Interesting touch with the overtone strings. I would probably pull down the reverb some, just to keep things clean for that bass coming in. Probably low cut to 250 hz on the sends so that through 55 seconds sounded cleaner.
As is, the combination of elements is sounding good so far up to 1:11. By 1:48 I'm expecting the drop you give us at 1:59.
Some mixing critique, sidechain isn't doing a lot to make your percussion stand out. The instruments themselves are muted, particularly hihat and snare. Before applying sidechain, I'd make sure the instruments themselves, hihat and snare, could compete with those big chords in the space. So you can either take the leads down -- I would recommend that to .7 dB or so. A lot of the lack of contour between sidechain and instrumental is that volume difference. Then I would compress and possibly gated reverb your snare, and bring up the hats about .3 to .6 dB.
Other than that, I really feel we could have used another drop, but the composition otherwise is a great listen.
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!