The fade-in at the beginning is pretty nice. There are generally more creative ways of introducing a piece, but here it’s pretty effective with the somewhat ominous mood. The sound design could be better, though. Your synths sound really simple, unpolished, and cheesy, despite the relatively good drum samples. The texture is also pretty thin, despite some good harmonic ideas like the chord progression at 1:03. The piece is catchy and has some cool rhythmic content, but there isn’t always a very strong sense of direction. The transition at 1:35 is pretty sudden, and otherwise the composition is pretty repetitive. Sometimes, the texture can also sound pretty atonal, like around 2:12. The strings at 2:23 were a good idea that help heighten the ominous mood, but you may have overdone it a bit with the clashing chords at 2:32. I think the composition here needs a little more shape and contrast in general. I wanted to see you strip away the drums and bass at some point and launch into a more melodic bridge or breakdown section. Mixing-wise, the piece sounds a bit strained during some of the busier sections (like 2:32), and overall the mix is pretty quiet. Some more compression and careful equalizing might help you out there. It also might help from a variety standpoint to switch up the drum beat more at some point. I liked the string solo at 3:43, though. There are definitely some good compositional ideas here, but the slow pacing and somewhat flat arrangement of the piece doesn’t help you get the most emotional impact out of your ideas. Overall, I like the atmosphere, rhythmic content, and mood, but I think some more effort is needed on the broader compositional concerns, instrumentation, and tonality. Keep at it, SleyGD! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score