Honestly it feels more like trance or DNB. My advice would be since you're getting back into more bass stuff, shoot for dnb/breakbeat/distro. I would use what you have now as part of the middle of the song. I think you should create a good intro. The key is to get a girl drumline down. Always start slow. The easiest thing to do is take the beat you got already but just space out the kick and the snare/clap So the hats can work in the groove. I would try to mix it up though through the song and let your creativity run wild. If you have a completely different idea that may seem almost separate from what you're trying to accomplish here, see if you can make it work. There really aren't any wrong answers in music. Do something that's unique. I think you have a good start it's just you need to build around it a little. Don't be afraid about length. It might seem like you've hit a wall but just open your mind to new things you would never think of and I'm sure you'll strike gold and everything will click one after the other! :) I find it sorta ironic you named it break through, because I think you're ready to have a break through with this song once you finish it 👍 again it's just a little advice and opinion. You can take it or leave it. Last time I have an honest opinion the guy got mad and voted 0 for half my songs xD I'm literally just trying to help because I know how it is when you start making something and you don't have any clue where it's going and you run things over and over through your head and nothing seems to work. Sometimes I just start new songs and if I wind up finishing that song I come back to it and all of a sudden something hits me. And again what you have here is good so far. Just challenging you to go the distance and make something GREAT out of it