Yes, this is eBic. But I had a stroke trying to read the title
FL Studio 20
Yes, this is eBic. But I had a stroke trying to read the title
Hey fellow Canadian. Did you mess around with parameters or just slap on a preset? Nice wintery drones. Could work in an isolation-type horror game too.
But alas, I am not canadian! What a loss!
Messed around in Minisynth, this was originally apart of another song, but I couldn't salvage it and it ended up being its own thing. The tune itself's really bullshittingly simple. It's like baroque-era music but instead of trills it uses delay.
Minisynth is actually a really, really good VST to toy with. It can produce some great ambient junk in my personal opinion. Randomizing its parameters leads to some odd, harsh results, that can be easily reworked into a decent sound.
I believe most of the sound for it comes from the LFO, and the Filter itself. I'm in a godawful typing mood so here's some useless bullshit to go along with this information! A copious amount of context is probably needed regarding minisynth because there's a bunch of shiny turnable knobs for it so I'll try my best.
Please do keep in mind that I basically know nothing about music theory. I know I am typing way too much as a reply to a simple question so please don't kill me in my sleep.
If I can recall correctly, here's what I did to make it.
Randomized it (IIRC it originally turned into a harsh godawful mess of a saw wave.)
Transposed it to -10
Turned it into a 'Bell' waveform
Put the filter on (X-2, -Y1) X being Cutoff, Y being Resonance.
Explaination : MInisynth's filter's kinda weird. It has an XY Coordinate plane. Probably sounds stupid but most of the time, this kinda sound results from it.
Did some minor editing for the effects (Phaser's mixed very low, Chorus is mixed high, but it is really low on the modulation slide. There's alot of built-in delay, but it's low on the feedback / filter slide for it.)
Then I set the rate for the LFO 16 bars and the amount for it to -5~. It made the sound go real slow and kept it in the background, rather than the foreground.
I set the Keyboard and Velocity on 'Filter Tracking' to 14.1 and 27.0 respectively. Think of 'Keyboard' being a secondary attack knob for the filter. 'Velocity' radically messes with the filter in this case so I can't describe it.
Then I added an EQ to it, and added some external Delay and Reverb. All three of these being built-in FL 20 plugins.
There's probably some extra junk regarding the Filter Env (I think it's full word is Filter Envelope?) and the Osc Env, but that's generally how I got to this weird sound. I know you probably werent looking for the full barely-legible explanation that probably made no sense whatsoever but i have too much free time.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.