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Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly

42,283 Views | 641 Replies

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-13 22:52:21

At 7/13/13 10:44 PM, Feoric wrote: Don't look now but there's a massive race riot on Twitter right now. Will the internet be safe?

Can we agree we hope it stays on the internet? Cause I'd rather not see Blacks destroy their own communities further.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-13 23:03:29

I honestly find it very difficult to believe how far this whole thing was blown out of proportion. From the sheer volume of emotional responses alone, you'd think that people killing other people, regardless of whether or not it's murder or self-defense, was an incredibly rare thing.

If I see anyone attempting to start a riot locally (highly unlikely I think) I'm going to do what I can to shut that shit down, because any even miniscule amount of damage done to anyone or anything on account of this one trial is absolutely ridiculous and completely uncalled for.

It made more sense in my head.

BBS Signature

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 00:29:49

If the head is split, you must acquit!

ya hear about the guy who put his condom on backwards? He went.

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Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 01:46:35

This was definitely blown out proportion, this man will probably might never have a normal life again no doubt.


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Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 01:47:44

At 7/14/13 01:46 AM, Nor wrote: This was definitely blown out proportion, this man will never have a normal life again no doubt.****

Fixed sentence


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Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 04:46:41

Good the right outcome the prosecution didn't have a clear narative of what happened and the evidence provided clearly a case of self defense using SYG.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 06:34:28

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 07:49:07

At 7/14/13 06:34 AM, Ceratisa wrote: So Oakland went to hell http://www.ktvu.com/news/news/crime-law/zimmerman-protests-t urn-violent-oakland/nYqFL/

And look its part of the Occupy movement.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 09:05:46

At 7/14/13 08:08 AM, Korriken wrote: In other news, I fully expect Eric Holder to come out today and declare he'll be working towards charging Zimmerman with 'civil rights violations' as well as Martins family laying a wrongful death lawsuit on him as well.

he was supporting protests financially. just to further his personal agenda I bet.

Audio released of DOJ member urging action against George Zimmerman

Newly Released Documents Detail the Department of JusticeâEUTMs Role in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 10:09:27

Under Florida Stand Your Ground Law Zimmerman maybe immune to Civil Suits!

Fla. Stat. § 776.032. Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force

(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force, unless the person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who was acting in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer. As used in this subsection, the term âEUoecriminal prosecutionâEU includes arresting, detaining in custody, and charging or prosecuting the defendant.

O'Mara announced tonight he will fight all attempts to bring Zimmerman before a civil court. My guess is that this case is now closed.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 10:37:48

Look, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty.

I hate all this racial shit that was forced onto this case, and to try to make Zimmerman as some 'oppressive racist whitey', please.

Yes an altercation occurred that could have been avoided, but No One save for Zimmerman was there that night.

He was tried in a due process and was found not guilty, despite ALL the handicaps he had, not only was the Public calling for his death (in some cases literally), but the Judge herself clearly favored the prosecution, and yet he was found guilty by 6 women no less.

I don't know what to say, that they're all racist and acquitted him as some symbolic 'Fuck You' to Civil Rights or the Black Population?

Justice has been served today, In the state of Florida there is the Stand Your Ground Law, and Georgie's actions that day were found in compliance with that law, so this ruling is nothing but lawful.

Whether or not George's actions were moral that night is a different story, but one that I find Gray. There is no evidence that suggests the man purposely went out to kill him. Trayvon made the mistake to confront the man and engage in a fight with him, he entered a gunfight unknowingly.

That being said it was also not right for George to play Batman and try to apprehend the kid for simply waltzing around his neighborhood.

Honestly, the real tragedy of this is how retarded the Media has played this to be Rodney King 2.0, hell probably right down to the race riots as well given the happenings in Oakland.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 11:18:16

At 7/14/13 10:09 AM, Tony-DarkGrave wrote: Fla. Stat. Ã'§ 776.032. Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force

Hey, look! A situation where we can actually use stand your ground in a legally (and commonsensically) legitimate manner!

Sounds like the jury was more convinced of the defense's details of the fight. Not sure if I would have agreed, but then again it's one thing to arm chair this and another to actually sit through all the evidence. I would definitely say that self defense being an affirmative defense, meaning they present the defense at the end likely helped, as in that way Zimmerman's side got the last narrative in the jury heard.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 11:36:51

Now the mainstream media is seeding the riot news all around, while idiots tweeting on Twitter calling for a massive riot. God helps Florida.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 12:00:23

At 7/14/13 11:23 AM, tyler2513 wrote: I was a bit surprised to see the out turn, but happy nonetheless. The stupid family afterwards was bitching like justice had been taken from them, maybe they should have raised their child better. I feel for them, but not enough to take it this far.

