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movie collab:

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movie collab: 2010-03-15 12:01:56

heey there guys i have a script ready for a funny little movie,
now i a looking for the usual mix of guys, animators voice actors etc...
If your intrested i will provide a sample of the script and we can see what happens from there.

Feel free to ask questions

BBS Signature

Response to movie collab: 2010-03-15 13:39:40

At 3/15/10 12:01 PM, munio wrote: heey there guys i have a script ready for a funny little movie,
now i a looking for the usual mix of guys, animators voice actors etc...
If your intrested i will provide a sample of the script and we can see what happens from there.
Feel free to ask questions

Believe it or not, but people just aren't going to do what you want, for free, without knowing what you've got.

Plus you don't have the collab credentials to hold that type of team together. Hence why I'm locking this thread.

If I were you, I'd download a trial version of Flash and see if you can get your animation off the ground, and you can look for voice artists in their audio forum thread.

BBS Signature