Just finished this track, and I'm super happy with it. Best heard on headphones because sub-bass.
I'm not really sure what Genre this should fall under...
So how long has it been?
I'm counting down the days.
And where do we begin?
I'm thinking of the ways.
I can almost taste that kiss,
And the arms that I miss,
but it's just a ghost without you,
and I'm just this.
thinking of the things you said,
and the way you look at me.
Just comparing now and then,
looking up and trying hard to see.
What is this path at my feet?
I'm tripping up on charms,
Taking steps to be complete,
Oh, what I'd give for you in my arms.
But I don't have it figured out yet,
And I cling so I'll never forget.
Work in progress Making honest mistakes again.
Tell me something, am I jumping in the deep end
For you
Just for you
And I fall back into
Sheets twisted on my bed,
your scent still in the air.
Was it all just in my head?
Make it stop, this isn't fair.
(Chorus X2)
You may not use this work for any purposes.