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Recent Purchases

199,811 Views | 2,447 Replies

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-20 00:33:54

Simple plan music disc

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-20 01:44:17

Guitar stickers

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-20 13:43:42 (edited 2016-12-20 13:48:13)

Went to Dollar General today and bought some Ranch flavored Fritos ,Peach Monster Rehab,A greeting card for my friend and a PaperBack book called "Dangerous Danes: Plutonium Blonde/The Doomsday Brunette by John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem" after viewing the synopsis of the plot ,it looked so crazy and doesn't seem like it took itself seriously either as a parody of Pulp fiction Mystery Thrillers.
Also bought two containers of Lighter fluid at the gas station

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-21 14:52:33

Dunno if it counts but I put money down towards preorders of Yooka-Laylee, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, and Kingdom Hearts 2.8

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-21 16:50:00

fucking hot pockets son!

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-21 16:58:57

At 12/21/16 04:50 PM, NightRaid-NG wrote: fucking hot pockets son!


As for me I'm dead broke I spent so much money this month, ill be reloaded come sat yes monies.



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-21 21:09:43

At 12/21/16 04:58 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 12/21/16 04:50 PM, NightRaid-NG wrote: fucking hot pockets son!

As for me I'm dead broke I spent so much money this month, ill be reloaded come sat yes monies.


Did you max out credit limit or were you using a debit card for your purchases,

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-21 23:27:07

System of a down album

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-22 00:08:21

More fucking eggnog son!

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-22 00:10:22

Bought a rosary as a gift for a gril im trying to get with.

Recent Purchases

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-22 00:11:50

At 12/18/16 06:12 PM, Jurornumber3 wrote: A Christmas ham.

Ironically, Dearborn is chock-full of Muslims.

Hey man, the Hindus at subway make the best roast beef sammiches.

All I'm saying...

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-22 02:07:23

Most recently I bought myself a Samsung tab A 7" tablet. Previously I had a 7" HP ENVY Tablet, which can barely handle it's own operating system (it runs windows 10, came with 8 out of the box). The Samsung is actually usable and imy actually using it to browse newgrounds.com as we speak.

Blammin' and Shit Postin'

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-22 12:30:41

dbz budokai tenkaichi 3 for the wii

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-23 02:25:24

I'm super gay for Starcraft and have been wanting these figures for years and finally got the courage (got drunk and said fuck priorities) to buy these. The boxes are quite worn, but in box nonetheless. Now I just need to get the Hydralisk and Zealot figures....

also weed

Recent Purchases

This post will actually appear at the bottom of this page.

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Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-25 00:10:47

Bass synthesizer pedal

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-25 21:30:06

rpg maker mv

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-26 13:04:22

At 12/24/16 11:45 AM, RightTime wrote: I bought this bad boy. 24,000 mAh is a lot of phone charges.

Dude how big is the thing and what kind of battery is it?

24,000 mAh is like 5x what my RC car runs on, and the thing can go 50 MPH.

And that's on a 6-cell battery.

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-26 20:21:45

At 12/26/16 01:57 PM, RightTime wrote: significantly less than I paid for it. Grrr.....


The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-27 01:00:59

my drunk purchases are weird

Recent Purchases

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-27 09:13:04 (edited 2016-12-27 09:15:13)

I had made a subscription to slacker radio on the christmas eve, already regretted the purchase cancelling almost immediately after remember how needlessly complicated the interface of the site was.plus the fact it streamed songs with many hiccups when it wasn't using the Highest quality
Also got a new theme for the 3ds "Animal Crossing: Falling Leaves"

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 14:01:16 (edited 2016-12-28 14:02:06)

Couldn't pass up a trapper hat from work that came to $6.55 after tax with my employee discount. Can use it for snowboarding or just generally cold, windy, miserable days.

Probably gonna go buy a pair of casual leather shoes / boots too because I have about 40 dollars left on the gift card I got. I really shouldn't be putting any more money on my credit card but fuck it 2017 is gonna be the end for me.

Recent Purchases

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 15:32:10

I think these are the Chukkas I want but I'm gonna wait til after the first to order. My dad's side Christmas party is the 1st so maybe I'll get another gift card who knows

Recent Purchases

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

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Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 16:50:03

Tuition. 2,589 good ones.

This is my signature. It is a nice signature.

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Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 16:54:00

At 12/28/16 04:29 PM, hyperrobotz16 wrote: kind of rip tbh

Is that a good thing or no

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 17:15:37

At 12/28/16 04:57 PM, hyperrobotz16 wrote: do you ever go to Marshals or some generic store, they have cool shit for cheap if you go at the right time

amazon is cool i shit there

shoes need to be impressive to pay that amount of cheese

80 dollars isn't alot for a pair of shoes.

That's why I'm saying while they're on sale, if I get a gift card.

You pay 60 bucks for a pair of Vans that fall apart in a year so.

And these will be nice shoes, I'll buy shit shoes for work.

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 17:41:53

At 12/28/16 05:15 PM, WahyaRanger2 wrote: 80 dollars isn't alot for a pair of shoes.

And I'm over here wearing $20 shoes because I really can't afford anything more than that and think $40 shoes are expensive..

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 22:14:35

At 12/28/16 05:41 PM, Viper wrote: And I'm over here wearing $20 shoes because I really can't afford anything more than that and think $40 shoes are expensive..

Damn I'm over here getting shamed like I'm part of the 1%

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 22:59:40

At 12/28/16 10:14 PM, WahyaRanger2 wrote:
At 12/28/16 05:41 PM, Viper wrote: And I'm over here wearing $20 shoes because I really can't afford anything more than that and think $40 shoes are expensive..
Damn I'm over here getting shamed like I'm part of the 1%

Well its not really that I just find it weird when someone says that much for shoes "isn't a lot".

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

Last.fm Youtube

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-28 23:53:48 (edited 2016-12-29 00:03:06)

At 12/28/16 10:59 PM, Viper wrote: Well its not really that I just find it weird when someone says that much for shoes "isn't a lot".

I guess I meant it isn't alot when you consider I have $40 in gift card to put towards them right now, effectively only making them 40 dollars on my end.

If I get another gift card all the better.

I just want a nice pair of casual shoes for going out, or holidays, or what have you. I honestly want leather and I like that style, they're almost like high tops. I'll make them last, like I said, and buy a pair of 20 dollar jogging shoes soon enough for work shoes.

The shoe boots I have now have literal holes in them and my Converse "good" shoes are stained and hurt my feet.

I made the mistake of wearing them to a concert like a week after I got them and it's been downhill since then...

Guess I'm an asshole though so I'll shut up.

The Newgrounds Revolution isn't a thing, quit being a pussy.

BBS Signature

Response to Recent Purchases 2016-12-29 22:54:30

Humanity hates trump pack