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First Timer with a Drawing tablet.

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I know it's not the best but PLEASE, give me feedback/critics. I really want to do better than this. Thank you :) !

4 hours well spent

First Timer with a Drawing tablet.

Response to First Timer with a Drawing tablet. 2013-08-19 16:57:52

At 8/19/13 04:31 PM, valetta wrote: I know it's not the best but PLEASE, give me feedback/critics. I really want to do better than this. Thank you :) !

4 hours well spent

Pretty cool, I would advice improving your traditional pencil to paper drawing skills if you are honestly looking to improve.

Strong initial line art is the basis for most work of quality. Personally I prefer to draw everything traditionally, only using the tablet to clean up scanned artwork.

I know other people prefer to draw entirely digitally but I find the old fashioned way to be more intuitive for me... at least currently.

Response to First Timer with a Drawing tablet. 2013-08-19 17:44:39

Thank you, is there any specific ways I could improve it?

Response to First Timer with a Drawing tablet. 2013-08-19 21:45:19

At 8/19/13 05:44 PM, valetta wrote: Thank you, is there any specific ways I could improve it?

Just a few very small/simple things I noticed from it.

His shadow: For it to go out that way, the light source would have to be in the direction of where the wall is, so if it's behind the wall then the wall should be casting a shadow. (If that makes sense)

Broken wall: The part where it's broken looks kind of flat. If you add in the sides of the bricks, instead of just the front of them, it'll look more 3d-ish.

I kind of liked how you made the background blurry, though. It was interesting.

Response to First Timer with a Drawing tablet. 2013-08-20 08:43:57

Thank you, I will try not to make the same mistake