Nudes hmm? I don't know what y'all are talking about. :P The view from the top's pretty nice though. I'll just leave it at that.
Also @GoodL you really did the research with this one! Learned a lot in that first interview phrase. Appreciate that, and both these podcasts coming together like this... well this is just great. Chemistry's competitive but at least it ended peacefully! XD Good talk.
Interesting thoughts on the boundaries between creators and their work too. Personally I've seen so much shock content at this point that I'm not sure I feel any of this weighs as heavily as it should on me. It's been a long time since I watched anything that left a bad taste in my mouth, but then again I've never seen the Bill Cosby Show, or that iconic KKK movie, or (as far as I can recall) read Lovecraft's either. Maybe I've avoided work I would avoid if I knew more about their creators. Shock movies, exploitation-era movies and content made for the sole purpose of provoking though: partaken in plenty of that. But it's hard to take most of that seriously. Hmm.
If, for example, a white supremacist had been in charge of the Wolfenstein games, would it have made me not want to play them? I don't think so. One of the guys from the Columbine shooting actually designed a few DOOM levels, and I've played those. I don't condone his doings, but I don't feel like his work is linked to his deeds, or that me playing those levels in any way shows that I condone his actions either. People are curious by nature, and everything you consume broadens your perspective, good or no. Well in this case it's probably just plain curiosity. No real perspective gain there. The levels weren't that special either.
But I think I'm of the meaning that it's best to take part in as much questionable content as you can, by the worst possible people, as long as it doesn't benefit those people. If watching a particular movie pays royalties to a rapist then I can see a reason to avoid it. Otherwise it's all about broadening perspectives. Learning. Growing. Understanding. You'll never grow past yourself unless you see someone else's side of the picture. I don't think anyone is really inherently evil. It's mostly circumstance.
I definitely believe you can, and should, appreciate content regardless of the motive behind it too. Just be aware. That's all. People judge too easily these days, and fear repercussions of unfavorable views. If people could just speak up on all questionable topics than we could come to terms with them, solve our problems and move forward. Shunning certain groups or individuals won't make them go away; worst case they'll only be fueled even more by the lack of tolerance towards them.
To circle back to the podcast: it's a bit like y'all are doing right now. Getting over your differences and gathering together for this peace pipe session podcast. ;) Great to listen in. Great mix of info, casual convo, comedy, content, and thought-provoking questions too.