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Tilt? I don't see a Tilt

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Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 06:36:55

Have you ever had a weird review about your artwork before? Apparently there's a tilt in this image, viewers I hope you can find it.. I can't. I know this isn't that great: i'm only 15, this was suppose to be my first submission to the art portal (error wouldn't let me), and I made it using Microsoft Paint (which is a horrible program to use for anything like this). Please find the tilt, that's been bugging me for days now. Thanks for your time, peace out.

- Selena

Tilt? I don't see a Tilt

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 06:47:30

its awesome

checkout my deviantart

chekout my art

chekout my art thread

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 06:50:36

At 1/30/11 06:47 AM, noo7 wrote: its awesome

Awesome? maybe, maybe not. I've heard more bad things then good. As an artist you need to keep that in mind, it doesn't mean you should give up though. Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it ^.^

Message me! I luv kitties (=^_^=)

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 07:15:40

About the 'tilt'.. I think it's in the chair. Your character sits a little crooked as it is, but the base of the chair is leaning waaay too much to the left. It kind of looks as if it's made out of rubber and the character tries to keep it straight with its foot, there.
I suggest you redraw the seat of the chair to make it a little more straight (parallel with the 'horizon' of the room), and give the chair a different 'leg'. Maybe four legs instead of one. Or one, but with a broader base like those desk chairs.

To do so, I think it's best to save your image as a new one (so you can keep your original), and then completely erase the legs as well. Chances are they'll look weird when you redraw the chair. Don't forget you character is sitting on it, it's not just background. You should try and make a habit out of drawing what's underneath first, that way you position your character on the chair, and not the other way around. It'll look a lot more natural.

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 07:26:14

At 1/30/11 06:36 AM, LilSelena wrote: this was suppose to be my first submission to the art portal (error wouldn't let me)

Try another browser, like Google Chrome. It's a known bug.

and I made it using Microsoft Paint (which is a horrible program to use for anything like this).

Try downloading GIMP, if you want to try a more painterly program. It's similar to Photoshop.

About the tilt, Morthagg's right, I believe it's on the chair. Try to draw the base of the chair so that his centre of gravity if directly over the base, and make the base wider so it looks a bit sturdier ;)

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 07:36:04

Try drawing creases on clothes with thinner lines or make the end of the lines end in more of a point. i think it would also be helpful for you if you sketched scenes like this with three-dimensional shapes first so you can see where you're getting the perspective and proportions wrong and fix it.

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 08:00:25

See at least you people give a good description why. thank you all for your replies, I find them a lot more useful then that review. thank you so much =]

Message me! I luv kitties (=^_^=)

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 10:45:37

At 1/30/11 06:36 AM, LilSelena wrote: Have you ever had a weird review about your artwork before?

Hey, you're just lucky you get reviews. But yes, I know what you mean. I usually ignore that kinda thing.

I know this isn't that great: i'm only 15

I hate when people use age as an excuse.

this was suppose to be my first submission to the art portal (error wouldn't let me), and I made it using Microsoft Paint (which is a horrible program to use for anything like this).

Yup, you would be right. As ToaS said, GIMP is great, or you can get Flash or Photoshop or SAI. Those cost money though, and I'm not going to promote illegal activities on the forum.

Please find the tilt, that's been bugging me for days now. Thanks for your time, peace out.

Yeah, that problem has been adressed. Now you can work on your proportions and shading and stuff. I like that you even attempted at shading, but your tones are much too saturated and are an eyesore. Think, "would I really wear something like this outside?" If you answer "yes" to that, you have no fashion sense :P Then ask, "Do my blue jeans/purple shirt really look like this?" The blue jeans look kinda turquoise, and the purple it just... ehhh. Then again, I think its the Paint-ness of it that is bugging me.
That is a really short desk too btw, his legs can't even fit under it.
In comparison to his body, his neck is also very long.
The wrinkles are alright, but you need to vary the lineweight. In Paint you can't do much, but you have to make sure that the outline/closest parts are the ones with the thickest lines. the rest (details/far away stuff) have thinner lines.
I like what you did with the hair.

Am I gonne get in trouble because I reviewed your piece, and not the tilt? Aw, fuck it.

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-30 14:34:20

The chair is at an angle that would cause you to fall out of it. Also the computer is at an odd angle that looks like it isn't set right on the table.

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-31 04:12:37

let me outline that tilt for you.

its got a random level of tilt throughout, basically, all you should do is highlight the main portion (man and computer+desk) and rotate it to the right approx. 5-8 degrees.

best of luck.

