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NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0

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Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 09:05:12

mister krinkels +205 | +1

Finally, raising some rank! Gotta finish up The Saboteur, then it's off to Dark Void.

So yeah, I'm pretty much just playing everything Yahtzee reviewed.

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 13:17:42

Perfect Dark is finally here! For some reason it has 20 achievements instead of the usual 12 for an arcade game but still only 200G. All I know is that I'm looking at a lot of hours down, hours that I didn't really have anyway.

Both Barrels - 5G
How's That For Starters? - 10G
Act Your Age, Joanna - 5G

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 16:26:59

Perfect Dark has 29 acheivements for some reason

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 16:29:54

I have Alec's games here! and Metro 2033 and Burnout Paradise... there is too much to play. this is a happy moment.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 17:31:31

I just got Perfect Dark, it's hard, and I haven't played online yet. Episodes from Liberty City better be here tomorrow from LoveFilm otherwise I will be sad. Lastly, Just Cause 2 is like 1 week away, me thinks I will definitely-maybe buy it, or better still I'll reserve it on LoveFilm and get it nice and fast.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 17:41:37

I wish there was a new game that I actually gave a shit about. Back to playing Battlefield online and grinding my characters up to high levels on Blue Dragon. Woo!

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 17:53:12

Fuck Terminator Salvation. Fuck it in the ass. I'd probably enjoy it if the controls weren't mangled to shit. Fucking piece of shitty rubbish. Fuck any game with a broken cover system. Suck my dick game. Robot crabs look like piss too. Besides, I don't want shitty robot crabs, I want T-1000's and shit. Suck my cock.




I love Perfect Dark though :3
Got about 15G from it, so far.

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 18:02:01

At 3/17/10 04:29 PM, Makeshift wrote: I have Alec's games here! and Metro 2033 and Burnout Paradise... there is too much to play. this is a happy moment.

You're welcome.

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 18:05:26

So today I finished Mass Effect 2.
I only need 5 more achievements;
Level 30,
Complete Insanity,
Do 5 missions found by scanning planets,
Upgrade a weapon fully,
Incinerate the armour of 25 enemies.

I fucked up on the Suicide mission the first time by letting Grunt die, so I redid it to get 75G.
Plus I got it on with Jack, so that was an extra 50. :3

Lovely game, I'll max it out tomorrow and then trade it in most likely, then it'll be back to the usual Fallout 3/GH3 mix.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 18:11:54

25G from Perfect Dark so far.
Anyone want a game of Complex with classic guns?

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 18:31:14

165G from Saw
50G from TH: American Wasteland
30G from Rogue Warrior
15G from Metro 2033

So far I don't think I really like Metro 2033. It is quite boring, at the moment. It better pick up some more cause shiiit, son.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 18:34:24

At 3/17/10 06:31 PM, Makeshift wrote:
50G from TH: American Wasteland

This is a REALLY easy 900/1000G
You'll only get the last 100G if you push yourself to find all the gaps in every level, complete every goal. Do everything basically.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-17 19:41:24

At 3/17/10 06:31 PM, Makeshift wrote: So far I don't think I really like Metro 2033. It is quite boring, at the moment.

Mr. "I need to leave the party to hear the story."

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 00:29:14

At 3/17/10 06:05 PM, Lagamuffin wrote: So today I finished Mass Effect 2.
I only need 5 more achievements;
Level 30,
Complete Insanity,
Do 5 missions found by scanning planets,
Upgrade a weapon fully,
Incinerate the armour of 25 enemies.

You must have really legged it through the game if you beat it so quickly.

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 03:47:27

Just got 15G in Perfect Dark so far. Not really concerned about achievements at the moment as I am just trying to beat the game on Perfect Agent. So far I have completed 7 of the missions with relative ease. Playing this game back in the day has helped me out a lot but I find that speed strafing does not work nearly as well without the N64 controller. Oh well regular strafing works just fine.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 04:06:43

I forgot how good Perfect Dark was.

Gladly playing through it again, but the new 'crown' system is both mysterious and infuriating. Some of the challenges they involve I'd never guess without a little help from 'community research.'

150/200g so far. Combat challenges, crowns, secret and perfect agent difficulties are all that I have left. About 1/2 done with all of those (except for perfect agent.) I probably won't be slowing down at all though, my spring break is next week, lol.

XBL Gamertag: Dr Lipschitz /// Steam ID: Zippomatt /// League: Zippomatt


BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 09:39:31

At 3/18/10 12:29 AM, sushi13 wrote:
At 3/17/10 06:05 PM, Lagamuffin wrote: So today I finished Mass Effect 2.
I only need 5 more achievements;
Level 30,
Complete Insanity,
Do 5 missions found by scanning planets,
Upgrade a weapon fully,
Incinerate the armour of 25 enemies.
You must have really legged it through the game if you beat it so quickly.

19 hours played over the course of 2 days.
What can I say? I liked it.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 10:12:46

At 3/18/10 09:39 AM, Lagamuffin wrote:
At 3/18/10 12:29 AM, sushi13 wrote:
At 3/17/10 06:05 PM, Lagamuffin wrote: So today I finished Mass Effect 2.
I only need 5 more achievements;
Level 30,
Complete Insanity,
Do 5 missions found by scanning planets,
Upgrade a weapon fully,
Incinerate the armour of 25 enemies.
You must have really legged it through the game if you beat it so quickly.
19 hours played over the course of 2 days.
What can I say? I liked it.

