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The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew.

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Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-18 20:32:20

At 1/18/09 11:37 AM, Matt2k8 wrote:
Piramano, i'm considering you, but i need too see everyone first. Thanks.

Ok, thats fair enough.
Just let me knoe if I'm going to be a judge

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-18 21:00:14

well can my story be a hero who has been tricked and wrote a diary to enteral life....something happened...can't say, gotta prewrite first.

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-18 21:05:02

I see theres already been an entry for Heracles...Well that ruins mine kinda; Anyway mines on Heracles second labor. That's to kill the hydra. Anyway I hope you like...

Heracles pulled his lion skin cloak closer to his body and continued down the hill towards Lerna. He was going there with his nephew Lolaus to slay the hydra. Hydra was a nine headed beast; one of its heads was immortal but the other heads were more deadly because if one was cut off two more heads would grow back in its place. Heracles found Lolaus at a small fishing community around the lake.

After they had exchanged pleasantries they continued along the shore. Eventually they came to the mouth of the bay that the hydra supposedly lived in. They walked at the ready for a while before stumbling across the giant crab that lived with the hydra.

Lolaus hid behind some rocks, he wasn't a very good fighter, while Heracles fought the beast. He blocked a few blows from the giant claws before slashing one of its legs off. He then blocked another blow tossing the crab backwards causing it to topple and land on its back. Heracles quickly stepped on top of the crab before it could flip itself over. He jabbed his sword into the soft spot in between the top and bottom plates of the crab; he then pulled towards himself to confirm the kill. He then stepped down and kicked the crab out into the lake were it had came from.

Lolaus and Heracles continued towards the center of the bay one the lake. When they found the hydra it was in a rocky outcropping on the shore. The rocks offered them cover from the attacks of the hydra but also caused loss of footing to be a problem. Lolaus waited for Heracles to cut off one head before using a hot iron to cauterize the wound preventing it from producing two more.

This process continued until they were down to the last and immortal head. Heracles cut the head off and buried it under a large boulder near by. He used the blood of the hydra on his arrows as poison to kill anyone they touched. This poison was his eventual down fall. This was Heracles' second labor although Eurystheus didn't count it because Lolause helped him. He was forced to do another labor for this. The crab was awarded by Hera by being put into a constellation, cancer.

Hope you liked it.

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right.

-Mark Twain.............. My Story

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-18 21:10:41

At 1/18/09 08:24 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: Punctuations, please...

everybodys a critic -_-

I'm the thing that goes bump in the night and eats the little children.

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-18 21:45:10

At 1/18/09 09:10 PM, darkside430 wrote:
At 1/18/09 08:24 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: Punctuations, please...
everybodys a critic -_-

Well it does need more periods and commas in my opinion. And he was just trying to help...
Any I just wanted to say that I never thought that greek mythology was this interesting. I've had a little experence with it in english and bible classes, Yes I'm Chirstian get over it. But I never thought it was this interesting. The greeks came up with answers for why volcanos erupt and how the earth was formed; they were clearly beyond thier time.

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right.

-Mark Twain.............. My Story

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-18 22:45:01

At 1/18/09 05:35 PM, Matt2k8 wrote: The contest is basically Make Your own Greek Tale.


No hardcore sex. Some is okay, we all know what the greeks are like.
No shitty 2 line - story.
Must make sense.
Feel free too make up a new hero or use one from history.

You don't have too take part if you'r busy Ect: School.

Okay, Hands up who wants too be a judge? Need 2 people.

New added rule and hints

MUST contain a Greek mythicle creature.

Base it on a hero, trying too kill the pesty creature.

You can use other people from History, gods, even legends Ect. Beowulf.

well i added athens is that close enough? I might expand the story more due to the extension on the date

Come all you weary with your heavy loads

Lay down your burdens find rest for your souls

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 03:31:55

At 1/18/09 09:45 PM, Gurssury wrote:
At 1/18/09 09:10 PM, darkside430 wrote:
At 1/18/09 08:24 PM, RubberTrucky wrote: Punctuations, please...
everybodys a critic -_-

:Yes I'm Chirstian get over it.

Haha, Yeah i'm Christian too, although I don't find Christianity that interesting. I still hardly know the difference between Christian and Catholic.

