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DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest!

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Last week we had a Darkest Dungeon Art Contest, with a prize of Steam keys for the six best entries.

Here are the winners!

Top Six - Steam Key Recipients

NOTE: ThePsychoSheep had accidentally been awarded twice. The list has now been updated, with TaraGraphics in sixth!

Thank you everyone who participated and congrats to the winners!

The theme this week is Super Chibi Knight by @BoMToons.

Create some fan art based on Super Chibi Knight, tag it "superchibiknight" and upload it to the Art Portal by Friday, March 20th at 12 noon EST!

Not scouted? We'll still find you!

Darkest Dungeon Runner-Ups


Also here's a classic piece by @jouste, pre-contest:

Jouste is currently doing the art for Viking Squad!

Check out the Best of February and be sure to follow the Newgrounds Steam Curator page to keep up with what everyone is doing in Steam-world.

DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:10:17


Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:31:13

First of all I would like to congratulate the winners of the contest and the splendid works they submitted!But I think my Jester pic shouldn't be in the winning category since IT WAS MADE PRE-CONTEST.I think the place should be given to someone else!

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:37:19

Holy mackerel! Thanks Tom! I am so pumped to see what people come up with!

If you need inspiration, browse my news posts from the last year, visit SuperChibiKnight.com, or play the game on Steam Early Access!

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:42:41

Congrats Winners

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:50:16

AHHH. Thanks for picking me! You have filled my cold lifeless hunk of dead flesh of a heart with happiness. Thank you.

Grats on the other winner dudes and the other dudes who entered. So many dungeons that happen to be dark.

I'll definitely have to take part in more contests. That was way too fun.

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:51:30

Congratulations to the winners!

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 18:59:06

Ok, I have been watching this contest for a while now and would just like to comment on the absolute stupidity of the outcome. I am not degrading anyone's work, but there is a complete disregard for all rules that a normal competition/contest should contain.

First of all, one of the people who won the contest posted his/her work later than the deadline was stated on the original post by the admin. This should not be happening in a competition of this genre, what if someone were to have spent an extra 3-4 days on their piece, but did not as they posted it before/on the day of the deadline? Well that is completely unfair and corrupt.

Secondly, this contest should NOT have included artwork BEFORE the contest was established, as they may have spent a much larger amount of time on their work than was included in the entire contest, again making the contest further corrupt and unfair for the poor people who worked their asses off to try and get their work in before the deadline.

Finally, I believe the contest should be re-evaluated for ONLY the people who entered their artwork within the contest times, otherwise what is the point of a deadline? You may think I am biased for writing this, and yes, you would be right about that assumption. I am not saying my friend's work should have won, but I just find that the nature of this contest is totally broken and unfair for the runners up who worked so hard to win this competition. If you are going to hold art contests, at least make them fair for the people who actually entered the competition! My friend worked extremely hard to win this competition, and to see him lose after all that hard work is really frustrating, considering he lost to work that 1. wasn't entered in the contest by a user, and 2. was entered after the deadline and should not even be included in the contest.

I won't state the name of my friend, because right now, I am speaking for all those who actually "played by the rules" of the contest, if it even HAS rules.

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 19:34:43

I need to say that choice of winners is really far from my expectations. Interesting stuff

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 19:38:24

Finally, I believe the contest should be re-evaluated for ONLY the people who entered their artwork within the contest times, otherwise what is the point of a deadline? You may think I am biased for writing this, and yes, you would be right about that assumption. I am not saying my friend's work should have won, but I just find that the nature of this contest is totally broken and unfair for the runners up who worked so hard to win this competition. If you are going to hold art contests, at least make them fair for the people who actually entered the competition! My friend worked extremely hard to win this competition, and to see him lose after all that hard work is really frustrating, considering he lost to work that 1. wasn't entered in the contest by a user, and 2. was entered after the deadline and should not even be included in the contest.

I won't state the name of my friend, because right now, I am speaking for all those who actually "played by the rules" of the contest, if it even HAS rules.

Tom stated in the contest post that he forgot about PAX, and was extending the contest. I wasn't sure if he initially meant extending when he was going to reveal the winners, or the actual deadline. So I entered, thinking he could have meant either. It was confusing, but from the looks of it he did mean he was extending the actual deadline.

