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Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History

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The Super Chibi Knight art contest is complete and @BoMToons has helped pick the winners!

Winners (will receive Steam Key for Super Chibi Knight)

@Deathink wished to pass his key along to the first runner-up if he won, so his key goes to:

The awesome news is that EVERYONE IS GETTING A STEAM KEY!

Other Runner-Ups (will also receive Steam Key!)

Funniest (will also receive Steam Key!)

UPDATE: Late Entry (will also receive Steam Key!)

Thank you everyone who participated! Planning to announce another fan art competition soon!

I've just completed a first pass of the 2014 Flash Portal History, which is kinda odd because there are lots of HTML5 and Unity games along with animation that wasn't made with Flash... There are now 16 years covered in the history section! Look over that, think about the websites most your friends spend their time on, then go throw up.

Oh also give me feedback on the 2014 history and what you would like to see there!

And don't miss Stencyl Jam. YOU CAN MAKE GAMES!

Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 16:24:29

At 3/20/15 04:22 PM, Amaranthus wrote: I followed you on Twitter Tom.
Does this mean we're e-buddies now?

As long as no one bans you on Twitter!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 16:25:55

There was an aMAZing amount of great art submitted for this competition -

Congrats to all the winners!

And Steam Keys all around?
NG gets better and better!

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 16:27:35

Congrats winners, I could feel the love tonight. Enjoy those Steam Keys! <3

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 16:42:09

Man look at all that cool art stuff. We should all hug it out in celebration.

Grats to the winners! Grats to the non winners! Grats to the loser. You know who you are.

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 17:08:14

Congrats to the winners!

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 17:21:30

I wish you would talk more about how newgrounds is changing and how games/movies here on NG are evolving and just overall providing a better recap of the year in the flash portal history instead of just listing a bunch of popular content with no commentary.

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 17:23:45

This entry was late, but still pretty darn cool:

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 17:36:18

I have literally no time. I am buried under a mountain of work.
But participating was definitely worth it.
GOOD LUCK NICK! I hope all these helped recharge you (if only a little).

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 17:40:20

At 3/20/15 05:21 PM, Magical-Zorse wrote: I wish you would talk more about how newgrounds is changing and how games/movies here on NG are evolving and just overall providing a better recap of the year in the flash portal history instead of just listing a bunch of popular content with no commentary.

That is something I want to do... I'd like to make more specific notes about the early HTML5 and Unity games on the site and also try to pinpoint more ongoing trends. It's interesting because in the early years, each piece of featured content felt like such a defining moment, with someone trying something new. That was on my mind a lot as I put together the 2014 list... I'm popping in content that was successful on the site, but having a harder time pinpointing the historic relevancy of the content... WHY it's a piece of NG history...

Sometimes the true historic pieces aren't realized until later, when you realize the source of a larger trend. Hoping to find more of that from the 2014 offerings.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 17:40:44

oh wow everything get keys, that makes it a pretty awesome contest. there is a lot good entries

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 18:50:09

Damn, lost again, next time... :)

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 21:18:58

It was a fun contest, glad I participated. I'd already bought the game around a month ago so I decided to give the Steam Key to my brother, I think he'll enjoy the game too.

Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage, an RPG with a few twists. Available to buy it on Steam here!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-20 21:38:15

And don't miss Stencyl Jam. YOU CAN MAKE GAMES!

This is awesome! Still working on my game Tom, but will be here soon after my teammates have their break. They are busy with school/college stuff.

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 01:32:50

Well @Deathink is really an awesome guy !!
Congrats to the winners !
And next time I 'll Participate too !

Being a game maker is My ambition And 'tis the starting !!!!!!


BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 07:31:19

Congrats to the winners! Gutted that I missed out on joining in on this.

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 12:31:06

Some really lovely works!Shame I had to miss this one D:

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 13:06:34

At 3/21/15 07:31 AM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote: Congrats to the winners! Gutted that I missed out on joining in on this.

TOAS, I think you should do it anyway... I really want to see your take on it... there might just be a reward in it for ya too ;-)

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 14:59:33

At 3/21/15 01:06 PM, BoMToons wrote: TOAS, I think you should do it anyway... I really want to see your take on it...

Oh yeah, I am planning to do a really late submission for funsies.

there might just be a reward in it for ya too ;-)


BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 16:49:51

I wonder what the 2015 in history is going to look like. Also, you should seriously consider letting us see whether or not a particular game has medal at glance. Sure, there's the medals section for that but still. A little icon would perhaps suffice...

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 18:06:09

Congrats winners, keep up your good work.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 18:47:56

Very disappointed to see no mention of Sonic Inflation Adventure in the 2014 history page, since it rewrote history...

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-21 19:02:22

COngrats winners,
Looking forward to the next contest

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-22 03:05:48

At 3/21/15 02:59 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote:
At 3/21/15 01:06 PM, BoMToons wrote: TOAS, I think you should do it anyway... I really want to see your take on it...
Oh yeah, I am planning to do a really late submission for funsies.
there might just be a reward in it for ya too ;-)


Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-22 13:16:33

Congrats to the winners!

I thought this post (the '2014 History' part of it) would be about this page btw, it's not forgotten is it?

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-23 10:52:24

At 3/20/15 09:18 PM, TheEnkian wrote: It was a fun contest, glad I participated. I'd already bought the game around a month ago so I decided to give the Steam Key to my brother, I think he'll enjoy the game too.

That's the great thing about Steam keys, easy to gift to people!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-23 10:56:48

At 3/21/15 01:32 AM, DIWAKAR wrote: Well @Deathink is really an awesome guy !!
Congrats to the winners !
And next time I 'll Participate too !

I really can't overstate how amazing and important people like @Deathink are. His participation makes every event that much more worth doing and beyond motivating me to keep it up with the art challenges, he's motivating the people making these games and motivating other artists to up their game. We're all one organism that depends on one another if you want to look at it like that.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-23 11:06:01

At 3/21/15 03:08 AM, NotASpammer wrote: Quick being such a workaholic, siddown and talk to us. How was your day? @tomfulp

Funny you mention that... So on Thursday April was attending a funeral so I was going to pick the kids up at school and her parents were gonna watch them at the house while I went back to work. The weather was nice for a change and the kids wanted to do stuff with me so we played outside and then I brought them to the office to hang out.

It's interesting because I see the kids every morning and every night but I haven't had much REAL time with them in months... I did MAGFest and PAX, people took turns being sick on weekends, the weather was never much for going outside... And I'm always sorta preoccupied between NG and Behemoth stuff. So it was nice to spend that afternoon with them on Thursday.

Then Friday it snowed and I decided to take a snow day and work on NG from home... Got caught up with a bunch of private messages I fell behind on, worked on the Flash Portal History, wrapped up the art contest... Liam ended up being sick this weekend but we still got to play outside some. I also spent Sunday doing spring cleaning, tidied up the garage and threw out a bunch of stuff in the attic before moving some other stuff into the attic that we brought home from my parents' house, because they're cleaning THEIR attic.

It was a nice change from the constant preoccupation with computer-related business.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History 2015-03-23 11:13:15

At 3/22/15 01:16 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: Congrats to the winners!

I thought this post (the '2014 History' part of it) would be about this page btw, it's not forgotten is it?

I still intend to update the history, one of these days!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Another one for fun, "The Planet Keeper"

Chibi Knight Winners & 2014 History