One of the more unintelligent things I've read in regards to this trial, I have to say.
A respectable opinion though, until you insulted the family. Not that I care that you're calling them stupid, the likelyhood is that they probably are, but they weren't bitching about anything. In fact they weren't even in the court room when the verdict was read.
What they did have to say could be summed up in a short statement, Christians sprewing garbage about prayers and faith, but that was online. Nothing pertaining to the legitimacy of the judicial system.

I actually do believe Zimmerman murdered Trayvon, but am not at all perplexed at the idea that George has gone free. It's the price we pay for our high standard of presentable evidence, and in this case, there wasn't a lot of.

Click that link below... I mean, you don't have to but like. I don't know.... Alright.

RokaJak's Artistic Artistry Of Arts

Did you? Oh. Okay. Nah it's cool, it's cool.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 12:15:02

At 7/14/13 12:25 AM, Korriken wrote: Zimmerman's going to be well off after this, i do believe.

He could always write a "Yeah, I Did It" book a la OJ.

BBS Signature

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 12:56:37

still can't comprehend how people think the same media narrative that the world was force fed was relevant in the court room.

ya hear about the guy who put his condom on backwards? He went.

BBS Signature

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 13:28:30

At 7/14/13 12:00 PM, RokaJak wrote:
Christians sprewing garbage about prayers and faith, but that was online. Nothing pertaining to the legitimacy of the judicial

I think you just topped him by saying something even more ignorant and stupid, and mind you completely unrelated to the trial, and f.y.i. a vast majority of the black population are christian. So go show off your Atheism elsewhere where it's relevant.

And no it's not murder, the man was found innocent in a court of law. As it is murder is a legal definition in the first place, the kill was the kill and nothing more, and since he was found NOT GUILTY of murder, no murder took place.

And let's take a deep breath, forget all this white guilt or racism nonsense and look at the evidence.

A Kid is wandering around a Neighborhood at night, my question that seems to have not been answered is why. Now before any libtard starts pointing fingers calling me racist because I 'believe' some wandering black kid must be up to no good, shut up. I've done the same in my own neighborhood and even been stopped by cops at night as a white, so no I know he might be coming from.

Now the reason I say might is because what is the answer, was he coming back from a party or was no reason given. Did any of his friends say what it was that he was doing out that night?

Second his character, there's been a lot thrown at Zimmy but not as much towards Martin. From what it seems he was suspended 3 times. Now I've been suspended before and I'm not calling him a bad kid. People do stupid shit, we all do, so I don't hold it to him.

However to call this kid some perfect angel is not entirely correct either, you don't get suspended thrice without having some sort of issue. Whether or not that makes him violent is another thing. However some of the photos on his phone shows that probably wasn't adverse to fighting.

Now does all this mean he deserved to die, no. But what it does show is that the kid got a hothead and fought someone, gained the upper hand apparently, and the coward resorted to his handguard immediately.

Now I will say this, how it all went down matters. If Martin struck first after feeling threatened than it's his fault, he had a right to be mad, but turning to fight some one stalking you rather than calling the cops or help, or simply talking to the man instead was stupid.

However if Zimmerman continually harassed the kid even if they did tell him to stop or back off and yet initiated a fight with a kid instead of simply threatening him off, or trying to talk to him, than all the blame falls to him.

But as it seems the latter option may have been the more accurate account of events considering the Jury ruled in his favor.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 13:48:00

At 7/14/13 12:56 PM, Iron-Hampster wrote: still can't comprehend how people think the same media narrative that the world was force fed was relevant in the court room.


Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 14:57:46

People be like: there's a recording, we know he did it ! rly -_- ?

by all means... ask

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Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 20:20:42

Obama On Trayvon!

President Obama released a statement on the Zimmerman verdict:

âEUoeThe death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if weâEUTMre doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if weâEUTMre doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, thatâEUTMs a job for all of us. ThatâEUTMs the way to honor Trayvon Martin.âEU'

he says let shit rest LOL!

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-14 23:33:50

The biggest problem I see here is Zimmerma being convinced in his warped mind that he as 100% OK in his actions.

That is not true. While he may have proven that Martin escalated the conflict, his needless actions started the confrontation in which an innocent young man (innocent prior to Zimmerman engaging him) ended up dead. Just because he is legally not liable in no way means his actions were morally OK. They were not. His uneducated zeal ended up in the death of a youth and the problems that will follow him for the rest of his life.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 04:14:15

It's okay Camar is just upset that the legal system disagreed with him.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 07:08:14

Overall, the entire debacle was a series of unfortunate circumstances.

George Zimmerman did act in a manner well within his rights to do so, and the entire trial ended in a manner legally viable and I am willing to accept it.


