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Typical Liberal

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Heads up: I uploaded a newer version on 29 July so if you listened to the older version before that date, you might still hear it unless you clear your cache or listen to this in a private window.

Here is my piece for Round 2 of NGADM '17. I'm trying to get out of the habit of critiquing my own work in my comments to avoid preemptive judgment from others, so here it is and I hope you like it.

My competitor this round is @larrynachos who makes some really cool music, so check him out too!

HUGE thanks to Jordi, aka @etherealwinds for being so helpful and giving me opinions and advice and being a kind and lovely person to talk to. He's also still in the competition, so check out his music too.

Good luck to everyone for this round.

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I love the thematic content...wow. The emotional piano is great, and I commend you for addressing a controversial/political subject in the lyrics. The sound design is nice, between the smooth pulse of the guitar and the bright pads. The drums could’ve been a little louder, but that’s the only complaint I have mixing-wise. You also do a great job of adding structural contrast - 2:56 had a great relaxed vibe to contrast the old-school classy party vibe of the rest of the piece. You had me engaged the entire way, though. Fantastic concept and theme - sounds like Frank Sinatra meets Jimmy Fallon. Is there somewhere I can access the complete lyrics? The mood, atmosphere, and sound design really make this piece what it is, although I have little to complain about composition-wise either. Keep up the great work, McGorilla42! ;)


McGorilla42 responds:

Thank you for this, TaintedLogic. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I'll send you the lyrics in a PM :)

another excellent trax - a great switch up from your previous style, but the two could fit very nice on the same album =)

one feedbacks: i wish i heard the sighing 1:25 passage again.

McGorilla42 responds:

Thanks, John! I was back and forth on whether or not I should include that in the second verse and ultimately decided to leave it out to give it some more space, but maybe I should've left it. Funny that you brought it up because I thought about it a lot. Good luck this round! Next song will be even DIFFERENTER

I'm glad I don't have to face up against you yet lol. I'd like to know what all is recorded here, if you did it, and who else may have recorded with you. I'm assuming it's recorded and that's your voice, which btw is lovely. How do you go about making lyrics? Do you make them first before the music, or vice versa? Just curious.

Anyway sounds great. Love it

McGorilla42 responds:

Hey, Spadezer! :) Yeah, I played the piano and guitar and sang on the song and recorded and mixed it too (must still finish the mix and re-record some vocals eek). Thank you for the compliments on my voice because it is quite scary having people hearing your voice and lyrics!

I always write the music and the melodies first. I generally start on the guitar and find a progression I like and sing until something resonates, then I start recording and sort of zone out and wait 'til something else pops up that I like and repeat that process for a while until I have a vague idea of the whole song.

I guess you asked more specifically about the lyrics though! I actually write the lyrics dead last, which seems funny because you'd think that you'd want to have some sort of deep and meaningful idea in your head before putting any music down, but I don't like to write that way. It isn't the first time I've done it, but sometimes when I struggle to find a melody, I'll sing words on things I see lying around in my room - in this case, I had a bottle of water next to the desk that said "Typical Mineral Content". I started singing "typical mineral" and I liked the rhythm of it, so that's where that came from. I had an idea for the concept of the lyrics before they were all written, but yeah, changing "mineral" to "liberal" sparked the whole idea. Hearing people listening to your words is scary because they might think they're dumb/trite/too vulnerable (or maybe even good sometimes!)

tl;dr lyrics last & i did all the things

Thanks for the comment, Spadezer! :) And good luck in Round 2! :D

This song is really good! Good luck for this round!

McGorilla42 responds:

Thanks, Pomic! It still needs a bit of work but I want to give it some breathing room and return to it next week :)

Credits & Info


4.77 / 5.00

Jul 20, 2017
9:47 AM EDT
File Info
10.5 MB
4 min 36 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.