Yeah like I said, you legged it through.
I've logged just over 21 hours and I've still got a long way to go before I beat it. I just started the ghost ship mission, I haven't even recruited Tali, Samara or Legion yet and I've only done loyalty missions for Zaeed, Jacob, Miranda, Garrus and Jack. I've spent ages doing side quests and exploring backwater clusters.
And in amongst all this I've been playing Perfect Dark.

Camera Shy - 10G
Double 64 - 10G
Golden Days - 10G
A Friend Indeed - 10G

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 10:28:38

ohh nice,
im gonna try these out :)

(360) Gamertag: plasma suthix

I love Posting on forums. (lol thats all I could come up with)

Click here for pwn WEB

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 11:51:52

Just as I was about to play Metro 2033 I noticed the mail arrived. I decided I would check it because maybe Batman had come early. And it had.

So I'm going to go get some Batman: Arkham Asylum achievements now.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 13:51:03

Couldn't this be set up as a Microsoft Excel feed?

Your friendly neighbourhood devils advocate.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 14:54:45

One of my friends is letting me borrow Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty 2. So I can get a good few achievements hopefully. L4D doesn't look too promising for achievements due to the fact the majority of them are online based, from what I can tell. But Call of Duty 2 looks like a ball of fun. But a difficult ball at that, due to the fact that it has to be completed on Veteran. I'm gonna download the free DLC for Left 4 Dead, whatever it is. Maybe it'll make the game more achievement friendly in single player or something. Either way, free stuff is good.

Completed Training: 50G
Veteran of the Winter War: 60G
Veteran of Stalingrad '42: 60G

Hopefully some more Gamerscore coming soon. Hopefully.

I'm on Last.fm!

Also, I used to be YeOldeSierra. Now I'm just Sierra :3

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 16:18:09

So I forgot to cancel my GameAccess account. Now I'm going to be getting 2 games at a time for the next month. Oh well, I guess. My mother might be a bit angry.

As I said before, I have Batman: Arkham Asylum right now. They're sending Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood next.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 17:16:36

At 3/15/10 09:10 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:
============== WEEK 145 ==============

Week 145?

4) ZOMGALIENS - MonGer 29 +730

Hooray! My first time being a top whore.
Should be there next week aswell because my friend is letting me borrow Batman: Arkham Asylum, Halo 3 and Jumper (Easy 1000G)

Me and some friends decided to cheat for a few Left 4 Dead 2 achievements the other day, worked quite nicely...

Left 4 Dead 2 47/50 Achievements --- 915/1000G

Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter - 30G
Heartwarmer - 20G
Level A Charge - 15G

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 17:31:42

So in order to cancel my XBL sub, they're asking me to update my payment information. Which it's not fucking letting me do. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 18:16:23

At 3/18/10 05:31 PM, Lagamuffin wrote: So in order to cancel my XBL sub, they're asking me to update my payment information. Which it's not fucking letting me do. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-

This means you will no longer be on the boards, yesssss.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 19:44:27

At 3/18/10 06:16 PM, Megafones wrote:
At 3/18/10 05:31 PM, Lagamuffin wrote: So in order to cancel my XBL sub, they're asking me to update my payment information. Which it's not fucking letting me do. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-
This means you will no longer be on the boards, yesssss.

Pfft. You wish baby.
Still be rockin' dat shit on Silver.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 20:29:11

+0G for 4 hours work on Mirror's Edge

fuck you time trials

BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 21:31:43

Just hit 49,000G.

Looks like I'm in the top ten, at the moment.


BBS Signature

Response to NG Gamerscore Leaderboard 2.0 2010-03-18 22:49:33

At 3/18/10 10:12 AM, sushi13 wrote: I've logged just over 21 hours

Actually I think I must have been looking at the time because after playing for a couple more hours it shows nearly 34 hours. I repeat, you legged it through.

At 3/18/10 10:28 AM, PlazmaSuthix wrote: ohh nice,
im gonna try these out :)

No you're not, at least not until you rack up 500 posts.

At 3/18/10 01:51 PM, ArmouredGRIFFON wrote: Couldn't this be set up as a Microsoft Excel feed?

Why bother, it seems to work fine at the moment?

At 3/18/10 02:54 PM, YeOldeSierra wrote: L4D doesn't look too promising for achievements due to the fact the majority of them are online based, from what I can tell.

That's not quite true. The only ones that you have to play with other people to get are the Versus mode ones. Everything else can be done on your own with 3 friendly AI, although some of the tougher achievements will probably require a tightly knit group of 4 human players because the AI doesn't always do what you want it to. Actually there are an awful lot of piss easy achievements on L4D and you should be able to rack up 500G on your own in a couple of hours.

At 3/18/10 08:29 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote: +0G for 4 hours work on Mirror's Edge

fuck you time trials

I hear that. One day I will go back to Mirror's Edge and take on those time trials but right now I don't feel man enough.

Warp Specialist - 15G
Ghost Ship - 25G