Final round submission (!!!) for NGUAC 2017, here goes nothing
How did this strange DnB-orchestral-rock hybrid end up with such a pretentious name, you ask? As I wrote the introduction (which, uncharacteristically, I actually didn't start with), I felt that the piece was developing both a sense of hope and doom, like "oh my god something awesome is going to happen" and "oh my god something terrible is about to kill us all," which may or may not have been me projecting my own emotions about the competition onto the track. Along with that, I felt my drop at the time was lacking power, but ultimately I decided that I liked the sort of semi-ambience it had that lent it a dreamy/astral quality, which fit in well with my aforementioned thoughts. With that and the idea of not-fully-developed but enormous power in mind, I thought of the name "Star Child." But that's not artsy enough, right? So a quick Google Translate run told me that a viable equivalent in French (the most aesthetic of languages, as everyone knows) would be "Astre Enfant," but that still wasn't satisfactorily obnoxious for me, so I messed with the capital letters and smashed the two halves together, and voilá: "astrEnfant."
So no giant story time for this one, but while I was writing I liked to picture a boy living in a small forest village, feeling on a deep emotional level but not yet *knowing* that his destiny lies up above. Maybe that resonates with you, maybe not, whatever floats your boat. I tried to have a more coherent structure and obvious main melody this round since those were the main criticisms last time from the judges (thanks to all of them by the way!).
Hope I do well and good luck to everyone else! Enjoy!
Stats and specs for NGUAC (just in case you want to see them):
Key: Em - Gm - Abm
BPM: 192
Time signature: 4/4 - 3/4 - 4/4
DAW: Logic Pro X
Plugins: The Grandeur, Massive, Kontakt 5 Factory Library, Session Strings Pro, Rise and Hit, Damage, Battery 4, and two free sound effects for the crows at the beginning: and
Feel free to tell me what you think of this piece in the reviews below, and if you enjoyed, consider following me for more content like this!
If you'd like to use this or any of my other tracks for non-Geometry Dash purposes, please PM me or email me at
I really love these Sounds from 0:22 - 0:37. Which Instrument is that or how are these Sounds called?
Great Song btw.
you will never stop right ?
sounds like an anime intro
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.