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 19:58:14

FRONTPAGED?! Oh, Tom you shouldn't have! This is just the best day of my life. I want to thank my parents, and my sister, and my cat Sniffles, and my other cat Dookie, and my friends, and John Cena for being there for me when no one else was. Thank you everyone!!! <3

DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest!

returning from 8 years hiatus haha so maybe renovating a little :>


BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 20:06:51


Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 20:35:18

Thank you very much!!! Some of you guys really brought it. I can't wait to see what people come up with for Super Chibi Knight. Pestoforce should enter this competition! hahaha
Anyway, i think these contest are a real great idea. I know you are focusing on steam devs right now, but I wouldn't mind seeing a "Prosnorkulususssus" contest someday, or even a broader "HappyHarry" contest.

@StupidFatHobbit98 it does seem like he extended the dead line, but even if he didn't I would still be OK with it. He still worked real hard on his project, just like you did. That is what is most important. For what it is worth, your Leper picture came out real great. Keep it up man, and someday it will not matter if they had a day a week or a month more than you! Your art looks very promising.

But let me ask you a question, who do you think should have taken that last place. You or Mohawkaid?

"A reward is it's own reward." - Killgar

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 20:50:48

Wow these are some great entries and winners! surprise there's already another contest ready and up, great job creating these events.

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-12 22:37:29

Man, those are some great pieces of art right here!
Well, I guess we all knew that deathink would be among the winners XD

Congrats to all other winners, and great work everyone :D

At 3/12/15 08:35 PM, deathink wrote: Thank you very much!!! Some of you guys really brought it. I can't wait to see what people come up with for Super Chibi Knight. Pestoforce should enter this competition! hahaha
Anyway, i think these contest are a real great idea. I know you are focusing on steam devs right now, but I wouldn't mind seeing a "Prosnorkulususssus" contest someday, or even a broader "HappyHarry" contest.

@StupidFatHobbit98 it does seem like he extended the dead line, but even if he didn't I would still be OK with it. He still worked real hard on his project, just like you did. That is what is most important. For what it is worth, your Leper picture came out real great. Keep it up man, and someday it will not matter if they had a day a week or a month more than you! Your art looks very promising.

But let me ask you a question, who do you think should have taken that last place. You or Mohawkaid?

Lol I didn't post any pictures on here, I have just been watching the artwork that was being entered into the contest. Not going to state any names on who should have won but it should have been someone who entered the contest within the allocated dates.

And I highly doubt Tom would have extended the deadline, as many people had already posted their artwork, and if they had known about the extended deadline, they may have been able to improve their work and win that prize. I just find that too ridiculous and unfair to believe. I am almost certain he meant delaying the results of the contest rather than the deadline. If it is the latter then these contests really need to be fixed because a lot of good artwork got wasted thanks to that misleading message.

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 03:56:09

I'm very tempted to take part in this one if I can scrape the time together.

Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage, an RPG with a few twists. Available to buy it on Steam here!

BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 06:22:40

Congrats to the winners! I agree with what DeathInk said, these Steam developer contests are a great idea. They really raise awareness for some creative up-and-coming indie games, and punches up the pool of available fanarts. Definitely looking forward to plugging in the Steam key.

At 3/12/15 06:05 PM, TomFulp wrote: The theme this week is Super Chibi Knight by BoMToons.

Create some fan art based on Super Chibi Knight, tag it "superchibiknight" and upload it to the Art Portal by Friday, March 20th at 12 noon EST!

This would be a fun contest. It'll be more colourful than Darkest Dungeon contest, for sure!

At 3/12/15 06:31 PM, ThePsychoSheep wrote: But I think my Jester pic shouldn't be in the winning category since IT WAS MADE PRE-CONTEST.I think the place should be given to someone else!

Oh whoops, that's my bad. I tagged it "darkestdungeon" because I thought you did make it for the contest, and didn't want you to miss out by neglecting the tag. I didn't realise it was made just a week earlier.

BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 07:39:05

At 3/12/15 06:31 PM, ThePsychoSheep wrote: First of all I would like to congratulate the winners of the contest and the splendid works they submitted!But I think my Jester pic shouldn't be in the winning category since IT WAS MADE PRE-CONTEST.I think the place should be given to someone else!

