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i need one deep voice actor.

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i need one deep voice actor. 2010-03-05 11:58:45

Okay i just need a voice actor that has a deep voice and kinda epic i guess..

Heres what i need you to say. Scene 1
(music playing "Pianos Testimony")

BB- It all started in a small town. A small town Right next to a nuclear power plant!
I was just walking down the street when it happened. Just walking... When something went terribly
Wrong with the power plant causing it to explode. A shard of the nuclear metal or whatever, pierced through my
body. I fainted instantly... Silence..... I woke up in a hospital 13 days later, and something was different..
My eyebrows they were atleast a foot long.. The doctors said it was normal, but i knew it was more than that.
I learned how to move them, I could do so many helpful things.. And now here i am. A protector of this small
Town, i am........ i am BROW-BOY! I know it's stupid but it's the beginning thing like a prolouge?

Anyway i have an audio thing i made for it.. and the song is a "Pianos testimony" Wich will be playing in the background i just need this all to be said epicly... i have an audio file of me doing it, so if ur interested, i will show you the audio file in wich is how i want you to say it.. ( I would do it but im 14 and my voice is crap) I know the script is wierd but it will make sense further in the animation and such!

Yea..Best Signature..Ever.

Response to i need one deep voice actor. 2010-03-05 12:03:50

The recording of you doing it will help a lot. And what kind of deep voice? (It may sound weird to ask that, but there's a couple different types. Like if you could give me a flash or video of what type of deep voice.
Because I could do it for you. But depending on what voice you're looking for, you might not like mine.

(And also, I don't think this should be under the collaborstion section. But whatever)

Response to i need one deep voice actor. 2010-03-05 12:27:58

Please usethe VA threads in the audio forum...
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