Lol. Maybe it's the schools fault. :D

Anyway back on topic.. lol.

Nice stories.
I might start writing one, But it's not going by Matt's Man verse Creature guideline, so ive decided to write it for fun instead of the comp, since obviously it breaks the rules.

Ive seen too much stories and movies of " Man v Mythological Creature " I (and possibly some other members) wanted to give the story a twist. :)

WWll.. (Use a translator to convert some messages.)

"Get Back! Get Back! Those damned Germans keep pinning us down!" Yelled Sgt. Anderson over the sound of bullets and gunfire. "We're running out of ammo, sir!" Yelled some stupid Private First Class. "We shoot till we die, son!" Replied the Sgt. Planes hovered over the Americans. " Woo! It's our support! " Screamed a Major. " We gonna send these sonsofabitches to hell! " Yelled a Sgt.
Over at Hitler's Crib.

Hitler was fussing over some arcade game.
" So then I was like " Not anymore , bitch. " And then I total kicked his a- " " Um, sorry for the interruption sir but the American ants have crawled over our troops with their pathetic little army and planes. Most of our Truppe have lost morale and fleed like fucking Schweines. "

Hitler was sent into a great depression until he resorted to praying to common gods.

He prayed to Hades, Greek god of Hell.

" Bitte, Hades, habe Erbarmen mit uns und geben uns die Kraft zu zerstören, die ratbag asswipes aus den USA "

Hitlers prayer of power soon enough came true and gave Hitler the idea of creating a bomb so big, it would destroy all of America.

" Hahaha, My plan is perfecto! I will blow up all of America with my nuke, aided to me by Hades. If Hades is not lying it would fall on sunset. "


" Hades, you have guided me throughout this war thus far, please guide our armee to power and victory. "

A strange voice was heard throughout the world. It creeped everyone out.

In Greek, it said " All your nuke are belong to us. "

Everyone stopped battling, and before they new it. BAM!
Big explosion, big enough to send everyone including Hitler and his Companions back in time, the nuke was so powerful the whole army weren't even in Europe, they were in a country they have never heard of before, Ancient Greece. ( Well it's changed it's appearance obviously in the timewarp. so they didn't know where they were. )

Of course, the god Hades is not a nice one, and with every wish granted there would always be a catch.

Instead of ending up in ancient Greece, they ended up in hell, all servants of the god Hades.
The Germans always wondered where the Americans were... Fortunately, Hades lived up to his word and destroyed all of America, of course, in exchange for the German souls.

The Germans had to think of a plan in order to escape.

-TO BE CONTINUED- (If you like it.)

And don't be a negative asshole and say 30% of it is part of ancient Greece and 70% is German/American. It's not that completed yet, but if you don't like it, that's fine. :)

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 03:36:04

At 1/19/09 03:31 AM, Bloodman101 wrote:

Also, there is a few mistakes and spelling errors, at the start the sgt yells something and then it said Hitler's crib, that's supposed to be a sentence down. So Yeah. lol :D.

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 05:10:59

Oh yes can I make norse mythos and greek mythos fight each other it would be fucking awesome to see odin and zues kick the shit out of each other. Thor vs. Hercules and shit like that?

I am the all the one and the master of the lulz...those who deny my mastery of lulz shall be smittin with a brick in there pants I give no mercy, no quarter, no rights.

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 06:51:23

I'd say yes. But keep it mythological and don't focus on the badassness.


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 10:09:30

Bloodman, there are so many ways your story can go right now. It's kinda cheesey getting knocked back in time and all, but its still good. If you did want to enter it you could have hades realese the hundred-handed on them and then the armies would band together to win...If you don't want to enter it theres so many more options its not funny....

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right.

-Mark Twain.............. My Story

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 12:38:10

Okay, after reading everyones posts iv'e named the judges, they are...


Well done guys!

Darkside, sorry. Iv'e deleted you off the list. I never thought you were gonna post again, sorry. If you want i can add you back, but you must post.

MasterZakk, you gonna join?

Now, Piromano and RubberTrucky, begin reading the stories and PM on each contestant.

PSN: Mazzoo969

Sig by Asandir. Awesome Band!

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 12:44:16

Member List update - 19th January 2009 - 17:42 GMT

This Update was alot earlier than the last.. Thats because we have had alot of new things happening. New Members!! Enjoy you'r stay guys.

