I like the heavy bass and drums, although the progression at the beginning is a tad bizarre. The rhythm is pretty square, although that improves slightly as the piece goes on. I like the ominous mood, and there are moments of atonality that heighten that vibe. The harmonies are in need of some variety after the first minute, and indeed :54 seems a bit more dynamic in that regard. A lot of the instruments you use here are pretty cheesy and inauthentic, from the string and woodwind samples to the classic EDM snare. I think the mix could be a lot cleaner, as it’s noticeable that the drums are fighting against the distortion in the bass range. I’d suggest using an equalizer to remove the bass frequencies (~200 Hertz and lower) in all your instruments except the bass, kick, and snare. That’ll help make the texture sound less muddy. I like the more dreamy section at 1:58. It makes for a nice, short breakdown, although the piece could’ve had a better sense of shape and structural contrast if you had played more with dynamics and phrasing in that section. Bringing back the strings for the final climax at 2:33 was a good idea, although this is another section where it’s really apparent that the mixing is messy in this track. The string harmonies, drums, and even bass are all fighting for attention because they share some of the same frequencies. You can fix that with mixing tools like filtering, panning, and stereo widening. I’d suggest you do some research on how to use those tools in whatever DAW you use. It might also make the mix sound cleaner if you eliminate some of the reverb in the texture. Overall, production quality is definitely my main concern here. The melodies, progression, and atmosphere are all fairly good. Honestly, clean mixing and polished sound design are the best indicators of popularity on Newgrounds in my experience. Improve those attributes, and you could have a top notch piece here, my friend. Keep at it, IndexatioN! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score