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Kill Bill vol. 2

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Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:53:36

Just 7 more days till the climax of one of the best movies ever. Is anyone else as excited as me. Hopefully this movie wont have a bad ending but knowing the genious that is Quentin I know it will be classic. If u havent seen the first vol. then i suggest u run to blockbuster (or whatever place u go to) and get it.

Does anyone know any secrets about the film yet?

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:54:33

AHHHH I'M EXCITED! Quentin Tarantino is the best director EVER! and Pulp Fiction is the best movie EVER! Just look at my sig :P

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:55:07

I heard that a bunch of people walked out in the first one, since it was nothing but pointless violence.

My art gallery, because I'm better than you at things.

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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:55:58

Fuck yeah am I excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I snuck in to see the 1st one because I am not 18 lol but Oh fuck yeah was it worth it, I am shitting myself with excitement, the 1st one is coming on DVD to my house soon so that should be another thing to look forward to

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:57:40

Btw Remy, I like the quote in your sig :P

Quentin Tarantino rocks. I want to fuck him almost as much as I want to fuck the ashes of Kurt Cobain.... To bad they were scattered around >:|

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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:57:57

At 4/9/04 06:54 PM, DirtySyko wrote: AHHHH I'M EXCITED! Quentin Tarantino is the best director EVER! and Pulp Fiction is the best movie EVER! Just look at my sig :P

OMG we are so alike!!!

Pulp fiction is my all time favorite movie!, it isnt the best movie I have ever seen but it is still my favorite, all those memorable quotes, that gruipping storyline!"

(excuse me I am a little drunk)

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:58:59

i am pretty excited about it. the big secret has already been revealed though at the end of the first one, so i don't expect too many more surprises. maybe alittle more background on why Hattori Hanzo (The Man from Okinawa) and Bill don't like each other......and why "california mountain snake" (i think thats her name) envys the bride as much as she does. but other than that, i think its just going to be straight forward all the way though

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 18:59:53

At 4/9/04 06:55 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: I heard that a bunch of people walked out in the first one, since it was nothing but pointless violence.

That kind of reminds me of Care Bears the movie. Sickening stuff.


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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:01:43

At 4/9/04 06:57 PM, Thman wrote:
At 4/9/04 06:54 PM, DirtySyko wrote: AHHHH I'M EXCITED! Quentin Tarantino is the best director EVER! and Pulp Fiction is the best movie EVER! Just look at my sig :P
OMG we are so alike!!!

Pulp fiction is my all time favorite movie!, it isnt the best movie I have ever seen but it is still my favorite, all those memorable quotes, that gruipping storyline!"

(excuse me I am a little drunk)

Man I've seen Pulp Fiction I don't know how many times. Whenever I go to my friends house I just bring it over and make them watch it. They are getting so sick of it, it's funny as hell. I don't think any of my friends like that movie anymore.... But I still watch it, so fuck them

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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:02:04

At 4/9/04 06:57 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Btw Remy, I like the quote in your sig :P

yea thanx and im sure a cool Tarantino fan like urself knows its from the movie. Im not gonna buy the Vol.1 because when vol. 2 comes out im hoping they will make a box set. And to the post at the top about the people walking out they were prob. little kids who couldnt take the violence and had to puke because there was so much character depth and LOTS & I MEAN LOTS of BLOOD. And it wasnt senseless she had a reason, it wasnt pointless.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:04:31

Of course, it's from Kill Bill vol. 1

They showed it at the very start of the movie. I think I saw that movie 3 times in theatres :P

I think this is the last time I can post for like another 30 mins, damn :(

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:07:51

At 4/9/04 07:01 PM, DirtySyko wrote:


Yeah my friends think the film Snatch is better than Pulp Fiction,
they can go to fuking hell for all I care> Snatch maybe good but doesn't have half the wit and sofistication of PF.

Kill Bill maybe violent, but there is still purpose for the violence so it is a film worth watching. I would say it may not be one of Tarantino's best but is still damn good. Still better than Jackie Brown, but below PF and Resevoir Dogs.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:14:51

I have a feeling it's gonna suck... The first one was awsome but on the new trailer for Vol. 2 there was no fighting, which means theres probably no fught scenes...Or that there amazingly good and they don't wanna reveal them

BBS Signature

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:17:52


If Tarantino screws it up I will personally cry. The first set itself up for a good ending and I hope the 2nd wont fail at delivering the ending that it deserves.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:17:56

first one kicked so much ass it was ridiculous. im hoping the second one will live up to the excpectations.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:29:29

At 4/9/04 07:17 PM, Thman wrote: If Tarantino screws it up I will personally cry. The first set itself up for a good ending and I hope the 2nd wont fail at delivering the ending that it deserves.

u guys listen to urselves u thought that to but then I realized this is Quentin T. he does not dissapoint or make bad movies.
Off subject but whatever, IS Jackie Brown good? I have it downloaded but have yet to watch it. And da_pope there is fight scenes like between her & that crazy looking white ninja dude and Bill (bill i think knows karate & shit like that too), he probaly didnt want to show to much so not to give away alot.(WHich is smart)

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:32:08

At 4/9/04 06:54 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Pulp Fiction is the best movie EVER!