Permaximum1 And Bloodman101 Are now offical Mods of the crew, they'll be helping me out, helping users, registering users, reporting spam and Generaly helping people enjoy the Crew even more. There will be more options for people too become mods in the future, but for now Post, Post, POST!

The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew

Here is a good site for Learning Greek Mythology If you don't know much.

I made the crew awhile back at first it did'nt seem succesful but that changed when Permaximum and Kittenclock Joined. Thanks guys!


God of Mt. Olympus ~Admin, users like Matt2k8.

Lesser Gods ~ Mods, users like Permaximum1 And Bloodman101.

Demi - Gods ~ Higher ranked users and have quite abite of knowledge on Greek Mythology, users like TLT007, ChainsawMurderer53, Sinskae and KittenClock.

Heroes ~ Fairyly new users. They are new around and only been here about 1 - 5 pages. Hope too see them stick around.

The Updated Members List - 04/01/09 - 16:17.

The list is made up on whoever joined up first then the rest.
1. Matt2k8 - God of Mt. Olympus ~ Posts constanly - Founder of the crew. His favorite Unit is the Spartan Hoplite.

2. TLT007 - Demi-God ~ Posts Commonly - 1st Member. He is Learning lots about Greek mythology and is building up his knowledge.

3. Permaximum1 - Lesser God ~ Posts constanly - Second member. He has a HUGE inteligence on Greek mythology and loves a good book or two on Mythology.

4. KittenClock - Demi-God ~ Posts commonly - One of the Members i like too refer too as one of the Orgininaly Members just like Permaximum1, He knows alot about the Greeks.

5. Docsprite - Demi-God ~ posts commonly - Owner of the Cartoons club. He is finding out more and more about Greek mythology now that he has joined the crew.

6. Bloodman101 - Lesser God ~ Posts constanly - A friend outside the crew. He has impressed me with his knowledge on Greek mythology and i'm glad too call him Friend. He is also a Mod.

7. Gagsy - Demi-God ~ Posts commonly - Greek Mythology has always been a big intrest too him, but claims he does'nt know much and wishes too know more.

8. Sinskae - Demi-God ~ Posts constanly - Another friend outside the Crew. Me, Sinskae, Bloodman101 and Chainsawmurder are all the Madness combat crews Regulars. Sinskae is a nice guy too be around knows alot about the Greeks.

9. Piromano - Demi-God ~ Posts commonly - Likes mythology. Favorite God Hades. Kinda like me ;) Intrested in Anime, again like me. We can relate :D

10. Nev - Demi-God ~ Posts commonly - Most of his knowledge is from Wiki, but theirs no problem. He knows alot about the Trojans, Unlike me.

11. RubberTrucky - Demi-God ~ Posts commonly - New User. Knows quite alot of Greek mythology. Helps around and gives Intresting Facts.

12. ChainsawMurderer53 - Demi-God ~ Posts commonly - Another friend outside the crew. Loves greek Mythology and knows quite abit on them. A very friendly User!

13. Gurssury - Hero ~ Postes commonly - Doesn't know much Greek Mythology, but with time that shall change. He learned what he knows from his English and Bible classes.

14. Kidd25 - Hero ~ Posts rarely - Can be regarded as a Offical Member now. He knows abit about Mythology and gave us a very intresting scenerio. Nice job dude :D

15. Nefareis - Hero ~ Posts rarely - Studied Greek Mythology in his english class, he liked it and got more into the topic. His favorite God is unknown but his favorite Titan is Nereus, Kinda like his name.

16. R-3-h-A-b - Hero ~ Posts constanly - Gave us a extremly, well thought out Greek story he made up. View Pg. 15 too see it. Nice guy :D

I Have deleted some of the Members that have not shown any purpose in the thread and that have only posted once.

16 Members in total! :D Whoa!! :DDDDDD ^___________________^ These members post constanly!

Thanks guys, without you all this would'nt be possible.

That is the Members list so far. It would be nice if YOU could join too! :D

These are links too all the Sigs for the crew. Please feel free too use any, it would be a sign that you are a member of The Ancient Greek Mythology crew!

Sig 1 - KittenClock
Sig 2 - Bloodman101
Sig 3 - BloodMan101

PSN: Mazzoo969

Sig by Asandir. Awesome Band!

