I like it when the lead is the electric guitar, especially when it does that slide at 0:35 and 1:17. The balancing feels kind of off, though. The accompanying electric guitar at the beginning of the loop is interesting, but it's super loud to the point where the lead is pushed to the background. The bells also sound slightly out of tune, like there's some odd parallel harmonies that don't quite fit in with the tone of the track. Are you using a Mega Man X soundfont? I have one and it's slightly out of tune with my other soundfonts and instruments, which is kind of annoying.
Anyways love the energy, especially in that aggressive percussion. I feel like replaying it too many times in a row would probably tire me out though, haha.
Edit: April 6
Okay so I finally listened to your revisions. The guitar could still be brought down a couple more notches, but it is a little better than before.
The harmonies at 0:11 still off in comparison to the original. You play them all as perfect fourths, whereas the actual harmonies are a minor third, a perfect fifth and a perfect fourth. In other words, that lower note in the harmony should be E, D and D, not D, E and D as it sounds like in your version.