No way, the Godfather parts one and two were better than pulp fiction. So was Scarface, so was Platoon, Schindler's List, I'll give you that Pulp Fiction is up there, but not the best movie of all time.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:32:22

comptonassterry wheres that name from? Its on the tip of my tongue but i just cant seem to rem., I think some tv show.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:33:29

Jackie Brown is good... but in my opinion it is the least best of his movies.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:35:46

At 4/9/04 07:32 PM, pierrot-le-fou wrote:
At 4/9/04 06:54 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Pulp Fiction is the best movie EVER!
No way, the Godfather parts one and two were better than pulp fiction. So was Scarface, so was Platoon, Schindler's List, I'll give you that Pulp Fiction is up there, but not the best movie of all time.

personally my fav. right now is Minority Report. I dont know but there was something about that movie that I loved. The mystery, the future type cars, guns, & stuff, or maybe it was the pre cogs they were so hot (for u people who take things seriously, uknow who u r, that last part was a joke)

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-09 19:40:44

Damn im pissed, it was my birthday on monday and i go scarface, but those fuks from amazon.com only sent the bonus features disk so i have yet to see it. Jackie brown was damn good but I would say it is still Trarantino's worst movie ( still fukin good)
He has to be my all time favorite director and makes the movies that best fit my favorite style. Kill Bill 2 surely wuill be a success just as all Q.T's movies have been and will add another big achievement to his collection. Now im goin so night all ( time of 00:42 here in leicester , UK) :)

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:45:06

At 4/9/04 06:57 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Quentin Tarantino rocks. I want to fuck him almost as much as I want to fuck the ashes of Kurt Cobain.... To bad they were scattered around >:|

Holy crap! I thought I was the only person in Kansas who knew who Quentin Tarantino is! Can't say I'm that willing to fuck him, however...

Kill Bill vol. 2

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:47:05

I heard Sam Jackson makes a cameo in Vol. 2.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:48:54

At 4/9/04 06:55 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: I heard that a bunch of people walked out in the first one, since it was nothing but pointless violence.

Hell yeah. Pointless violence is the best kind of violence! I'm excited to go see Vol. 2. I wonder if her daughter actually appears in this one...hmmm....hmmm....hmmmmmmmm. Thats deep.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:49:44

At 4/11/04 12:47 AM, WifebeaterPeter wrote: I heard Sam Jackson makes a cameo in Vol. 2.

Yeah, he's the organ player they talked about in the first one.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:50:40

At 4/9/04 06:53 PM, Remy_Lebeau wrote: If u havent seen the first vol. then i suggest u run to blockbuster (or whatever place u go to) and get it.

Is it out yet?
I've been looking for it at my Hollywood Video for a while - it's been taking a long time.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:52:31

At 4/9/04 06:54 PM, DirtySyko wrote: AHHHH I'M EXCITED! Quentin Tarantino is the best director EVER! and Pulp Fiction is the best movie EVER! Just look at my sig :P

damn right, i wouldnt have it under my fav. list for nothing.

i just watched it at 4am this morning :)

BBS Signature

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:56:13

At 4/11/04 12:49 AM, SoulShadower wrote: Those Kill Bill movies look like shit. They seem to have no plot at all, and just rely on pointless action for idiots to gobble up.

o sweet little mind u have not lived until u have seen this movie. COnsider ur life unfulfiled until u see it. There is more plot & character depth than any movie u have ever seen.

and to the post above this yes it came out on April 9.

Molokov, i cant rem. ur name but its something like that, yes her daughter is in it they showed her with Uma in the latest trailer on TV. Only 8 more days.

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:57:14

Tonight's the night we're gonna make it happen,
Tonight we'll put all other things aside.
Give in this time and show me some affection,
We're going for those pleasures in the night.

I want to love you, feel you,
Wrap myself around you.
I want to squeeze you, please you,
I just can't get enough,
And if you move real slow,
I'll let it go.
I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
I'm about to lose control
And I think I like it.
I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want you, want you.

We shouldn't even think about tomorrow,
Sweet memories will last a long long time.
We'll have a good time baby don't you worry,
And if we're still playing around boy that's just fine.

Let's get excited,
And we just can't hide it,
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.
I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want you, want you.

BBS Signature

Response to Kill Bill vol. 2 2004-04-11 00:57:40

there makin two more kill bills to qwork on the characters.