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 14:15:26

can you add me back on the list matt plz and did you read my story what did you think?

I'm the thing that goes bump in the night and eats the little children.

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 16:16:14

At 1/19/09 02:15 PM, darkside430 wrote: can you add me back on the list matt plz and did you read my story what did you think?

Nice dude. I'm gonna read more tommorow.

Level'd everyone :3 Level 10 - Looks kinda diffrent don't it?

PSN: Mazzoo969

Sig by Asandir. Awesome Band!

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 16:19:12

At 1/19/09 04:16 PM, Matt2k8 wrote:
Level'd everyone :3 Level 10 - Looks kinda diffrent don't it?

I'm used to it by now. But its about time you leveled- how many months have you been level 9?

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 16:25:44

At 1/19/09 02:15 PM, darkside430 wrote: can you add me back on the list matt plz and did you read my story what did you think?

Wow, i just read it more.

Punchuation would be nice but i love how you based it on Hercules killing the Lion Of Nemea Thats the sort of stuff i like. Well done.

Gurssury love your story man! Another great Hercules tale. The thing about the crab, cancer, Is it true? Never heard of it. I'm happy you found your way too the crew. Awesome New Member!

Bloodman, Not really much Greek stuff in there? Sorry can't accept that. Nice story anyway. Just Not Greek.

Oh by the way, Spellings and abit of punchuation errors don't really matter, as long as we can read it.

PSN: Mazzoo969

Sig by Asandir. Awesome Band!

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 16:50:18

At 1/19/09 04:19 PM, DocSprite wrote:
At 1/19/09 04:16 PM, Matt2k8 wrote:
Level'd everyone :3 Level 10 - Looks kinda diffrent don't it?
I'm used to it by now. But its about time you leveled- how many months have you been level 9?

Too many...

PSN: Mazzoo969

Sig by Asandir. Awesome Band!

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 17:08:34

At 1/19/09 03:31 AM, Bloodman101 wrote:

Lol. Maybe it's the schools fault. :D

Just blame everything on the school then. :P jk

Will have my story tomorow btw.


BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 17:38:12

At 1/19/09 12:38 PM, Matt2k8 wrote: Okay, after reading everyones posts iv'e named the judges, they are...


Now, Piromano and RubberTrucky, begin reading the stories and PM on each contestant.

Right!! I'm going to read the stories right now

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 18:07:57

At 1/19/09 04:25 PM, Matt2k8 wrote:
Bloodman, Not really much Greek stuff in there? Sorry can't accept that. Nice story anyway. Just Not Greek.

God damn dude, I just wanted mine to have twist.

fuck sakes. 20 minutes wasted. eh. I'll just keep it to my userpage. >:F

Oh well. :D

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 18:33:33

Anyone actually taken a full semester-long elective Mythology class? I did and I PASSED IT EASY! I love Greek, Norse, Roman, Chinese, and Japanese mythology. I just can't get enough of it.

I guess my favorite Greek myth stories are:

The Rage of Achilles
The Odyssey
The Iliad
Jason and the Argonauts
The War of the Titans and the Gods of Olympus
Cronus' Dethronement

those are about my favorites until I can think a little longer.

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

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Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 18:41:46

At 1/19/09 06:33 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Anyone actually taken a full semester-long elective Mythology class? I did and I PASSED IT EASY! I love Greek, Norse, Roman, Chinese, and Japanese mythology. I just can't get enough of it.

I guess my favorite Greek myth stories are:

The Rage of Achilles

Awesome, I love that trojan stuff.

Jason and the Argonauts

I like that too, but don't know much about it. Care to educate me. :D

The War of the Titans and the Gods of Olympus

Interesting, epic.

Cronus' Dethronement



Well, if you want to join, you're more than welcome to, wait till Matt2k8, posts and welcomes you, on the next members list update, you will be there as an official member. :)

Also, matt, congrats on making up for the lost members, haha. 16 members again, most active. *highfive* lol.

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 21:12:55

At 1/19/09 04:25 PM, Matt2k8 wrote: Gurssury love your story man! Another great Hercules tale. The thing about the crab, cancer, Is it true? Never heard of it. I'm happy you found your way too the crew. Awesome New Member!

