Much compress. that meme dead yet? xD
But no, that's fine. Compress the heck out of this dubstep type stuff, because it's a core part of what this genre is all about.
One thing I think you could have focused on better is instrumentation - giving each instrument its own octave. I tried it and it made my stuff quite a bit better.
Also, about originality... don't worry about being "original." It will make your producer life easier if you don't worry about being original and just say to yourself, "Hey, let's do this thing that I heard ___ do!" Don't be afraid to steal ideas. It's not like they're copyrighted or anything, and if it sounds good, it is good... for stealing.
There was a quip I heard about originality, and it's that having an original idea means that you just don't know who you stole that idea from.
That being said, this still sounds pretty good! I really like the buildups, they sounded great! The drops were okay, but if you're going to have a rapid fire kind of bass, try to make the bass hits sound a bit more distinct from one another.
Good luck with your next one! :D