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LiveCorpse Suicide

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Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 01:34:38

I am an off and on user of newgrounds, and i regret that, because I did not get to know this man, But a man who claims to be psycotic could not have written a letter so intelligently. As I said before I did not know him but after reading his letter I feel like I've known him all along. This is the only thing ever posted on this site that has moved me so deeply. It really makes you think twice about the things that you do. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I too have considered suiside, and this really helped me to realize that it is not the answer. This letter has helped me a great deal as I am sure it has for others, and I know I can speak for everyone when I say you will be missed my friend. R.I.P


Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 01:45:05

At 6/20/04 01:05 AM, SnIpErClOcK wrote:
And I liked the thecrunges' flash movie recap better than all this.

Could you gimme a link to it please?

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 03:51:59

I would like to say that the most amazing story I read on newgrounds. Also I would like to say to the people that say he woulden't have a major prision setiouns. HE SHOT A COP. If you shoot a cop you are automatical screwed to spend a long time in prison, and you will probley get screwed in that time of prison. Also to all the bible bashers that say he is buring in hell. He might or maybe he's not, the point that is not for you to decide. Dosne't the bible say do not juge others juge your self. Please don't post you "Christan" views on this. This forum should be used as a Tribute.
RIP LiveCorpse

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 04:42:37

that really fuckin sucks. i didnt know him but when any newgrounds member dies i feel sad and wished i would have known them or been able to help im deeply sorry to all who knew him

Rest In Peace livecorpse and enjoy heaven

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 04:44:37

I never knew him but i am sory fro those who did

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 05:40:40

I don't post to the BBS often, in fact this is only my second. I didn't know adam. I am not familiar with his flash. But these are both irrelevant. I guess you can call me a bleeding heart for being saddened by the suicide of a man I'll never know. My only interaction with him is the message on the front page. From it, I can infer that he was elequent, pure, wholly unlucky, and not unlike myself. More than once I have contemplated suicide. Thankfully, I have a support system of friends that have stayed my hand at every razor slash. I sympathize with Adam, and I empathize with him. It's a terrible turn of events. As an agnostic, the prospect of death frightens me to no end. I have no asertion of what follows death, if anything. And I know people die every day, many of them suicides. I can't explain why this has moved me as it has. I only hope he has found peace.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 05:59:28

At 6/20/04 01:34 AM, salebarn_man wrote: [...] But a man who claims to be psycotic could not have written a letter so intelligently. [...]

Mind you, that a person doesn't have to be stupid to have (even somewhat) deranged thoughts...
It are often the thinkers (and the emotionally "too" involved) that commit suicide

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:02:19

This Really Should Be A Reality Check For Us All.


Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:03:58

i am new, and when i saw that post....

i'm sorry to anyone who new him.

he shouldn't have died.


Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:11:59

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Mother fucker! why didint i get an email! i knew him! i just had to find this out now goddammiT!

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:16:25

This guy was a great great man. He took a shot at the man while he still could and ended his life in a blaze of glory, This is a great example of a great man!

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:19:55

its nothing to be happy about! i knew him! and i didint even know that he was dead until i read this post!!!!!!! im not fucking joking either!!!!!!!!!!!

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:28:02

Sure i feel bad for him dieing, but all this honor and crap is a littler far. He shot a damn cop and stabbed someone! He was crazy and he took the cowards way out by killing himself. There is absolutly no honor in suicide, im sorry but its true. stop fucking honoring him in sigs and flashes because he took a cowards way out, and he shot a damn cop. Just fucking stop ok? im sick of it! noone deserves all this greif and sorrow for killing himself!

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:30:59

wouldint you do the same if you were drunk and had some probs, so until youve been there and done that, no talking

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:32:18

Well I am new so I didnt know him at all nor had I heard of him. But I understand that hes was a troubled person and even if he did shoot a cop thats no reason to keep saying bad things about him.

True he shouldnt have comited suicide and he probably wouldnt have been in jail long enough for his fears to come true but just stop saying things like rot in hell an that kinda rubbish.

R.I.P Livecorpse

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:36:01

agreed, with all do respect, i mean he was part of the life of the NG communtiy.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:38:41

and like i said, i feel sorry that he died, but he took the cowards way out and killed himself! there is no honor in that at all

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 06:46:57

:( i liked him... i was only talking to him on aim about a week before he did it :(

I suppose with newgrounds being such a big place there are a wide variety of people who do lots of different things feel different etc.

Its a damn shame he killed himself but everything happens for a reason and we must move on.