I write alot and I found that on the website that you link in the members list. Also I'm a girl....

Anyway to comment on some of the other conversations that have been going on, slntcobra1 I like those stories. Although I do prefer more of the creation stuff simply because its deeper... Troy is a favorite of mine though.

I also wanted to throw in a few facts about myself:

I'm a girl
I tend to remeber everything I read
My favorite God is Aphrodite
I like cats...
I'm an honor student
My favorite greek hero is Perseus
I enjoy reading difficult text like the creation of greek mythology
I write alot(Go to my user page to see)

Well, I guess thats all you really need to know. I guess I would also like to say that I'm open to help anytime I'm on so feel free to ask.

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right.

-Mark Twain.............. My Story

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 22:26:12

first off to answer bloodman-christian belive in jesus christ and that he is the only way to heaven.
catholic-belive that bloody mary is holy(which she not she is a also a sinner), they belive in saint which i don't think are real, and they speak to old guy to confess their sins to. (which make no sense since he just a normal man.

now to greek story....i forgot....and it to late to get my paper i should have it ready by tuesday...if my mom doesn't take away the comp. don't forget it in journal form so don't complain plz.
here is his picture. he look strong but is really a weakling who worked for some...corrupt gods

The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew.

BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-19 23:03:57

At 1/19/09 06:07 PM, Bloodman101 wrote:
God damn dude, I just wanted mine to have twist.

fuck sakes. 20 minutes wasted. eh. I'll just keep it to my userpage. >:F
Oh well. :D

I take that back, it was a bit mean. lol.

Bad temper! bad!

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-20 03:27:10

At 1/19/09 10:26 PM, kidd25 wrote: he look strong but is really a weakling who worked for some...corrupt gods

Is that you or from google?

I'm lost with my story. Bah


BBS Signature

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-20 06:47:10

At 1/19/09 06:07 PM, Bloodman101 wrote:
God damn dude, I just wanted mine to have twist.

fuck sakes. 20 minutes wasted. eh. I'll just keep it to my userpage. >:F
Oh well. :D

Oh by all means, continue. The story you wrote so far was clearly an introduction. Now the German are in Hades and that's sure to include some serious mythology there.
Don't hold back (if that's the case, though)


Mathematics club: we have beer and exponentials.

Cartoon club: Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-20 08:14:30

At 1/20/09 06:47 AM, RubberTrucky wrote:
At 1/19/09 06:07 PM, Bloodman101 wrote:
God damn dude, I just wanted mine to have twist.

fuck sakes. 20 minutes wasted. eh. I'll just keep it to my userpage. >:F
Oh well. :D
Oh by all means, continue. The story you wrote so far was clearly an introduction. Now the German are in Hades and that's sure to include some serious mythology there.
Don't hold back (if that's the case, though)

Well, most of it's done, don't know if I might extend it. Maybe. Check it out in my sig. :)

Response to The Ancient Greek Mythology Crew. 2009-01-20 13:39:39

At 1/19/09 09:12 PM, Gurssury wrote:
At 1/19/09 04:25 PM, Matt2k8 wrote: Gurssury love your story man! Another great Hercules tale. The thing about the crab, cancer, Is it true? Never heard of it. I'm happy you found your way too the crew. Awesome New Member!
I write alot and I found that on the website that you link in the members list. Also I'm a girl....

I've done this before, sorry.

Anyway to comment on some of the other conversations that have been going on, slntcobra1 I like those stories. Although I do prefer more of the creation stuff simply because its deeper... Troy is a favorite of mine though.
I also wanted to throw in a few facts about myself:

I'm a girl


I tend to remeber everything I read


My favorite God is Aphrodite


I like cats...

Me too, i have 4 ^______________________^

I'm an honor student


My favorite greek hero is Perseus

I like Hercules and Theseus, Perseus is cool.

I enjoy reading difficult text like the creation of greek mythology

Yeah, i love the creation story, how everything fits into place.

I write alot(Go to my user page to see)

Very good!

Well, I guess thats all you really need to know. I guess I would also like to say that I'm open to help anytime I'm on so feel free to ask.

:D Thanks.

Alright everyone! For the next members update, i would like you all too do a couple of facts about yourself, like Gurssury has done. Thanks.

PSN: Mazzoo969

Sig by Asandir. Awesome Band!

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