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I made this quite a while ago when I was in between the dorms and the house I live in now. Brought my AX60, DW-8000 and Poly800 with me and made a little start to a project in between.

This one I think used a loop from the AX60 with a ramp-style envelope. I threw it in Edison and tried to loop it, but kinda screwed it up. So instead I got this kinda cool backwards-sounding pad. Then I just added my cheap squier p-bass through a crappy "tube" amp. Then a bunch of glitchy drums!

EDIT: ah ha! I knew I was forgetting something. The traffic sounds were actually field recordings from out my dorm window. Just pointed it down at the street and let it sit for like 20 minutes. I should see if I still have those recordings, I love street noise.

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Cool stuff

You made some good stuff here not just anything but you bring a nice sound some good vibes and some nice flavour with your own twists and turns not too hard but not soft either

This was a good tune not a short one either everything seems to synk right into the next tune element and you really know how to put it all together so for that alone i am pretty impressed with this piece and hope to check out even more.


This really goes places! I love the build. The flow. The everything about it. It's a wholesome venture from start to finish; somewhat hypnotic too. Pretty cool.


quantumdylan responds:

Thanks so much man, and I'm glad it came off as wholesome! I was in a bit of a down spot when I wrote this one and I kinda used it to feel just a little bit better.

Very interesting ambiance in the beginning didn't expect the song to go where it did! Love that bass. Love that dirty and gritty sound it has.

This may just be me but I get a very but the whole piece sounds like it could have been in Armored Core 4. Some sort of menu screen or a cut-scene. The track give me a feeling of urgency and importance. Especially that rising part just before the two minute mark.

I myself am working on more snythwave stuff, however this could be part of the OST for this Shoot 'em Up style game I had in mind. I had a mission report (score) screen in in my head while listening to it. Keep up the good work!

quantumdylan responds:

Thanks so much! Yeah, this whole song just kinda plodded along and totally changed as I messed around with more and more stuff :D

Glad you like it so much! <3

Credits & Info

4.39 / 5.00

Jul 26, 2019
12:48 AM EDT
File Info
5.3 MB
4 min 49 sec
  • Squier Precision Bass
  • K4r
  • AX60
  • FL Studio 10

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.