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sig rater crew

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Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 01:45:43

rate my current sig


BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 01:46:36

At 10/16/04 01:45 AM, __Black_Mage__ wrote: rate my current sig

You for got to say please, now appologize, or they won't rate it.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 01:51:33

PLEASE rate my sig



BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 02:00:01

At 10/16/04 01:51 AM, __Black_Mage__ wrote: PLEASE rate my sig

I like that yellow tab and that text that matches the NG theme and all. You should have made that NG BBS background color transparent though, so it fits on any forum. Also, I don't really care for life death text in the background, it seems weird. But the face with a skull is a nice touch. Now, just get something more into the background. 7/10.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 02:48:05

At 10/15/04 06:35 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Here is my latest creation. Please rate it. I'm looking foreward to what you have to say BNSneepioo

i am a huge fan of those anime sigs. and this one is really good. Huh, wwait.. is that a martix background?! lol, it looks cool, but doesn't really fit i guess. well, never mind. it's all cool. you always do the text nice. this one is so cool. 9/10

btw, since you are kinda a "regular" in this club... maybe you could join..(?)
what do you think quikfox?

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 02:51:20

At 10/16/04 01:42 AM, RavenGage wrote: And I've another sig for rating (actually I've lost)
This was my cery first sig. I forgot who made it.

the text is hard to read. and a bit...ugly.
the sephriot (that guy is serphriot, right?) isn't fully on it, the sig haves a lot of bugs. plus...if i don't see a border; i always get mad. a bit low quality too...5/10

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 02:53:35

At 10/16/04 02:48 AM, BareNakedSneepioo wrote: i am a huge fan of those anime sigs. and this one is really good. Huh, wwait.. is that a martix background?! lol, it looks cool, but doesn't really fit i guess. well, never mind. it's all cool. you always do the text nice. this one is so cool. 9/10

I took the most time with this one, but some how, someday, I shall achive the perfect 10!! I guess hard work and precision really pays off. Sadly, I forget how to save it as a .gif instead of a .jpeg. They make the quality mundayne compared to .gif files. I wish NG would let you upload sigs as .bmp. They look so much better.

btw, since you are kinda a "regular" in this club... maybe you could join..(?)
what do you think quikfox?

I don't see any harm. But it is up to Quikfox....

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 02:59:45

At 10/16/04 02:53 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: I took the most time with this one, but some how, someday, I shall achive the perfect 10!!

yesyes, someday you will. i am sure.

I guess hard work and precision really pays off. Sadly, I forget how to save it as a .gif instead of a .jpeg. They make the quality mundayne compared to .gif files.

hmm, what program do you use?

I wish NG would let you upload sigs as .bmp. They look so much better.

yeah, i don't see why they won't let us do that.

btw, since you are kinda a "regular" in this club... maybe you could join..(?)
what do you think quikfox?
I don't see any harm. But it is up to Quikfox....

lol, yeah, i guess. he was the person who did the mutiny. he took over the club >=P

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:08:35

At 10/16/04 02:59 AM, BareNakedSneepioo wrote: yesyes, someday you will. i am sure.

I just need some more practice making sigs. Then I might, MIGHT be as good as the SSM guys. Who knows...

hmm, what program do you use?

It's a program called "Photostudio 5". It came with the printer I got. It's not as good as photoshop, but it does the job for me.

yeah, i don't see why they won't let us do that.

I know, .jpeg is an insult to sigs everywhere.>:(

I don't see any harm. But it is up to Quikfox....
lol, yeah, i guess. he was the person who did the mutiny. he took over the club >=P

I guess better him than someone who doesn't know anything about sig making and stuff. Like some fewel newb or something like that.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:20:51

rate my sig..... please :)

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:30:55

At 10/16/04 03:20 AM, _Zero_ wrote: rate my sig..... please :)

just two object wich have nothing to do with eachother. it's...pointless. not even a style. no cool color combinations. only the backgroun and the text are cool. and, there is no border. i give you a 5/10

Master Inuyasha, you can try rating some sigs too already. so we can see how you would do as an official rater.

