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Your Worst Live Experience?

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Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 20:50:36

Mine was in Halo 3 matchmaking. There was this high-schooler who was harassing me for kicking the crap outta him and his friend in a game. It was kind of pointless though, because he's a random person over LIVE, and it only makes him look significantly dumber.

I can't quote what he said because of the MASSIVE vulgarity, but it was pretty darn bad.

What's the worst person (or people) you were ever paired up with through LIVE? Please share your experience here.

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 20:53:06

I would have been laughing my fucking ass off. It would have been hilarious. I get people ticked off all the time in PS3 Home. Those fuckers get pissed off and block me when I try to say sorry to them.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 21:01:19

Screaming kids.

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 21:09:19

Oh there are just too many to mention. I think 90% of people i meet on Live per day are dicks.

Heavy Vibes

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 21:11:23

At 1/19/09 09:09 PM, Pink-Ninja wrote: Oh there are just too many to mention. I think 90% of people i meet on Live per day are dicks.

You and me both! It seems invite-only games are the only way to NOT have complete assholes fill up your slots in online.

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 21:18:14

lol i just mute people who are dicks

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 21:33:15

If this post includes PSN, m worst experience would have been going in a lobby filled with lv 12's in Metal Gear Online while being a lv 0 Sloth.

Your Worst Live Experience?

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 22:31:16

This one time at ban..... i mean call of duty 4 this guy wanted me and my friend to go to okalamoa we live in south Carolina lmao just to beat his ass he said he would even pay for it im 6 foot 1 275 pounds a former footballer and my friend swims and plays soccer lmao and the dude was 13 .... i laughed so hard

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-19 23:49:10

Bad experiences? Oh boy, I've had a lot. But I recall one, when I was playing the first Gears of War. I was playing with some friends, and there was this kid in my team (let's call him Chuy, because everyone called him that way). Well, Chuy always blamed us when we lost a match, despite the fact that we had way more kills than him, and we, unlike him, didn't sucked so hard.

Well, somehow I got into an argument with Chuy. He was yelling and swearing some random shit at me. Then, he told me that he could kick my ass in a 1 on 1. He "challenged" me to a 1 on 1 game, and then he left. Later, he invited me to a private game, to play against him. I just ignored the invite, not because I didn't want to play against him, but because I was having a blast with my friends, and I didn't want to leave the game.

Now that I think about that, it was so fucking funny.


BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 00:16:39

Any Halo 2 or 3 match, because of annoying kids. The funniest thing I heard was when my team won a team deathmatch, a kid on the opposing team said, and I quote, "I'll cut off your d***, deep fry it, then force feed it to you."


Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 00:28:56

I swear that anyone on Left 4 Dead on Xbox Live is a fucking idiot.

Or a troll, which makes up 1% of the people I played.

Want to play something or just chat? Click here. For all the daily shit that happens in my life, click here.

Achievement Whore Status: 47th place as of 05/18/09

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 00:30:38

I was in Halo 3 Matchmaking and this prepubescent fuck started singing "Welcome To the Jungle". It was about 10 seconds later that I snapped and shouted "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TWAT!"

He replied with "Your mom".

Prepare for unforeseen consequences.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 00:31:27

At 1/20/09 12:30 AM, levusbevus wrote: I was in Halo 3 Matchmaking and this prepubescent fuck started singing "Welcome To the Jungle". It was about 10 seconds later that I snapped and shouted "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TWAT!"

He replied with "Your mom".

ITT: Mute Button

Want to play something or just chat? Click here. For all the daily shit that happens in my life, click here.

Achievement Whore Status: 47th place as of 05/18/09

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 07:33:25

Argh! I fucking hate those little shits - always made me wonder why the hell parents complain about games but still keep buying the shit and then buying Xbox Live for them - its annoying!!!!

I have never had one really good game - there has been good ones but marred by a little kid thinking hes the bees knees or worse - an adult thinking he knows everything and wishes to be the "leader".....

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 08:08:11

I was playing COD4 once and this guy kept harassing me because I kept killing him. I think in the whole match he only got me once and when he did, he was like "AH! I GOT YOU JACK! YOU FAG! LOL!". I then killed him again and he started screaming down the microphone.

The only downside of playing COD4 online is the fucking pricks playing with you.

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 08:34:28

When I first got Live, like, the second day, I was really into this game of COD4 and my mom yells for dinner and I was so into it, I started screaming "HOLD ON! I'LL BE UP IN A MINUTE! HOLD ON!" and everyone was like, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 10:07:01

I also find cussing little kids annoying, but what annoys me most is when some 16-year-old idiot comes on and starts talking **** because me, the only 13-year-old that's really THAT mature on LIVE, is beating him into the ground in a game of slayer.

