Interesting intro. This mix is super low and low mid heavy. Treble is really subdued, bassline is super loud compared to the vocals -- at 1:06 this is particularly pronounced, as that lead in the low mid range is louder than even the percussion.
So, in order of loudness, I would set my track up drums, lead vocals slightly louder than bass, just enough to be heard nice and clear, and then auxiliary instruments.
So, you've got a great hook here, but I'm having problems hearing it clearly with those acidy vibes. Bring those drums up, bring those hihats out. Clean up your low end -- take 250 hz and below out of everything that isn't a bass, especially reverbs, and including the vocals -- but I would use a multiband compressor for that.
Lacking clarity on your vocal mixing. I'd like to hear more of your 5k to 10k. You can use a de-esser to eliminate any complications that might bring to the piece. Vocal mixing is definitely something to work on, particularly on that YEAH in the intro. It distorts pretty rough. That could be a recording issue.
But very cool and catchy idea. I like it.
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!