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:37:13

At 10/16/04 03:30 AM, BareNakedSneepioo wrote: Master Inuyasha, you can try rating some sigs too already. so we can see how you would do as an official rater.


Lets see,...I like the background and I notice that you have a somewhat faded..I'd say eagle. You don't have a border, those are important. The jabbering skull is a bit annoying. Maybe if it wasn't so pollished like porcelin and was more like a skull. The text is cool but it need some color. The knight on the right is pretty neat, but doesn't really pair up with the skull. It's okay. 4.5/10

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:38:07

not trying to correct you or anything but the pics in my sig deal with skateboarding .. hint my name is a skateboarding company.. the skull has to do with the company zero and theother logo is darkstar another skateboard company logo

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:46:17

At 10/16/04 03:38 AM, _Zero_ wrote: not trying to correct you or anything but the pics in my sig deal with skateboarding .. hint my name is a skateboarding company.. the skull has to do with the company zero and theother logo is darkstar another skateboard company logo

i don't care it has both something to do with skateboarding.
it just doesn't fit with eachother. a non - animated knight with an animated skull. I DON'T SEE A CONNECTION. it's just pointless... if i would put spideman with george bush on a sig...it would have the same effect. and than i could say something dumb too, like, they have both something to do with "america". yeah, pretty vague connection.. a skateboard company logo.
you are good in making backgrounds for sig, but you have no style.

At 10/16/04 03:37 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Lets see,...I like the background and I notice that you have a somewhat faded..I'd say eagle. You don't have a border, those are important. The jabbering skull is a bit annoying. Maybe if it wasn't so pollished like porcelin and was more like a skull. The text is cool but it need some color. The knight on the right is pretty neat, but doesn't really pair up with the skull. It's okay. 4.5/10

true. true. if it was up to me, you were in already. i think you are a good sig rater.

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:46:52

At 10/16/04 03:38 AM, _Zero_ wrote: not trying to correct you or anything but the pics in my sig deal with skateboarding .. hint my name is a skateboarding company.. the skull has to do with the company zero and theother logo is darkstar another skateboard company logo

Oh, okay. Sorry, but I don't skateboard so I didn't know. I've tried before, but I only get injured. Tall guys and skateboards don't mix too well.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 03:49:35

Can good O'l QuikFox Rate my current sig and this one I made for another person?

sig rater crew

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 04:15:05

requiers no skill 2 add a pic on your sig and write summan
u were hoping people would go:
oOMFG!!1!1!! WooT Y3A porn

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 04:17:11

someone rate this one:

sig rater crew

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 04:22:14

At 10/16/04 04:15 AM, TheEvilEye wrote: 1/10
requiers no skill 2 add a pic on your sig and write summan
u were hoping people would go:
oOMFG!!1!1!! WooT Y3A porn

Even though I'm not technically allowed to rate sigs here, neither is evil eye, I have to agree with him. Cyber has a habit of taking a hentai pic, resizing it, and adding a line of text. No effort required at all.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 04:37:14

Thats a cool background, It goes with your aura. I love that text, it's so cool. Very uniqe, major points. And that break towards the right side makes it look really cool. Oh, I didn't see that clock untill just now. Very nice. I don't think you could do any better with this sig. 10/10 Beats any of my sigs, any day.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 04:48:31

At 10/16/04 04:37 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Thats a cool background, It goes with your aura. I love that text, it's so cool. Very uniqe, major points. And that break towards the right side makes it look really cool. Oh, I didn't see that clock untill just now. Very nice. I don't think you could do any better with this sig. 10/10

wow, thank you ^__^ personally i think the background is a bit too plain but ohwell, thank you for the 10/10

Beats any of my sigs, any day.

well, i don't think we can speak of being "better" here. you have another style, you work with comics/anime... i work with abstract/techno. i am not very good @ making anime sigs, on that part, you are way better than i am. and i think anime sigs are harder too make, abstract is just mixing.

