The world has ended, humanity has been whittled down to sparse communities living in underground bunkers situated beneath popular businesses. The surface world has become a distant memory. Beneath the family restaurant of FunBurger, however, a woman cheated out of the last burger on earth will discover that the surface still holds remnants of the old world.
Teens Just Want FunBurger is the first episode of an anthology series of radioplays about life after the end of the world. Each episode aims to explore life in the post-apocalypse while telling an engaging and bizarre story.
Mosaic of The Apocalypse is written, produced and recorded by a band of friends led by Mike Jesus Langer. We might be using Mike's girlfriends kitchen to record, but what we lack in resources we make up for in creativity.
Check out our previous project, Dinosaur Boy, a dark animated web-series about a crimefighting dinosaur:
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Check out Bookie Baker:
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.