Some people can't accept the fact that they can still get crushed by kids three years younger then them. Afterwards, I just laugh about it in a private game of Castle Crashers with my friends :)

Oh, and by the way, I'm not the one to yell "OMG, you just got pwned!" or "suck on this, why don't ya?"
I don't brag about my virtual achievments. That's what we have a gamerscore for ;)

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 12:32:14

When I was playing Burnout Paradise, this little kid (about 11) said he would win at freeburn marked
man, so I started the game, he was using one of those cars that you use a code to unlock,
anyway, I won and he started screaming, and said he would tell his dad, so I said "go ahead"
big mistake.

Some guy (most likely a chav) started swearing and shouting at me, so I muted him and left the game, a few minutes later he sent me a message saying "you suck cook" and I replyed. How do you "suck cook" he replyed with "shut up"

It seems funny now but it really was an awful experience.


I'm pretty sure I have the worst username on Newgrounds.

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 13:39:01

modders on halo 3. i don't know what else to say.

It's not the post counts,

It's the posts that count...

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 13:46:33

At 1/19/09 08:50 PM, ThePortalGuru wrote: and it only makes him look significantly dumber.

I can't quote what he said because of the MASSIVE vulgarity, but it was pretty darn bad.

Well done, you're on his level now. How does it feel?

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 14:21:03

besides annyoing kids and annoying black people

I met this girl and we were friends for a year she came down to my state and we hung out but it turns out shes banging my best friend. So I was like dude I learned my lesson chicks on XBL are only a heartbreak away lol

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 14:23:00

When I used to play Halo 3 with my friend.

It was just the typical prepubescent little shit stain swearing and screaming.

Good thing I don't play Halo now.

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 18:16:53

I once ran into a kid who got extremely pissed at me for kicking his ass in a game of Halo 3. The funniest part was that he tried to say that his extremely experienced friend would kick my ass at Halo. Now if this friend of his is really a good player, he probably would, but I still found it funny how the kid thought that it put himself on my level.

"There's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life." -Leonard Church

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 18:49:13

At 1/20/09 01:46 PM, Lost-Chances wrote:
At 1/19/09 08:50 PM, ThePortalGuru wrote: and it only makes him look significantly dumber.

I can't quote what he said because of the MASSIVE vulgarity, but it was pretty darn bad.
Well done, you're on his level now. How does it feel?

Dang reverse psychology...
But if I wasn't cussing at him, and he was cussing at me, wouldn't that make him the idiot in the situation? Idiot isn't nearly as bad as some of the things he was saying to me.

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 18:51:35

My worst Live experience was probably just the other day actually. I went into a game of team tactical in CoD4 with some people from a clan I'm in, and we filled up the whole team.

The other side were complete noobs thrown together by fate, having only just unlocked the clan feature. We were using party chat as opposed to the ingame one they were using. So we use our chat to do the whole "tactics" thing and we beat them by a fairly large amount.

I switch to the ingame chat after the math to hear them gripe about losing, and they were saying "OMG WE WON! OMG OMG OMG YAY THAT'S MY FIRST WIN!"

So I told them that "No, it was us, actually..." and they came back with a string of insults that made even me feel slightly offended. Pissed me off something awful.

The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 18:55:45

Mic spammers and unmature players don't bother me as long as I can ignore them. In fact, I have nothing against them. Just let them be.

Exploiters and grievers, on the other hand, they piss me off to no end.

GT: Born2Evil

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 18:58:21

At 1/20/09 06:51 PM, flashplayer5 wrote: My worst Live experience was probably just the other day actually. I went into a game of team tactical in CoD4 with some people from a clan I'm in, and we filled up the whole team.

The other side were complete noobs thrown together by fate, having only just unlocked the clan feature. We were using party chat as opposed to the ingame one they were using. So we use our chat to do the whole "tactics" thing and we beat them by a fairly large amount.

I switch to the ingame chat after the math to hear them gripe about losing, and they were saying "OMG WE WON! OMG OMG OMG YAY THAT'S MY FIRST WIN!"

Here's what I do not to feel offended: I just say to myself: "Wow. A group of people who have never met me are now throwing the most used insults at me because I beat them into the ground this match. That's pretty sad."

Always makes me feel better :)

So I told them that "No, it was us, actually..." and they came back with a string of insults that made even me feel slightly offended. Pissed me off something awful.

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 20:26:34

The worst ppl on xbox live are little 10 year olds with squeaky voices.

But HUZZAH! I have figured out a cure for this disease! Just reply to everything they say with "Go To Bed" and they will eventually piss off, and if they dont piss off you can laugh at their squeaky anger.


BBS Signature

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-20 22:15:41

don't have live but it took my friend 20 minutes to get into a gears 2 game (splitscreen with me)

Response to Your Worst Live Experience? 2009-01-21 20:28:09

At 1/20/09 10:15 PM, ragingfred wrote: don't have live but it took my friend 20 minutes to get into a gears 2 game (splitscreen with me)

That sucks. Yeah, I hear matchmaking in Gears can get really annoying sometimes.

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature