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endK - Gotta Go Blast!


Author Comments

NGADM Round 2 (top 16) submission!

Eventhough this one's shorter than the previous ones I made during this contest - it took me much more time to make.

The idea was making music for Sonic vs Megaman encounter.

First part - Sonic ; Second part - Megaman

YT video for the song:

Hope you dig this one!


Social media:

►Youtube - https://youtube.com/user/endkashika/
►Soundcloud - http://soundcloud.com/endkashika/
►Newgrounds - http://endkmusic.newgrounds.com/
►Bandcamp - http://endk.bandcamp.com/
►Facebook - http://facebook.com/endKmusic/
►iTunes - http://goo.gl/tTkJWk
►Spotify - http://goo.gl/K9ptHW
►Google Play - http://goo.gl/y3ihgn

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Catchy beats and fun sound design as usual, EndK. I like the low slap bass at :14 and the synth brass melodies at :27. The piano fill at :38 was a nice touch, too. I think you could’ve potentially done more with the drums, but my main complaint in the piece is that it just doesn’t feel structurally complete. There’s a dense texture rife with killer melodies, energy, and funky syncopations during the first 52 seconds of the piece, and then the ‘B’ theme and its variations dominate the rest of the piece, giving the overarching structure an awkward AB arrangement that doesn’t really allow you to develop and expand on some of the strong melodic themes you introduced earlier in the piece. Maybe that seems like a bit of an over-specific complaint, but I think that’s a missed opportunity at the very least. Still, the mixing is really strong, the melodies and instruments are fantastic, and it’s easily a piece that’s stuck in my head. Solid work overall, EndK! I just wanted to hear a final refrain that hit this piece home. :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

endKmusic responds:

Your review is totally right if you're looking at this piece as a 'could-be-full-length-song'.
From that perspective it sure is, as you said, 'awkward AB arrangement'.
But as I said in the description, I tried to make trailer-like music for 2 opposite things.
There wasn't meant to be a wrap up, eventhough I could've done it (if I had more time / ideas / etc.)
As always, I'm really grateful for your detailed review!
It sure makes me wonder of how would it sound if it really was one unique full-length wrapped up idea.
Thanks TL! :)


endKmusic responds:

Thanks! :)

This needs to be on Spotify.
Amazing song.

endKmusic responds:

Will be in about two months. :)

Oooh this is nice! Definitely resembles the styles of the Sonic and Megaman franchises' OSTs, and does a damn good job at it too. Crisp mixing and clean design. Good luck with the contest!

endKmusic responds:

Much thanks for the kind words!
Thanks for stopping by. :)

Credits & Info

4.64 / 5.00

Sep 29, 2019
8:35 AM EDT
Video Game
File Info
4.2 MB
1 min 51 sec

Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes. *

*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.