I like the rhythmic content and scattato nature of the synths. The drum beat is also pretty catchy. A lot of the synths are pretty cheesy and dry, though. I think it would’ve helped if you used some more reverb or something. The harmonies at :15 clash a bit, though, and I’m not sure you were going for an atonal harmonic framework in an otherwise blissful-sounding piece. The drop at :45 was pretty cool, although I think the drums could’ve been a little louder there. The transition at 1:15 was a little sudden, and the texture there is really minimal, just like the intro. In fact, there are a couple more abrupt transitions here too, like 1:29 and 2:03. The composition and arrangement of this piece seems a bit choppy at times. You oscillate between several different combinations of repetitive riffs, but the overarching composition doesn’t feel very dynamic or well-varied. I think you need to consolidate some of your ideas a bit while also focusing on creating a stronger harmonic paradigm for your piece. I’d suggest making a chord progression of 4-6 chords that sound good together, and then using only notes from those chords to create harmonic patterns to accompany them. Once you feel like you’ve written a piece that does that, feel free to PM me and I’ll leave you another review. Until then, the composition here feels a bit thrown-together, although I still like the catchy beats and atmosphere at the drops. Keep at it, DistortedVortex! :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score