The intro provided a slightly Metroid-like feel, but I couldn't make out the phone call too well.
When the rhythm kicks in, it does sound quite tight.
Not sure what to make of the piano or the chords; they're fine as a sequence of four bars and do provide a sense of melancholy. I think, it works well with everything else in the background, but just felt a bit too spartan when repeated by itself.
2:20, I am glad you brought a bit of the intro.
2:30, you transitioned well, but maybe my taste is that there ought to be a halfway point, however short in time, between that absolute nothing and then everything coming in.
I have no complaints about the production; everything I pointed out was musicality, I guess.
The title does fit the mood of this piece quite well. It brings to mind someone who has either been snubbed, or fired from an important job, or abused, or in distress and calling the police, arriving at a crossroads, and that phone call bit was probably left ambiguous because you wanted to leave it to us...? It's a good mood piece, but a tad bit repetitive for me.