I would like to agree.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

At 3/12/15 06:31 PM, ThePsychoSheep wrote: First of all I would like to congratulate the winners of the contest and the splendid works they submitted!But I think my Jester pic shouldn't be in the winning category since IT WAS MADE PRE-CONTEST.I think the place should be given to someone else!

I'm still catching up on replies but noting now - I hadn't realized I picked you twice as a winner! We're gonna bump one of the runner-ups to a winning slot that will be announced shortly!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 10:40:23

At 3/12/15 08:35 PM, deathink wrote: Anyway, i think these contest are a real great idea. I know you are focusing on steam devs right now, but I wouldn't mind seeing a "Prosnorkulususssus" contest someday, or even a broader "HappyHarry" contest.

Fan-art for Steam games works well because Steam keys are an easy prize to give out, don't cost NG anything like all our other contests and also help promote games that people have potential to make a living off of. I'd love to do some NG fan-art contests but we'd have to figure out what a good prize would be for those... Could also just be for the thrill of participating.

@StupidFatHobbit98 it does seem like he extended the dead line, but even if he didn't I would still be OK with it. He still worked real hard on his project, just like you did. That is what is most important. For what it is worth, your Leper picture came out real great. Keep it up man, and someday it will not matter if they had a day a week or a month more than you! Your art looks very promising.

I didn't sweat over the deadline because I want these contests to be fun and light. The original intent was to announce winners Friday night, meaning anyone who wasn't done by noon would have missed the window. Since winners were picked much later, it happened that a late entry got a lucky break.

I'd like people to see these contests as fun motivation to create something and support another creator with fan art. Winning is the icing on the cake but if too many people get upset every week, it makes the whole thing discouraging. It didn't help this week that we had a late entry AND an entry that was made before the contest, resulting in one artist winning twice by accident.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 10:43:33

I updated the original post and TaraGraphics is now among the winners!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 15:12:52

At 3/12/15 06:37 PM, BoMToons wrote: Holy mackerel! Thanks Tom! I am so pumped to see what people come up with!

If you need inspiration, browse my news posts from the last year, visit SuperChibiKnight.com, or play the game on Steam Early Access!

I love your sign. Mind if I borrow it?

till we overdose

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-13 15:25:17

At 3/13/15 03:12 PM, RB wrote:
At 3/12/15 06:37 PM, BoMToons wrote: Holy mackerel! Thanks Tom! I am so pumped to see what people come up with!

If you need inspiration, browse my news posts from the last year, visit SuperChibiKnight.com, or play the game on Steam Early Access!
I love your sign. Mind if I borrow it?

Not sure what you mean... the logo? You can get a hi-res .png here: http://superchibiknight.com/sck_newlogo.png

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-14 04:48:50

At 3/13/15 03:25 PM, BoMToons wrote:
At 3/13/15 03:12 PM, RB wrote:
At 3/12/15 06:37 PM, BoMToons wrote: Holy mackerel! Thanks Tom! I am so pumped to see what people come up with!

If you need inspiration, browse my news posts from the last year, visit SuperChibiKnight.com, or play the game on Steam Early Access!
I love your sign. Mind if I borrow it?
Not sure what you mean... the logo? You can get a hi-res .png here: http://superchibiknight.com/sck_newlogo.png

No, I am talking about your forum sign. The one with " no user with a girlfriend exists in our site"

till we overdose

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-14 05:47:08

Congrats to everyone EXCEPT deathink

Also, first post


BBS Signature

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-14 14:23:34


Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-14 15:06:06

At 3/14/15 01:27 PM, Amaranthus wrote:
At 3/14/15 04:48 AM, RB wrote:
At 3/13/15 03:25 PM, BoMToons wrote:
At 3/13/15 03:12 PM, RB wrote:
At 3/12/15 06:37 PM, BoMToons wrote:
No, I am talking about your forum sign. The one with " no user with a girlfriend exists in our site"
It's called a signature.

Sign for short.

till we overdose

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-16 19:49:53

For a minute there, I thought the Duck Division had come back.

Anyway, now that the whining has calmed down, congrats to all the (eventual) winners.

Response to DD Wins & Chibi Knight Art Contest! 2015-03-17 16:55:13

Is there going to be a new thread devoted to the chibi contest or will this one serve as it ?