I miss the days when metal vocals didn't have to be incoherent yelling to be "metal". Otherwise great but this is why I always shy away from non-instrumental metal anymore. This is a drag...
Some more vocal experiments on this mid-paced metal demo recorded for chipscompo.com's Free For All Comp. Rock on!
You can check out the full collection of 50 awesome entries here! https://www.chipscompo.com/compo/37
Instrumental version: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/784914
[NG Download]
I miss the days when metal vocals didn't have to be incoherent yelling to be "metal". Otherwise great but this is why I always shy away from non-instrumental metal anymore. This is a drag...
Sorry about that! Love classic metal as well but just can't sing! Will keep uploading instrumental edits too without vox in the way :)
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