Remember him for the good things! not the bad things.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 07:36:42

At 6/20/04 01:34 AM, salebarn_man wrote: I am an off and on user of newgrounds, and i regret that, because I did not get to know this man, But a man who claims to be psycotic could not have written a letter so intelligently. As I said before I did not know him but after reading his letter I feel like I've known him all along. This is the only thing ever posted on this site that has moved me so deeply. It really makes you think twice about the things that you do. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I too have considered suiside, and this really helped me to realize that it is not the answer. This letter has helped me a great deal as I am sure it has for others, and I know I can speak for everyone when I say you will be missed my friend. R.I.P


That was Nice of you Curtis Thank you for that Post Guy and Im sure Mr.Fulton is watching over you and all of us in heaven now as he is now our NG Gaurdian Angel and Im sure He knows the kind words and respect you have for him and for that I respect you.
NG NG Blam/Protect police Officer Mithaniel_Marr
oh I also Posted is Pic up on my NG account profile as a tribute to him God Bless you Mr.Fulton we all Love you Guy and respect you.

LiveCorpse Suicide

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 07:46:12

At 6/19/04 02:47 AM, j6stik wrote: I didn't know him, but i still have to say that i'm showing my remorse for him. i hope for all of his friends that it will be as painless as possible, even though, i know that it will be painful.

i really wish that this person could have had another choice, and it saddens me what can happen in this world. how a life can be taken so quickly. for all of his family and friends, i'm sorry for you, and for Adam Christopher Fulton, if you're out there somewhere, i'm sorry that you had to go through all of that.

Well seid j6stik and Im sure he knows, for someone whos only 14 your BBS Post was realy mature and Kind and if you were here in ohio I would shake your Hand for those Kind words and Im sure Mr.Fultons family and freinds would do the same again thank you for Kind words on behalf of Mr.Adam fulton

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 07:47:53

I feel bad for this guy. don't know what to say really but i felt i should say something. It doesn't sound like he's had an easy time. ever. but he still apppears to have tried his best. My sympathies go out to his friends and family.
R.I.P. Adam Fulton AKA LiveCorpse

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 09:17:49

RIP LIVECORPSE A very rtagic story indeed. It was sad to see him go. Although i never knew him i enjoyed reading his posts and all stuff by him. SALUTE Livecorpse you will be missed

LiveCorpse Suicide

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 09:29:23

Hey why are people saying such bad stuff about him. I myself have been in a few situations where i have contemplated suicide. Although my situation was different still that does not warrent saying hes a drunken idiot who deserve nothing. We are not perfect we al have our own faults, strengths and weaknesses. There much better ways to deal with things rather then kill yourself. But when you are in those shoes where you are thinking about it it is very difficult to know what to choose. And for anyone who is thinking about it dont. You will feel much better afterwards belive me. I thought my pain and suffering would never end and my life would always be worthless. But it got better.

LiveCorpse Suicide

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 11:11:08

That is a really sad story I hope he is resting in peace... I want somebody to do a Flash story on his letter. This is very serious. And I want the best people to do it everyone who read this message and are able to do something good on him, tell me on this E-Mail adress:


This would be a tribute to him. I don't even know him but I know this is sad and a lot of people know him and would want to do a flash movie on him. I don't know how to do flash so PLEASE PEOPLE SEND ME AN E-MAIL!

Thank you everyone and, you (i don't know his name) Rest In Peace.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 11:35:27

Look, I never knew Livecorpse personally, but really, this man was a beloved member to Newgrounds. It doesn't matter how it ended for him. We shouldn't curse his death, rather honor his life and all that he contributed to the site.

I'm sure most of you share the same sentiment, I just wanted to say what I had to say. I've read most of the posts either honoring him or cursing his suicide. Its not fair to him to curse his death. Read that note again and you will find that he was a good person at heart that was caught up in the wrong circumstances. He knew very well what he did, and he showed his regret.

So with that, R.I.P. Adam Fulton. You will be remembered.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 12:16:18

At 6/19/04 12:53 AM, l3raveheart wrote:

It's a little cryptic, yes, but I find it ironic that people's opinion of a person's talent suddenly change after they die.

[i](TPD Assistant Police Chief Roberto Villasenor on the scene said, "We have information from family members he's back in his apartment. We need to follow up on that." )[/i].

Is this really true? if so, isn't that really fucked up? Seriously, how can you rat out your own family like that?

1. Ever heard of van goph?
2. They were probably worried about him, and I realyl doubt the police were aiming to kill.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 12:17:59

that was just disrespectful as hell. best we can do is respect his memory even though his final actions weren't the best choices.

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 12:31:20

for those who call him a coward, imagine this
You're in a trench, your leg has been shot to pieces, gangrene is setting in, theres no availible aircraft to pull you out, any attempts to flee will result in you being killed. You're having trouble breathing, there is a gun in your hand.
Would you pull the trigger?
Or let yourself suffer for another day, week, month whilst your leg is decomposing in front of you, and you have nothing to prevent it?

Eat shit and die, assholes

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 12:46:23

well he took my idea goddamnit i wanted to do the suicide

Response to LiveCorpse Suicide 2004-06-20 13:00:09

Wow, everyone is so pissed off about this. It is a shame whan ANYONE dies, IMO, and this is no exception, even though he made some rather poor decisions. Maybe he can find solace after death. As for me? I am going to eat some hotdogs.

LiveCorpse Suicide