I like the sense of climax at the beginning and the uplifting chord progression. The sharp claps during the first 25 seconds contrast with the overall relaxed vibe of the piece, but they fit well during the energetic parts later on. I like the melodies at :45, although I think the rhythm could’ve been a little more creative there. You might’ve needed a stronger transition into 1:15, but overall I like the progression. The burst of sound at 1:45 was a little unexpected, and that section sounds a tad over-compressed. Still, the production quality here is good. The melodies get a little repetitive by around 2.5 minutes in, and there are more sudden transitions in advance of the breakdown at 2:52. Still, the breakdown was good for some structural contrast, although the harmonic content in this piece is both repetitive and cliche. I wanted to see you use more gradual transitions, melodic development, and more creative ways of giving the piece variety. Overall, nice work with the melodies, mixing and mastering, and atmosphere. The composition is a bit bland (especially considering the lack of variety), and I also think there’s not a lot of originality in the arrangement, chord progression, and sound design. Those are my main complaints, but I also think you need to work on creating smoother transitions. All things considered, there are a lot of good ideas here. You just need to get more creative with some of the compositional elements. Keep at it, Telaris! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score