Hello mate. Good to know you are now making originals. Way to go !
There's some good ideas in here, but there's a lot to polish on the execution.
First thing I noticed it's the lack of a bass line, that's a must to include , specially if you want to keep your drum patterns simple. The main synth sound it's nice, but if that's you melody line I would recommend you a higher registry 1 octave up will work better. That will make it easier to distinguish between your melody and background synths.
I like your percussive synth backgrounds, those work nicely to make transitions while keeping rhythm. Watch your different instrument levels so every sound has it's place and none of them swallows any other. Panning will help if you need to have 2 different synths on the same plane. If you have a hard time doing so, some small frequency cuts will make your mixing a lot easier.
You are on the right way. Keep practicing and creating :)