Yo, alright. This was pretty fire. Overall enjoyed the song. Thought it was really welled mixed and sound choice was solid. But I'm here because you wanted criticism, so I'll do my best. My biggest complaint is that it's repetitive. It was just the same beat over and over with slight variations. I can barely hear a sub bass, which is nice. Don't want it too overpowering. But a droning bass synth that drops out behind the drums would have had to the depth a lot. Another thing I found kinda strange is when you suddenly switched to base E at :29. I was really digging that change, but then you went back to base B at :44 and never explored different keys. Because you only went into base E for 15 seconds, it felt entirely out of place. I'd suggest waiting to switch to E until about halfway through, then sticking with E for the rest of the song. Just to make it seem more deliberate. Alright, I got nothing else for you homie. Keep up the jams.