two more than the original. It was very autobiographical in that much like the characters the filmmaker was an older and (slightly) more polished version of what he did in the first.

I was just watching clerks 2 earlier today. Much better than the first. The first is still gold though.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 03:35:13

At 2/18/17 01:03 AM, stafffighter wrote::

The stuff he's done lately, it's just edgy for the sake of edgy. I read in his book about how in writing red state he would change anything that seemed predictable. But what if he made sense for the scene progression? Fuck that! He loves the vision of himself as an indy figure more than he does entertaining people.

Eh, I found Tusk and Yoga hosers to be entertaining. He's experimenting with the genre still. He doesn't have it down pat but I feel like he's getting there.

That's why I hope he never makes clerks three. He's lost the everyman voice those characters were made for.
Infact, I'll tell you how clerks three would go. Dante wants to do something risky and people don't support him. But he follows his heart and is shown to be right. Cue a song 12 year old me skipped when it came on mtv.

Clerks 3 was just cancelled a few days ago. Sad news IMO. Apparently one of the main 4 leads dropped out of the project.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 03:36:56

At 2/17/17 05:44 PM, MuramasasEdge wrote:
At 2/17/17 05:22 PM, skippuh wrote:
I'm talking about Evil Dead 2, not the 2013 reboot of Evil Dead

Does it make a difference?
Both are just reboots.

Please explain to me how exactly Evil dead 2 is a reboot? It continues the story of the first movie and leads into the third movie. Sounds like a sequel to me.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 03:37:54

Evil dead and Kevin smith talk in one thread. Two of my favorite things. Goddamn this day is starting off great.

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 05:40:33

The raid 2

Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 06:16:23

At 2/17/17 02:47 PM, WaffleCrisp wrote: What about you?

This post intentionally left blank.



Response to Sequels you actually prefer. 2017-02-18 11:43:18

Gremlins 2.