P.S. his right leg is a cripple-leg, please fix that, and fix the issue with leg/body sizing. remember legs=body+head approximately.

Tilt? I don't see a Tilt

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-31 10:35:35

Putting apart the proportion errors and other mistakes, I rectified the tilt (it's more of a skew than a tilt) in the image. Even then, the base of the chair should simply be started over. Skewing an image or character is a common mistake! To make sure you don't do it, you should work with the on-screen grid AND flip your image horizontally from time to time. The horizontal flip really makes any mistakes pop out!

Tilt? I don't see a Tilt

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-31 11:03:25

*Ahem* I fairly disappointed that some comments actually sound like they came from DA users. Oh well, we can't complain about something that already happened. First of all, age doesn't mean anything. So quit bitching about it. It's no excuse for something as trivial as art skill. You can improve it whether your a child or a senior citizen. So I'll just get on with my crit.

The first notable thing about this picture is that obvious tilt you claim that you can't see. It's right there. You can't possibly miss it. Considering some colleagues already pointed it out with pictures. Firstly, the anatomy on this pic looks absolutely terrible. makes me sad on how this boy right here lives his everyday life. His head is disproportionate with his body size. His' neck is too thick and long and his legs looks like he has Polio. Especially the left leg, his' knees looks like it can't even connect the two halves of the leg. Poor fellow. I suggest you look at anatomy tutorials and/or books to improve your skill in this area. Because right now your anatomy looks utterly dreadful. Good thing you're only 15, that means you'd have a lot of time to refine it.

I also want to mention the mediocre shading, it doesn't make a bit of sense because I can't tell where the light in your drawing is coming from. Learn how to shade properly. I mean look at it, it looks odd. Also try adding multiple layers of shading. It looks bland and unappealing with one layer. And look at that hair! I mean they look like something a sock puppet would have for hair. I looks like yarn. That's something I don't see everyday.The sunglasses also strange.One lens is bigger than other. Plus why didn't you put any shine to the glasses? The heaphones also look unnatural. I don't understand how the hell that chair maintains to stand. It looks ready to fall down. Weird design I might add.

I'll end it here, because you'll probably fall asleep if I go any further. Or rage for that matter. But last thing I'll say about your pic is that "I <3 NG" looks damn unnecessary. Anyway, you'll definitely have a great chance to turn into a great artist someday. Just bear in mind you can never achieve this in a short time. Keep practicing, don't give up. And more importantly never let your ego take over no matter how good you become. Otherwise you'll wind up in an unwanted situation. Last question, who the hell is that deformed guy I've been critiquing? Oh, and always remember to stay away from DA. For obvious reasons.

Harsh crits for everyone!!!

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-31 11:11:10

this has some very creepy proportions and the perspective is just so damn horrible, by the way, I have no idea what tilt you guys are talking about, coz i think evrything is tilt really crappy in this pic.

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-01-31 11:54:11

At 1/31/11 10:35 AM, Vonschlippe wrote: Putting apart the proportion errors and other mistakes, I rectified the tilt (it's more of a skew than a tilt) in the image. Even then, the base of the chair should simply be started over. Skewing an image or character is a common mistake! To make sure you don't do it, you should work with the on-screen grid AND flip your image horizontally from time to time. The horizontal flip really makes any mistakes pop out!

This right here.

I saw this 'tilt' right away. The proportion and positioning made it look like the whole thing was going to fall off the page, honestly.

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-02-03 18:58:35

At 1/31/11 11:11 AM, arcax12345 wrote: this has some very creepy proportions and the perspective is just so damn horrible, by the way, I have no idea what tilt you guys are talking about, coz i think evrything is tilt really crappy in this pic.

Thanks for the criticism...

Message me! I luv kitties (=^_^=)

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Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-02-03 19:48:13

At 2/3/11 06:58 PM, LilSelena wrote:
At 1/31/11 11:11 AM, arcax12345 wrote: this has some very creepy proportions and the perspective is just so damn horrible, by the way, I have no idea what tilt you guys are talking about, coz i think evrything is tilt really crappy in this pic.
Thanks for the criticism...

What the hell, that guy left the worst crit in the thread out of the many comments you got and you thank him. Summary of his comments = 'creepy proportions, horrible perspective, everything is tilt crappy' ... :|

Response to Tilt? I don't see a Tilt 2011-02-05 01:41:43

I hope I'm not the only one who read this thread as "Tit? I don't see a Tit."

Ohoho, my dirty mind.

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