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Discipline of a vampire XX - For he is coming from the clouds.

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Revised disclaimer: This composition was based on the biblical accounts of Enoch, back when I was still a Christian Mystic. I now after many biblestudies (apocrypha included) of mind that the entirity of this 'faith is gravely misunderstood, and can no longer give credence to any facet of it. I therefore have removed my original disclaimer that suggested that there was truth to the following text and apoligise to any and all that were influenced by it. The text itself shall remain intact as it still holds referential worth. Afterall, the path I took through this historical misallignment of metaphorical projections and encryptions may be as it turned out as useful to others still.

For the most recent, and much more openminded findings.. see the work "Father Nature" or "Analemma twins", or wait for my upcoming piece "O Solon, solon.". I wish you prosperity in your endeavors. -Cal.

1- Introduction. 00:00

The world was good, untill man believed in the lie that it had to pay tribute to the hierarchies of tyre.

And all other lies became our reality. From the homage to the spellings till the falsity of illness, everything functioned to

give authority to the hierarchies of tyre, directing the minds in protection toward the pursuit of happiness by design which was addiction.

Never would the world realize its own potential, no it was made a process of alchemical principle.

Mixed and shaken to purify its percieved unessentials, by fire.

2- A great falling away. 01:54

Then, a great red pelican appears. It calls in incremental loudness and violently flaps its wings, then bites her breast.

Those soulless, unmade, desensitized and intangible.. digitalized.., and hungry. Hungry for a future given not earned by a living.

At the guise of love, in pursuit of pleasure.

Could you hear their whimpers turned to endless screaming, flailing their underdeveloped bodies into a sensation of pain they had never felt.. and by a hunter caught.

And those who were placed on the blackest tiles by the whitest tiles, and cursed land's hand moving the pieces, knight, rook and queen were slain.

Could you see them in the light of the king of tyre, that gave them up though they had served him for a respite.. to be given up?

This was recorded as the storm.

3- A clearing in the clouds most covetous. 02:43

After the storm has passed, there was rejoice in the world.. and all were given the most covetous, and celebrated this. He who gave that covetous thing was the world ruler, in his triumph.

And all believed in him and said to eachother and to the world; 'he is world ruler, world ruler is his name, and he has given us what we covet most, and it was him that brought the falling away of blackest tiles..'

All of the world save for a handful bowed before world ruler and then said to eachother and to the world; 'those who do not believe that world ruler is God, is on the blackest tiles.. and he shall be sent away and slain'.

The world agreed, and sent away the handful to be slain. Therein the clouds parted.

4- Manifestation of the angels that preceded. 03:19

Those of the handful that were not yet slain and persisted that world ruler was not God were perhaps the first to see the heron's that had remained above the storm in great number as they came through these clouds and down to the world.

Bringing the truth their calls spoke that world ruler was not God and that God would soon himself come to prove this to those who would not listen, and warned that those who did not listen would no longer need their ears, nor their hearts to recieve it, nor their life given by God.

So their calls resonated..

Then came the caretakers of the Heron's, and many were already upon the world. And they gave testimony that world ruler was not God, and many called for the persecution of the caretakers, but from these more caretakers were brought to mission.

It is at this time that world ruler fought those who had heard calls but listened not rightly and took it upon themselves to fight world ruler. It was also at this time that those who were the testimony of the kingdom of God were greatly threatened.

They were both captive of world ruler and tyre, and hated by those who had heard calls but listened not rightly.

5- Act of the angels that preceded. 04:05

Then as those who had heard calls but listened not threw their stones and hatred at those who were the testimony of the kingdom of God, the skies were taken from the world.

And the whole world saw the truth of the skies that were not, and the whole world saw the truth of the heron's call. And none of those who were the testimony of the kingdom of God were hit by a single stone or taken by its hatred.

Then all the names written in the skies fell to the world and were worshipped no longer. And all the names already upon the world were worshipped no longer, neither world ruler was worshipped anylonger nor was the king of tyre worshipped anylonger.

6- Manifestation of the rightful King who is God. 04:30

And there was a silent thunder, felt by all. As the heavens now turned like the undoing of a lock and light engulfed the world as a waterfall engulfs the soil.

Many who were of the whitest tiles fell to their knees and called out 'i knew of you' and threw themselves down to the ground thereafter because they also knew they had spit on his work.

There were few of them whose tiles were so white and exalted that they gouched out their eyes and their tongues because they knew enough and held their knowledge in jealousy, and a fraction of them undid themselves of their posessions willingly in hopes to redeem themselves.

Then the silent thunder spoke clearly; "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways.. then i will hear from heaven,

and i will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

And so were all who had ears to hear brought to prayer.

7- Act of the rightful King who is God. 05:22

Then he showed all of the world his face, and all recogniced him as grown beside him, and in that every breath was his.

And every breath 'was.. his. And this became known in the world, and known even in those who were jealous so that they might come to prayer aswell. ..and many did.

His clothes were the waterfall of light, his throne the heavens itself. His voice was the silent thunder always felt. And his work was always at work in us.

And no deception of his work in us could ever again be percieved as anything but his work in us. And none wanted it to be percieved as anything but his work in us.

And the Kingdom of God was established.

8- Epilogue. 07:09

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Wow, you've come a long way since making music on the playstation back in 2009. This is really something.

Calamaistr responds:

I have quit making music for a while though, and atm am not making music anymore either, this was the last piece i was working on (or actually one more but cant bring myself to it atm) my entire life has been thrown upside down cause i can no longer go to my fitness nor my work which has been morphed into something completely unnatural by the unnecessary measures/tyranny of the state. (I worked events as mentor) tbh i have no idea what to do besides studying and roaming around sigh. Nice to see someone comment who still knows music for the playstation, thats so long ago. Thank you. -Cal/Dan

Credits & Info


5.00 / 5.00

Aug 20, 2020
9:18 AM EDT
File Info
23.8 MB
10 min 25 sec

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You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *
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*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.