This fucking way lol
I hope putting portamento onto a saw wave doesn't DQ me, I mean, why would it? That's RIDICULOUS.
PS this is not a real entry to the NGADM because it wouldn't be fair if I joined. I gotta let other people get a chance.
This fucking way lol
I feel as though you've done a great job here. I can tell that you've put a lot of hard work into this and it shows. Although this is a near-perfect submission, there is always room for criticism and improvement so I'll do my best to nit-pick. Either way, this is a 5-star submission and I expect to see you making it deep into the competition.
Mix: 4.875/5: Great work. Your use of EQ and compression is impressive but I feel like you could make use of some filter automation, especially in the bridge and pre-chorus to build into the drop. Also just check your levels because I can tell just from experience that this is sitting at around -15LUFS instead of -16LUFS.
Composition 4.9/5: Flawless in every respect. You're making use of a classic form, used by everyone from Mozart to The Beatles, and while it may come across as cliche to some, it is used because IT JUST WORKS. Great job here.
Timbre/Synths/Sound Design 5/5. The bass is epic. I'm guessing that you probably spent 50 out of the 60 hours chiseling that tone to perfection and your hard work shows. It is so fat and punchy and really drives the mix. The use of some "real" instruments also gives this a change from the usual "all-done-in-the-box" music you hear nowadays. The drums are compressed perfectly to tempo and get my head bobbing without even thinking about it.
Vocal performance 420/69: Do I really need to say anything? You're the next Shawn Mendez, kid. Don't forget us when you're performing at the Superbowl in 2023.
Keep it up. You're an inspiration to many of us here and it's a wonder you haven't broken into the main stream yet
This is a masterpiece. Unfortunately I think it violates copyright because the chord progression at the beginning has chords in it, which I have also used in some of my songs. Sorry!
I understand and respect your decision. I should have definitely considered being more original instead of using chords in my song.
Next time I'll avoid using chords and exclusively only use saw waves with portamento on them going up and down an octave every 1/2 note.
You may not use this work for any purposes.