There will always be that little annoyance about there being a lack of evidence that I never find quite appealing. And since no man or woman would ever incrimidate his or herself, we have to rely on what the defendant's picture of the scene was compared to witnesses. Few witnesses, even fewer with reliable testimony on certain instances during the chain of events...

The only one who knows how things really went down will be Zimmerman at this point and so on, and I cannot for the life of me really see himself being entirely innocent in all of this. But as long as he can live with it, its all fair now.

Moving on, I rather hope people aren't going to take this case too seriously and actually try to emulate the series of events to get away with murder.

If I could name one person I respect.........it probably would be me. oh and the guy who lives here

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Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 11:40:59

At 7/15/13 07:08 AM, Jackotrades wrote: Overall, the entire debacle was a series of unfortunate circumstances.

George Zimmerman did act in a manner well within his rights to do so, and the entire trial ended in a manner legally viable and I am willing to accept it.


There will always be that little annoyance about there being a lack of evidence that I never find quite appealing. And since no man or woman would ever incrimidate his or herself, we have to rely on what the defendant's picture of the scene was compared to witnesses. Few witnesses, even fewer with reliable testimony on certain instances during the chain of events...

While it is true ONLY George Zimmerman knows the entire story, that is still the entire point of finding him "Not Guilty." People can't be certain what happened so he cannot be forced to spend the rest of his life in prison. But we are aware of some facts.
Mr. Good said the figure on top was pummeling the one on the bottom.

TM only had 3 small abrasions on his left knuckles. (testified during the trial)

The guy who literally wrote the book on gunshots/ballistics places Zimmerman on the bottom during the shot which was close enough that it had contact with his clothing, but not his chest.

According to expert testimony Zimmerman suffered at least 4 frontal blows.

and the requirement for using self defense is fear of great bodily harm.

The only one who knows how things really went down will be Zimmerman at this point and so on, and I cannot for the life of me really see himself being entirely innocent in all of this. But as long as he can live with it, its all fair now.

Moving on, I rather hope people aren't going to take this case too seriously and actually try to emulate the series of events to get away with murder.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 12:42:56

At 7/15/13 01:30 AM, Korriken wrote: You can't blame Zimmerman for Martin's actions.

I'm not. I'm blaming Zimmerman for attempting to be a policeman without any of the skill, composure, authority, restraint, or general adult intelligence it takes to be one.

In short, Zimmerman went WELL BEYOND his duties as a neighborhood watchman (and unofficial one at that) and because of his intense drive to target every black kid out for a stroll at night, he got BOTH Martin and Zimmerman into a position where nothing good was going to happen.

Sure, (going on the result of the trial) Zimmerman wasn't responsible for Martin's actions, but Zimmerman created the scenario that otherwise wpould not have existed if Zimmerman was doing the right thing.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 13:16:13

Eric "The Gun Runner" Holder is going to make a statement and Holder pledged that the Justice Department would âEUoecontinue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the lawâEU and would work to âEUoealleviate tensions, address community concerns and promote healingâEU in response to the case.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 13:22:10

just watching the douchebag is having a investigation launched on "Civil Rights" when Under Florida Stand Your Ground Law Zimmerman maybe immune to Civil Suits!

Fla. Stat. Ã'§ 776.032. Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force
(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force, unless the person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who was acting in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer. As used in this subsection, the term âEUoecriminal prosecutionâEU includes arresting, detaining in custody, and charging or prosecuting the defendant.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 13:25:48

In short, Zimmerman went WELL BEYOND his duties as a neighborhood watchman (and unofficial one at that) and because of his intense drive to target every black kid out for a stroll at night, he got BOTH Martin and Zimmerman into a position where nothing good was going to happen.

But it wasn't racial. Why are you making it sound like it was? The FBI said it wasn't, and Zimmerman didn't even know TM's race initially.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 16:30:22

Everybody keeps talking about this like a race war in a black v. white context.

Zimmerman was fucking Hispanic. I seriously wonder if people know this or not.

Response to Trayvon Martin case gets Ugly 2013-07-15 17:47:24

At 7/15/13 01:25 PM, Ceratisa wrote: But it wasn't racial. Why are you making it sound like it was? The FBI said it wasn't, and Zimmerman didn't even know TM's race initially.

I don't believe that for a second. EVEN IF it were not racial, Zimmerman still targetted a young man, overtly acted threatening toward him, and proceeded to engage him when every indicator would have told a normal person to stay back. Because he engaged well beyond his boundaries and those of a normal person, Martin ended up dead. That places a good deal of the responsibility (not legal, but moral) upon him.

In short, if Zimmerman wasn't a fucking idiot, Martin would be alive and Zimmerman would be free and clear, not only of jail as he is now, but of the massive stigma he intentionally brought upon himself.