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 05:10:59

At 10/16/04 04:48 AM, BareNakedSneepioo wrote: wow, thank you ^__^ personally i think the background is a bit too plain but ohwell, thank you for the 10/10

Oh no, it's got depth to it, it's awsome.

well, i don't think we can speak of being "better" here. you have another style, you work with comics/anime... i work with abstract/techno. i am not very good @ making anime sigs, on that part, you are way better than i am. and i think anime sigs are harder too make, abstract is just mixing.

That is true, I have my "Master Inuyasha" style, so I guess we can't be compared on that lvl. So lets just say that you are good in your field of sigs, and that I am good in mine.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 05:27:34

At 10/15/04 05:46 AM, FoxistPrime wrote: photoshop mine.



wha the crap was i thinking

RATE plz, not photoshop


Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 05:40:01

At 10/16/04 05:27 AM, FoxistPrime wrote: RATE plz, not photoshop


I'm unoffical so far, but I'll rate it.(I hope Quikfox makes me official though)

There is no border, sigs need borders. Uh, reminds me of communist Russia with all those uniforms, but you need something else in there. Maybe if the flag was waving. The text is okay, but It could change for the better. Sliver just doesn't seem to suit it. It could be sharpened a bit too. 6/10

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 06:24:14

At 10/16/04 05:40 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 10/16/04 05:27 AM, FoxistPrime wrote: RATE plz, not photoshop


:: There is no border, sigs need borders.
Uh, reminds me of communist Russia with all those uniforms,
supposed to
but you need something else in there.
Maybe if the flag was waving.
long story made short: will never happen the SSM won't fix it.
The text is okay, but It could change for the better. Sliver just doesn't seem to suit it.
noted that
It could be sharpened a bit too. 6/10
k thx

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 06:35:54

At 10/16/04 06:24 AM, FoxistPrime wrote:
At 10/16/04 05:40 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 10/16/04 05:27 AM, FoxistPrime wrote: RATE plz, not photoshop



Sure. I used to get ppl to make sigs for me, now I make my own sigs. You draw right? Try making a sig with stuff that you drew/made in it. You'll never wanna ask for someone to make you a sig ever agean.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 06:50:10

it's a long time ago that i made a sig with poetry on it.
so..i made one again.
rate. please.

sig rater crew

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 07:05:22

At 10/16/04 06:35 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
Sure. I used to get ppl to make sigs for me, now I make my own sigs. You draw right? Try making a sig with stuff that you drew/made in it. You'll never wanna ask for someone to make you a sig ever agean.

i had a big sig making operation going, and i used to have only my owns igs, but this one is just so beyond all what i can make

heres one of mine, plz rate

sig rater crew

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 07:52:19

At 10/16/04 07:05 AM, FoxistPrime wrote: i had a big sig making operation going, and i used to have only my owns igs, but this one is just so beyond all what i can make

heres one of mine, plz rate

Okay, since it's original art, it gets points. But since the art isn't to flashy(rich in detail and colour)it takes away. The font and the color aren't too good with it either. All thought I do like the fx you gave to it with the green light explosion. I give it 4.5/10 over all those possitives and negatives. Not to mention it doesn't have a border. Some times white borders make black based sigs look really cool.

At 10/16/04 06:50 AM, BareNakedSneepioo wrote: it's a long time ago that i made a sig with poetry on it.
so..i made one again.
rate. please.

One thing that hit's me first is the colours, it's all green, but different shades. Very cool. As it being a poetry sig which are scarce on NG, plus the font goes so well with it. Not to mention it matches your aura all the way. I give it a 9.5/10

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to sig rater crew 2004-10-16 08:31:42

rate my sig that i use for dmy phpbb forums

Vivi Orunitia
President '04!

sig rater crew


BBS Signature