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B7 - The Bitch Is Back

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Heya everybody! It's been a little while since I dropped a track I can really say I'm proud of. But this right here? This is a biggun. I liked it so much I even put the old "B7" tag on the title, which I haven't done for a few years.

I wrote it for our podcast, the Tales of Nowhere, which is why it's 11 minutes long. I typically keep things relatively light and playful for the podcast, but for this piece I decided to go absolutely all-in on the metal. This is the NG edit before I make some changes to the song so it'll fit in context with the actual podcast.

As soon as I got a decent sounding orchestral plugin I knew I wanted to write a piece like this. Originally I just wanted to make a repetitive little 3-minute thing I could loop but things sort of just went out of control when I started incorporating a few riffs I had been playing around with.

Feel free to use this wherever if you'd like to. I might have wrote it specifically for the podcast but I still have mad love for NG where I first started posting.

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Instant slap in the face, screams DOOM all over the place.
Then there's always RETRO gamer that has to come along and say that they can hear other games in the melody...you know me, and know how I write my reviews... (malicious grin)

SO...I hear FF7 fight themes, doom, megaman, SUPRISINGLY!...Chrono Trigger, and a few other 8 bit games tossed in there, like say...castlevania…(takes out his whip) SUP!...?

I love this piece man, you are literally EVERYWHERE with it and that is JUST what this community needs, pieces to keep them wanting, yearning, needing, craving, and coming back to YOU and a buncha others for their slice of GLORIOUSNESS! I swear, more and more you push out stuff like this, I am certain you're gonna end up being signed bro...(4:50 - 5:02 - Bloody Malth theme from Ninja Gaiden! KNEW IT! lmao)...and trust me, I know a few people's in the "bizz" who can get you some air time and live play if you ever get the gonads to Step to the plate my friend! 6:00 - 6:29 -Stage 4-2 Ninja Gaiden AGAIN! LMAO!

Bro...Its either me, or its just you and the sheer creativity you have that make me HEAR these things...
You have and will maintain my respect and admiration good sir!

Definitely one of my favorite songs from you. This sounds like something straight from a DMC game or a high-octane hack and slash, and it's amazing to listen to. It's been 7 years I've been listening to your music and I don't regret it one bit. Hell, I'd even pay for a commission from you. Keep up the amazing work dude.

Boy is back.

This is something I would want to hear on the new DOOM game. Sick.

Wow, the flow and variation in this is great! Especially loving the synths together with the guitars, awesome sound. Nice work on this, you really went all out!

Burn7 responds:

I seriously can't believe you're still listening to my music. It's been almost 10 years dude, I feel like I should give you a fucking medal or something.

But sincerely, from the bottom of my heart... Thank you. You're one of the few people I truly look forward to hearing from when I post things.

You're the best and you deserve the best :)

this is a frickin good track :D i like how it switches between the genres. metalcorelike moshrythms, synth sounds like some darkwave stuff (f.e. @ 4:30), melodic parts, cool use of orchestral sound, streight rock riffs (5:50), no anoying repetition of uninteresting elements,...
...AND THE END! realy bangin it to the top.

Burn7 responds:

Thanks mate! I know it's suuuper long so a large part of the struggle here was to keep it dynamic and interesting, so it's real good to hear you think I succeeded there :D

Credits & Info

4.33 / 5.00

Apr 2, 2019
3:01 PM EDT
Heavy Metal
File Info
20.9 MB
11 min 27 sec

Licensing Terms

You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.